Not so many months ago the popular press was trumpeting the glories of the Arab Spring and how popular protests against the rulers of Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia would result in liberal democracies of the Western European type. So far it appears that the movement has resulted in a strengthening of conservative Muslim control over those nations.
In Egypt the Coptic Christians are in worse shape than they were during the reign of Mubarak. Murbarak, as authoritarian as he was, managed to protect the minority communities of Egypt from the hate and idiocy of conservative Muslims. In Libya the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to take control. In Tunisia, a nation that was, in culture at least, was friendly to the West having been a French colony, the M.B. waits for it's chance to strike and take control.
Recently in Egypt, in Cairo, in fact, there were protests against the military regime (who seem to be working at the behest of the M.B.), and it has been shown that the Muslim "respect" for women isn't worth much. In fact, the demand for "modesty" in women is not a big deal as long as one is beating them publicly. This writer is of no doubt that these protesters would have much preferred to have been pepper spray as the Occupiers in Santa Cruz (or was it UC Davis?) were. One recovers from a pepper spraying a lot faster than a beating by steel rods:
The brave women of the Middle East: Female protesters brutally beaten with metal poles as vicious soldiers drag girls through streets by their hair in day of shame | Mail Online
David Cameron has thrown the "defi" at Archbishop of Canterbury Rowen Williams and the Church of England in general. In a speech celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible he stated what the chin scratching crowd would like to deny: that Great Britain is a Christian nation. The King James Bible is the glue, that in a sense, holds the Anglo-sphere together. And it is Christianity that that spread the KJV to the world.
David Cameron: "We are a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so" The Tory Diary
The French often take the politically correct route, but as bar as the burkha goes, they have taken a stand that the U.S. should. There is nothing in the Koran about the burkha. The burkha is a national cultural artifact from the Middle East. If a person immigrates to a nation and does not want to become part of that nation they show not bother to unpack their grip. Just go the hell back home. And if you want to be a member of a primitive society despite being born into a modern society just go to the primitive society you so admire. Don't expect to have it both ways:
Burka ban. New French law forbids Islamic women from wearing full-face veils in public (but the only real protest was in London) | Mail Online
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Trump Trump
We here at the Manor are conservative, though we are loathe to call ourselves Republicans. We support the conservative candidate and will have no truck with any party machine.
Having said that, let it be known that this writer will not vote for ANY candidate, Republican, Democrat or whatever, who kisses Donald Trump's ring.
Donald Trump is nothing but a big blowhard and bully, a self promoting bankrupt, a man who thinks that his money buys him wisdom. He is, in a sense, the financial version of Alec Baldwin -- a bloviating anus that thinks it's a mind.
All politicians are whores. Some are call girls. Others are skid row kneelers. Any politician who does not denounce Trump, or at least ignore him, is nothing but a strawberry kneeling on broken glass in a gutter to make five bucks.
Having said that, let it be known that this writer will not vote for ANY candidate, Republican, Democrat or whatever, who kisses Donald Trump's ring.
Donald Trump is nothing but a big blowhard and bully, a self promoting bankrupt, a man who thinks that his money buys him wisdom. He is, in a sense, the financial version of Alec Baldwin -- a bloviating anus that thinks it's a mind.
All politicians are whores. Some are call girls. Others are skid row kneelers. Any politician who does not denounce Trump, or at least ignore him, is nothing but a strawberry kneeling on broken glass in a gutter to make five bucks.
Suck It Up, But Don't Be Afraid to Protest
This writer has long been of the opinion that certain groups are all too thin skinned. Examples of such groups are feminists. Muslims, blacks, evangelical Christians, Catholics, liberals and conservatives, among others.
We live, due to the rise of the psychiatric professional, in the age of the sensitive. Counsellors are called out to comfort children when a mountain lion has been killed near a school or when a bad man has been shot down by the police at a shopping mall. It is assumed that every living thing has a right to live despite the fact that that particular living thing undermines the society. The individual is important, but a bent individual is less important than the good of the polis.
The end result of all this nonsense is that people have become very thin skinned. They hurt and bruise easily. They take offense easily. They make it almost impossible to express one's opinion without being accused of being "hateful." Well, guess what. Some people do hate things and hate ideas. Some people hate some ideas and they hate some ideas. They see some things, some ideas and some people as dragging the nation down to the level of a Norway where the idea of nationhood is an embarrassment.
Your faithful correspondent is of the opinion that this thin skin attitude is partly due to the fact that most people do not perform manual or skilled labor. They sit in cubicles and they really do not deal with other people. Their dealings with other people are limited to company sponsored "sensitivity training". In other words, one is told that to call something wrong is wrong in itself.
Here's an article from the Tory party in Great Britain that is interesting:
Andrew Lilico: For a tolerant society to work, we all need thick enough skins Conservative Home Columnists
But that doesn't mean that one should allow one and one's beliefs to be kicked around by the art crowd. Modern art stands for nothing but the shocking and itself:
Catholics protest against 'blasphemous' play in Paris | World news | The Guardian
We live, due to the rise of the psychiatric professional, in the age of the sensitive. Counsellors are called out to comfort children when a mountain lion has been killed near a school or when a bad man has been shot down by the police at a shopping mall. It is assumed that every living thing has a right to live despite the fact that that particular living thing undermines the society. The individual is important, but a bent individual is less important than the good of the polis.
The end result of all this nonsense is that people have become very thin skinned. They hurt and bruise easily. They take offense easily. They make it almost impossible to express one's opinion without being accused of being "hateful." Well, guess what. Some people do hate things and hate ideas. Some people hate some ideas and they hate some ideas. They see some things, some ideas and some people as dragging the nation down to the level of a Norway where the idea of nationhood is an embarrassment.
Your faithful correspondent is of the opinion that this thin skin attitude is partly due to the fact that most people do not perform manual or skilled labor. They sit in cubicles and they really do not deal with other people. Their dealings with other people are limited to company sponsored "sensitivity training". In other words, one is told that to call something wrong is wrong in itself.
Here's an article from the Tory party in Great Britain that is interesting:
Andrew Lilico: For a tolerant society to work, we all need thick enough skins Conservative Home Columnists
But that doesn't mean that one should allow one and one's beliefs to be kicked around by the art crowd. Modern art stands for nothing but the shocking and itself:
Catholics protest against 'blasphemous' play in Paris | World news | The Guardian
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Some Links
The United States has spent lives, blood and money in an attempt to rid Afghanistan from the influences of fundamentalist Islam and the Talaban. Apparently our investment is not paying off very well:
AFGHANISTAN Afghan women victims of violence and abuse like under the Taliban - Asia News
Your faithful correspondent has often stated that the American civilization is now living on the interest of the investment that Christian-Americans made up until about two generations ago and that that interest is running out. In Great Britain it appears that it has run out and the heathens have taken over:
The National Secular Society doesn't get it: Christianity is integral to our national life – Telegraph Blogs
Britain: Islam In, Christianity Out :: Hudson New York
AFGHANISTAN Afghan women victims of violence and abuse like under the Taliban - Asia News
Your faithful correspondent has often stated that the American civilization is now living on the interest of the investment that Christian-Americans made up until about two generations ago and that that interest is running out. In Great Britain it appears that it has run out and the heathens have taken over:
The National Secular Society doesn't get it: Christianity is integral to our national life – Telegraph Blogs
Britain: Islam In, Christianity Out :: Hudson New York
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Links Galore!
While it is too early for those of us at the Manor to start pulling for presidential candidates, Michelle Bachman seems to have more sense than the rest of the field:
Gates of Vienna: Michele Bachmann on Pakistan
And a church seems to have realized that Sharia law is more of a danger to the US than the pols:
Anger, fear, determination permeate anti-Shariah conference at Madison church | The Tennessean |
Some people seem to think that Islam and its adherents are a "protected" species when it is, in fact, the gray squirrel displacing the red squirrel. The end result is a damn mess. This guy gets it:
Protecting Muslim honour at the price of freedom of speech: Bruce Crumley, Time and Charlie Hebdo – Telegraph Blogs
Usually, in India and especially the West Hindus are considered peaceful and non-confrontational. This dude proves that their is more to cow love than most sahibs realize:
INDIA VHP leader calls for decapitation of those who convert Hindus to Christianity - Asia News
We here at the Manor shop at Fresh and Easy which is owned by Tesco. The following does not do anything to insure our custom:
Tesco backs gay festival but drops support for Cancer Research charity event | Mail Online
Gates of Vienna: Michele Bachmann on Pakistan
And a church seems to have realized that Sharia law is more of a danger to the US than the pols:
Anger, fear, determination permeate anti-Shariah conference at Madison church | The Tennessean |
Some people seem to think that Islam and its adherents are a "protected" species when it is, in fact, the gray squirrel displacing the red squirrel. The end result is a damn mess. This guy gets it:
Protecting Muslim honour at the price of freedom of speech: Bruce Crumley, Time and Charlie Hebdo – Telegraph Blogs
Usually, in India and especially the West Hindus are considered peaceful and non-confrontational. This dude proves that their is more to cow love than most sahibs realize:
INDIA VHP leader calls for decapitation of those who convert Hindus to Christianity - Asia News
We here at the Manor shop at Fresh and Easy which is owned by Tesco. The following does not do anything to insure our custom:
Tesco backs gay festival but drops support for Cancer Research charity event | Mail Online
Holy Logic, Batman!
This from Frank Miller, the creator of the Dark Knight concept of the Batman:
ANARCHY | Frank Miller Ink
ANARCHY | Frank Miller Ink
Sunday, November 06, 2011
A Couple of Links
The offices of a French humor magazine were bombed a short while ago because the magazine decided to publish some material that the Orcs deigned to be offensive to the memory of the Pedophile. Unlike the Danes in the Mohammed cartoon controversy, the publishers and editors of the French magazine have decided that they will not be bent under the pressure of Islam.
Charlie Hebdo attack: No more excuses | Index on Censorship
A Norwegian writer and thinker has written something pointing out a few things that the Norwegian government (or most European governments) refuse to face, realize or understand.
Gates of Vienna: Time to Uphold Western Roots
Charlie Hebdo attack: No more excuses | Index on Censorship
A Norwegian writer and thinker has written something pointing out a few things that the Norwegian government (or most European governments) refuse to face, realize or understand.
Gates of Vienna: Time to Uphold Western Roots
Sunday, October 30, 2011
What a Dope!
We here at Bloody Nib Manor have suffered the residence of a cat for the past 12 or 13 years. This is not to say that the cat is "our" cat. The cat just lives on the grounds. The cat is a pretty little female tabby with a bobbed tail with some interesting habits. But the cat is, in reality, a feral cat. We made the mistake some years ago of feeding the cat and we can't get rid of it. If we do not feed it it sets up a yowl. And despite being fed by Lady Nib and this writer, the cat will not allow itself to even be touched. When a hand approaches it the cat hisses and strikes with claws.
This situation reminds your faithful correspondent of the unchecked immigration. A nation lets in what are, in effect, a feral people with no love for the host country, feeds and supports said immigrants and ends up with a group of people with no loyalty or appreciation for the host nation.
Take Great Britain, for example. Tony Blair, for some reason a loved Brit of both Clinton and Bush fans, decided to let the feral into Britain and the result has been not good. London has turned into Londonistan and Birmingham has turned into Birmingstan. And all the while the newcomers have been given favors tat are denied the native Limies.
But guess what? Blair defends his decision. Probably because he isn't living in the East End:
Tony Blair defends opening door to mass migration | Mail Online
This situation reminds your faithful correspondent of the unchecked immigration. A nation lets in what are, in effect, a feral people with no love for the host country, feeds and supports said immigrants and ends up with a group of people with no loyalty or appreciation for the host nation.
Take Great Britain, for example. Tony Blair, for some reason a loved Brit of both Clinton and Bush fans, decided to let the feral into Britain and the result has been not good. London has turned into Londonistan and Birmingham has turned into Birmingstan. And all the while the newcomers have been given favors tat are denied the native Limies.
But guess what? Blair defends his decision. Probably because he isn't living in the East End:
Tony Blair defends opening door to mass migration | Mail Online
Mitt Romney = Pancake
Be it known that we here at the Manor are not too crazy about anh of the Republican candidates for President. But we find Mitt Romney especially distasteful. Here's why:
Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir
Day by Day Cartoon by Chris Muir
The Last DJ? Pffffffft!
Those who have lived in the Los Angeles area between 1972 and the present day, if they listened to rock music on the FM band have probably heard of, and even listened to Jim Ladd on the radio. During his career he has worked at at least four radio stations, being fired from some and having one fold up and change formats.
This writer remembers Ladd best from his days at KMET (aka The Mighty MET), and this writer remembers him as being the most self-absorbed, self-congratulatory and most pretentious disc jockey on the air. He was one of those idiots who thought that music could save the world. Actually, to be more accurate, he was one of those knuckleheads who felt that rock and folk-rock and art-rock music could save the world when in fact said music was not able to save a good number of the musicians in the genre (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, John Bonham and on and on).
Ladd was clever with his choice of music and his play lists, but he was no better than most of the DJs at KMET or KLOS. In fact, your faithful correspondent would posit that Mary Turner, Rachel Donahue, Allen Burton and Pat Kelly were better than Ladd. There were, and are, better DJs on public radio (one of the best being Ian Whitcombe on his show about the history of popular music), but, for some reason or another, Ladd survived until a few days ago.
This survival has done nothing to make the man modest and has done nothing to promote rock music. The man long ago became a bit of a fossil. His playlist was stuck in the '70s and '80s and his mind set was stuck in the same period. And while some of the music from that time was good and entertaining, it was nothing really exceptional. It was music of its time. Listeners to Boss radio on the 1960s got a much later variety of music than did any listener of Ladd's show. But Boss radio was a product of a time before teenagers and young people still spent time with real adults and were exposed to singers ranging from Perry Como to Mungo Jerry. Ladd appealed to an audience stuck in amber-- fifty year old men still wearing Led Zeppelin t-shirts and grandmothers reminiscing about how high they got at the last Cheap Trick concert while telling their grandkids to just say no.
Ladd, although he will deny it, acts as if he invented free-form FM radio. He gives a nod to Tom Donahue, but does not realize that the AM station KLON had the same thing before Donahue hit the air. He likes to think of himself as the last DJ. But he forgets that the last passenger pigeon (a species that once was so numerous that when it migrated in the East and Midwest that its numbers hid the sun for hours) ended up in a zoo until it died and was later stuffed and exhibited in the Smithsonian.
Unlike the passenger pigeon, there will always be another free-form DJ somewhere in the US. Said DJ may not be playing Tom Petty and the Doors, but he will be playing something that appeals to his crowd whether the crowd be in Los Angeles or Bangor.
In fact, this writer posits that Ladd will find another gig. And as much as he is an irritant, that is probably a good thing. If nothing else it shows that for a few hours a station will not have an auto tune play set. It's just too bad that a more worthy person could not get the gig.
This writer remembers Ladd best from his days at KMET (aka The Mighty MET), and this writer remembers him as being the most self-absorbed, self-congratulatory and most pretentious disc jockey on the air. He was one of those idiots who thought that music could save the world. Actually, to be more accurate, he was one of those knuckleheads who felt that rock and folk-rock and art-rock music could save the world when in fact said music was not able to save a good number of the musicians in the genre (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, John Bonham and on and on).
Ladd was clever with his choice of music and his play lists, but he was no better than most of the DJs at KMET or KLOS. In fact, your faithful correspondent would posit that Mary Turner, Rachel Donahue, Allen Burton and Pat Kelly were better than Ladd. There were, and are, better DJs on public radio (one of the best being Ian Whitcombe on his show about the history of popular music), but, for some reason or another, Ladd survived until a few days ago.
This survival has done nothing to make the man modest and has done nothing to promote rock music. The man long ago became a bit of a fossil. His playlist was stuck in the '70s and '80s and his mind set was stuck in the same period. And while some of the music from that time was good and entertaining, it was nothing really exceptional. It was music of its time. Listeners to Boss radio on the 1960s got a much later variety of music than did any listener of Ladd's show. But Boss radio was a product of a time before teenagers and young people still spent time with real adults and were exposed to singers ranging from Perry Como to Mungo Jerry. Ladd appealed to an audience stuck in amber-- fifty year old men still wearing Led Zeppelin t-shirts and grandmothers reminiscing about how high they got at the last Cheap Trick concert while telling their grandkids to just say no.
Ladd, although he will deny it, acts as if he invented free-form FM radio. He gives a nod to Tom Donahue, but does not realize that the AM station KLON had the same thing before Donahue hit the air. He likes to think of himself as the last DJ. But he forgets that the last passenger pigeon (a species that once was so numerous that when it migrated in the East and Midwest that its numbers hid the sun for hours) ended up in a zoo until it died and was later stuffed and exhibited in the Smithsonian.
Unlike the passenger pigeon, there will always be another free-form DJ somewhere in the US. Said DJ may not be playing Tom Petty and the Doors, but he will be playing something that appeals to his crowd whether the crowd be in Los Angeles or Bangor.
In fact, this writer posits that Ladd will find another gig. And as much as he is an irritant, that is probably a good thing. If nothing else it shows that for a few hours a station will not have an auto tune play set. It's just too bad that a more worthy person could not get the gig.
You Have a Nice Little Business Here.
In the old movies about fighters against organized crime there was always scene in which an "enforcer" would walk into a barber shop, look around and then walk up to the barber and say something like, "You have a nice little business here. It would be too bad if anything happened to it. We can insure that nothing does if you co-operate. If you don't, something will."
Now-a-days the racket still goes on with the only change being that not only are the Mafia, the Black Hand, the Tongs and the White Fence pulling that gag, but "human rights" organizations are using it to get their way.
Two cases in point:
A seven-year-old boy in Colorado, who apparently is under the mistaken apprehension that he is a girl, has decided that he wants to join the Girl Scouts as a Brownie. When his mother applied for him to be a Brownie the local Girl Scout Council told her that the Girl Scouts is an organization for girls, not boys, and that no matter how much her boy feels that he is a girl he is, in fact, a boy. Therefore, her boy could not be a Girl Scout. The mother, being the modern easily offended type, instead of perhaps talking to her son about becoming a Boy Scout and actually behaving like a boy or looking into join the Campfire organization (which accepts both boys and girls), contacted the press to air her grievances and accomplished two things: revealing that her son is an oddity and the fact that she is raising her son as a daughter, and drawing the attention of the homosexual slat kickers. The result is that several lesbian/gay organizations complained about the lack of "inclusiveness" of the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts, being afraid of being called meanies did a quick about face and are welcoming the little fella with open arms. It remains to be seen whether the boy will wear the traditional Brownie dress and beanie.
In Washington, D.C. there is a university named Catholic University. Needless to say, it was founded by and for Catholics, but now accepts students from all backgrounds and religions. A bunch of Muslim students at the university are complaining that the university is too Catholic and they demand a change:
Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims? | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
So we have people who want to join a club because they like the club, but they want the club changed to their liking because the club isn't quite what they think it should be. They don't want to bother to start their own club because it's just too much trouble and there is too big a risk of failure. In other words, they behave like parasites feeding off of, and hoping to master the host. If such a thing were happening to your body you would not think twice about getting rid of the parasite, but for some reason when the same thing happens to the body politic nobody bats an eye.
Now-a-days the racket still goes on with the only change being that not only are the Mafia, the Black Hand, the Tongs and the White Fence pulling that gag, but "human rights" organizations are using it to get their way.
Two cases in point:
A seven-year-old boy in Colorado, who apparently is under the mistaken apprehension that he is a girl, has decided that he wants to join the Girl Scouts as a Brownie. When his mother applied for him to be a Brownie the local Girl Scout Council told her that the Girl Scouts is an organization for girls, not boys, and that no matter how much her boy feels that he is a girl he is, in fact, a boy. Therefore, her boy could not be a Girl Scout. The mother, being the modern easily offended type, instead of perhaps talking to her son about becoming a Boy Scout and actually behaving like a boy or looking into join the Campfire organization (which accepts both boys and girls), contacted the press to air her grievances and accomplished two things: revealing that her son is an oddity and the fact that she is raising her son as a daughter, and drawing the attention of the homosexual slat kickers. The result is that several lesbian/gay organizations complained about the lack of "inclusiveness" of the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts, being afraid of being called meanies did a quick about face and are welcoming the little fella with open arms. It remains to be seen whether the boy will wear the traditional Brownie dress and beanie.
In Washington, D.C. there is a university named Catholic University. Needless to say, it was founded by and for Catholics, but now accepts students from all backgrounds and religions. A bunch of Muslim students at the university are complaining that the university is too Catholic and they demand a change:
Do Crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights” of Muslims? | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
So we have people who want to join a club because they like the club, but they want the club changed to their liking because the club isn't quite what they think it should be. They don't want to bother to start their own club because it's just too much trouble and there is too big a risk of failure. In other words, they behave like parasites feeding off of, and hoping to master the host. If such a thing were happening to your body you would not think twice about getting rid of the parasite, but for some reason when the same thing happens to the body politic nobody bats an eye.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
What the Hell?
Mohammar Khadaffi (Kadaffi, Qadaffi or whatever) was killed this past week in Libya. The guy was, to put it simply, a rotten bastard. But he was no more a bigger bastard than any other Middle East or North African leader.
But when Qadaffi was killed this week there was a controversy about how and who killed him. Was he killed by a Libyan rebel? Was he killed by cross-fire? Was he killed by NATO cross-fire?
The United Nations has decided to investigate the death of Qadaffi and how he was killed. Apparently there are some people at Turtle Bay who worry about the method and manner in which a crazy dictator was killed.
Those people are removed from the real world. They live in a swank area of New York City. They never have faced true badness. To them the whole thing is academic. They've never gotten slapped in the face with a wet fish, let alone had an AK-47 shoved in their back.
The UN geeks have bought into the whole Soviet pushed idea of trials to judge and punish the bad instead of just killing the bad.
Those who have, through their history, have denied the rights of others really don't deserve any rights, especially by those who they have denied rights. There is such a thing as justified hate.
Having said that, this writer is of the opinion that the killing of Qadaffi and the overthrowing of Mubarack will not result in anything good. The old boss will be replaced by the new boss, and that boss will be waving a Koran while he squashes dissent.
But when Qadaffi was killed this week there was a controversy about how and who killed him. Was he killed by a Libyan rebel? Was he killed by cross-fire? Was he killed by NATO cross-fire?
The United Nations has decided to investigate the death of Qadaffi and how he was killed. Apparently there are some people at Turtle Bay who worry about the method and manner in which a crazy dictator was killed.
Those people are removed from the real world. They live in a swank area of New York City. They never have faced true badness. To them the whole thing is academic. They've never gotten slapped in the face with a wet fish, let alone had an AK-47 shoved in their back.
The UN geeks have bought into the whole Soviet pushed idea of trials to judge and punish the bad instead of just killing the bad.
Those who have, through their history, have denied the rights of others really don't deserve any rights, especially by those who they have denied rights. There is such a thing as justified hate.
Having said that, this writer is of the opinion that the killing of Qadaffi and the overthrowing of Mubarack will not result in anything good. The old boss will be replaced by the new boss, and that boss will be waving a Koran while he squashes dissent.
A Few Words on Words
As those in the know are aware, we here at Bloody Nib Manor are Christians of the conservative type. This is not to say that we are Christians of the modern American evangelical type. We do not appreciate bad rock and praise music during the church service or the happy, clappy stuff. We do not sit around and talk about the Left Behind novels. We do not spend our time standing on street corners passing out religious tracts. We are Christians of the John Bunyan type or the later Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones type.
One thing we absolutely do not do is read the modern versions of the Bible. We do not read the RSV, the NIV, the ESV, the NKJV, the Living Bible, the Good News Translation or any other translation written after 1611.
We will occasionally read the Tyndale translation or the 1599 Geneva translation in order to gain more understanding about certain passages, but the King James Version is our favored text.
We hold that the translators of the KJV, Tyndale and the translators of the Geneva Bible had a much more comfortable knowledge or Greek and Hebrew, and were much better educated men, than are the translators of the modern versions. Many of those men learned Greek and/or Hebrew in their childhoods, while almost all the translators of the modern versions learned those languages in college. Also, the earlier translators were immersed in religious and classical learning; they lived, in a sense, a bubble and ignored the wider world while the modern translators are of the world and seek to please the world so their work will be well-paid.
Also, the KJV reads much better than do the later versions. The KJV is majestic and yet simple. And, probably more than any other work the KJV made then modern English language (not the contemporary English language, which is an awful mess). Shakespeare comes a close second. If this writer were asked to suggest a text to use to teach the English language to a non-English speaker he would suggest the KJV. Aside from the "thees" and "thous", the text will teach a form of English much better than the average native English speaker uses.
But to get to the point, this year is the 400th anniversary of the KJV. Here is an Anglican priest (an evangelical) who appreciates the KJV for both it's teaching and its language. In the little video on the right side of the page he manages to make a rap type thing of over one hundred common sayings that are from the KJV that are still in use. And he does it all in less than 3 minutes:
The King's English
One thing we absolutely do not do is read the modern versions of the Bible. We do not read the RSV, the NIV, the ESV, the NKJV, the Living Bible, the Good News Translation or any other translation written after 1611.
We will occasionally read the Tyndale translation or the 1599 Geneva translation in order to gain more understanding about certain passages, but the King James Version is our favored text.
We hold that the translators of the KJV, Tyndale and the translators of the Geneva Bible had a much more comfortable knowledge or Greek and Hebrew, and were much better educated men, than are the translators of the modern versions. Many of those men learned Greek and/or Hebrew in their childhoods, while almost all the translators of the modern versions learned those languages in college. Also, the earlier translators were immersed in religious and classical learning; they lived, in a sense, a bubble and ignored the wider world while the modern translators are of the world and seek to please the world so their work will be well-paid.
Also, the KJV reads much better than do the later versions. The KJV is majestic and yet simple. And, probably more than any other work the KJV made then modern English language (not the contemporary English language, which is an awful mess). Shakespeare comes a close second. If this writer were asked to suggest a text to use to teach the English language to a non-English speaker he would suggest the KJV. Aside from the "thees" and "thous", the text will teach a form of English much better than the average native English speaker uses.
But to get to the point, this year is the 400th anniversary of the KJV. Here is an Anglican priest (an evangelical) who appreciates the KJV for both it's teaching and its language. In the little video on the right side of the page he manages to make a rap type thing of over one hundred common sayings that are from the KJV that are still in use. And he does it all in less than 3 minutes:
The King's English
Sunday, October 16, 2011
It's All Gone to Hell
By now only the most idiotic fellow traveler has not realized that Vladamir Putin is a neo-Stalinist and a Russian nationalist of the worst sort. He's not a friend of individual or religious freedom. He sees religion as an arm of the state in the same way that old Joe did, and those religions that hold to a God that is higher than the Russian state or Russian leader are traitors to the State. For that guy the State is all, and thus, the State is God.
Here's an example:
RUSSIA Permission to build a Catholic church in Pskov denied - Asia News
England, or at least London, has gone to Hell. It is no longer English. It is a multicultural amalgam that stands for nothing other than inclusiveness. And that means that a nation, or city, is no longer a nation or proper city. It means that it is a big mess:
The Islamization of London: A Photo Tour | FrontPage Magazine
As the almost divine Brigette Bardot said twenty some odd years ago, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when the prostitutes in a city are made up of Arabs and North Africans instead of honest French women.
Here's an example:
RUSSIA Permission to build a Catholic church in Pskov denied - Asia News
England, or at least London, has gone to Hell. It is no longer English. It is a multicultural amalgam that stands for nothing other than inclusiveness. And that means that a nation, or city, is no longer a nation or proper city. It means that it is a big mess:
The Islamization of London: A Photo Tour | FrontPage Magazine
As the almost divine Brigette Bardot said twenty some odd years ago, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when the prostitutes in a city are made up of Arabs and North Africans instead of honest French women.
The World Gone Out of Kilter
Well, this Occupy XXX still goes on and the press still wets itself thinking back to an imagined time in the '60s when the world could be saved by some pot addled twenty year old or the Arab Spring when it was cool to beat up on the Jews and Israelis.
Let us just face the facts. The Occupy "movement" is really nothing but a big bitch-fest. Every-damn-body with a bitch is showing up to pitch their bitch. It's not really a movement with any sense of purpose other than "I want more and you should pay for it." It's really a collective holding of breath until the spinach is replaced with Snickers bars.
The "movement" is so unfocussed that the American Nazis and the American Communists are showing up. And during the thing The One and Nancy Pelosi cater to the thing:
Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements (Updated) | The Gateway Pundit
Let us just face the facts. The Occupy "movement" is really nothing but a big bitch-fest. Every-damn-body with a bitch is showing up to pitch their bitch. It's not really a movement with any sense of purpose other than "I want more and you should pay for it." It's really a collective holding of breath until the spinach is replaced with Snickers bars.
The "movement" is so unfocussed that the American Nazis and the American Communists are showing up. And during the thing The One and Nancy Pelosi cater to the thing:
Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements (Updated) | The Gateway Pundit
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Occupy This!
This writer is considering organizing an Occupy Skid Row movement to be participated in by the working and middle classes. The goal is to clean out, by occupation, the drunks and druggies from Skid Row and drive them back to the railroad sidings where they used to hang out.
Your faithful writer is not familiar with cities other than Los Angeles, but in L.A. Skid Row spells from the old cathedral to J-Town (Little Tokyo) to Broadway. The result is that if one wants to go downtown to do some business, shopping, sight-seeing of old LA or museum going one has to trip over drunks and fend off Sterno drinkers and put up with the smell and squalor that the less restrained of us produce. Hell! One cannot even pick up a proper suit from Brooks Brothers without having it smelling like cheap muscatel by the time one gets to one's car.
Occupy Skid Row! Drive the drunks and druggies to the Salvation Army or the Union Rescue Mission. They know better than do the cities how to help those people than does the government.
Your faithful writer is not familiar with cities other than Los Angeles, but in L.A. Skid Row spells from the old cathedral to J-Town (Little Tokyo) to Broadway. The result is that if one wants to go downtown to do some business, shopping, sight-seeing of old LA or museum going one has to trip over drunks and fend off Sterno drinkers and put up with the smell and squalor that the less restrained of us produce. Hell! One cannot even pick up a proper suit from Brooks Brothers without having it smelling like cheap muscatel by the time one gets to one's car.
Occupy Skid Row! Drive the drunks and druggies to the Salvation Army or the Union Rescue Mission. They know better than do the cities how to help those people than does the government.
A Picture is Worth...
There is a theory in physics that posits that the presence of an observer influences the outcome of an action. In fact, the observer influences the action itself..
Now, this idea was come up with while dealing with sub-atomic particles.
But it has been held by some that the presence of an observer influences the actions of the actors (this meaning those performing the act and not that awful class of entertainers known as "actors"). In other words, if a person is about to key a car and sees someone watching him before the key is laid on the paint, that person will likely not key the car. On the other hand, if a person is angry for a reason, the presence of another person will turn the anger to outrage.
There is the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. This writer has held, at least since the invention of the modification of photographs, that a picture is really not worth not much.
Consider this:
The reader sees a photograph of a close up of a woman screaming. The question is, why is she screaming? Is she screaming from grief or terror? Is she screaming from pain? Or is she screaming because she's on a roller coaster? Because she's joyful because she just saw her sailor husband on the deck of a ship arriving home after a twelve month deployment in the Persian Gulf? Maybe she's not even screaming. Maybe she's laughing. Or perhaps she's screaming because she thinks that the photographer expects her to scream.
The photographic art in journalism is tricky. Free lancers have to sell photos, and they can't sell photos if they don't have interesting photos. And people with a bitch are more than willing to act out for a photographer than they would for the neighbors.
This photographer exposes the whole deal:
An Eye-Opening Look at How Many Conflict Photos Are Staged
Now, this idea was come up with while dealing with sub-atomic particles.
But it has been held by some that the presence of an observer influences the actions of the actors (this meaning those performing the act and not that awful class of entertainers known as "actors"). In other words, if a person is about to key a car and sees someone watching him before the key is laid on the paint, that person will likely not key the car. On the other hand, if a person is angry for a reason, the presence of another person will turn the anger to outrage.
There is the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. This writer has held, at least since the invention of the modification of photographs, that a picture is really not worth not much.
Consider this:
The reader sees a photograph of a close up of a woman screaming. The question is, why is she screaming? Is she screaming from grief or terror? Is she screaming from pain? Or is she screaming because she's on a roller coaster? Because she's joyful because she just saw her sailor husband on the deck of a ship arriving home after a twelve month deployment in the Persian Gulf? Maybe she's not even screaming. Maybe she's laughing. Or perhaps she's screaming because she thinks that the photographer expects her to scream.
The photographic art in journalism is tricky. Free lancers have to sell photos, and they can't sell photos if they don't have interesting photos. And people with a bitch are more than willing to act out for a photographer than they would for the neighbors.
This photographer exposes the whole deal:
An Eye-Opening Look at How Many Conflict Photos Are Staged
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Fergit it
There are weeks that one finds one self that one wishing that one were at sea on a merchant vessel or yacht where one would not be able to receive the latests news. This is one of those weeks.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
What the H---?
You sit around and worry about the state of your IRA or 401(k) whi8le this type of nonsense goes on:
Bosnian family earning over $121,000 on welfare in Ireland | Irish News | IrishCentral
Bosnian family earning over $121,000 on welfare in Ireland | Irish News | IrishCentral
Manners, Letters and Haircuts
We here at the Manor are rather old-fashioned in many way. Among those ways are manners (or etiquette), the writing of proper letters and proper haircuts. And while those who run around glorying in their rudeness to the supposed barista at Starbucks because said barista is a kid from Downey, California instead of a middle-aged man from Milano, Italia and thus deserves a good dissing because the kid is a posuer because he or she is not a real barista, we prefer to be polite to everyone, if possible. Proper manners and etiquette are really gifts that one gives to oneself that is reaped by others. Why go through life like a drunken German baron living in the Middle Ages (or even the late 19th century in Prussia) dealing with peasants when one can take the higher road and treat other people kindly while still being drunk.
Many years ago, when this writer was a bit of a rounder, he and his brother used to frequent topless bars on a monthly basis. That was back in the days before the dives were called "Gentlemen's Clubs." Your faithful correspondent and his brother were popular patrons at those establishments. And the reason was not because we were big tippers. We were average tippers. What we did was treat each dancer and waitress as a valued individual. We were very polite. We showed an interest in the person and not the body of each woman. We made it known that we were not looking for a quick lay. And the result was that we were considered odd in that we showed an interest and proper and formal attention toward each woman. One dancer even said, "We don't know what to make of you guys. You're so polite." And even though they didn't know what to make of us, they liked us because we treated them like people and not breasts.
The contemporary person in the US seems to have lost the art of writing a proper letter. By this your writer does not mean only a letter written on paper with an ink pen. The modern man and woman seems to have lost the talent to even write a proper e-mail based on the letter model.
Now-a-days e-mails are written in such a staccato style that they make the old Westren Union telegrams appear models of the literary art. It is troubling.
If the reader is of an age, the reader may remember waiting almost with bated breath waiting for a letter sent through the post for a letter from one's friend, pen-pal, uncle, aunt, granny, the movie star one had written a fan letter to, or the House of Humor and the sense of joy that one got when one actually held the envelope in one's hand. The letter could be saved in an old shoebox, be stuffed under a mattress to be read and re-read or torn up in anger. The Save and Delete deals on one's e-mail account do not have quite the same impact or physicality.
And the physical distance of the writer from paper in using the electronic forms of correspondence seem to have removed the writer from a form of expression that a pen and paper or typewriter offered. A letter on a CRT is not real. A letter printed out on a printer is not real. They are not real in the same way that a hand written or typewritten (and that means on a typewriter) are real. A handwritten or typed letter is a more physical expression of friendship, whether there are mis-spellings or typos. There is no spell or grammar check. There are blots and erasures and cross outs in real letters. The slowness of writing a real letter gives the writer a bit of time to think before he or she adds another word. The computer, because of its sense of speed and urgency, does not. Ask your self this question: How often have I re-read what I have written after I have written something in an e-mail. This writer would be willing to make a bet that it has not been very often. The editing has usually been limited to a spell-check.
Now, in fairness to the computer age, this writer does not blame e-mail for the death of proper letter writing. He does not even blame the telegraph or radio. This writer blames television. Television gives the viewer a sense of urgency unlike any other medium. One cannot really write a letter while watching whatever permutation of CSI in the same way that one could write a letter while listening to Fibber McGee.
But this writer also blames the school system. Children are no longer taught to write. They cannot write longhand and they cannot write a proper sentence. Writing is now being considered an option. The result will be the death of great letters and diaries and the promotion of texting talk and unthinking nonsense.
If you are a man do not go to a hairstylist to have your hair cut. Go to a proper barber with a red and white or red, white and blue barber pole outside the establishment. Hair stylists, especially women, have no idea about how to cut men's hair. A proper barber, man or woman. knows how to give a haircut. Stylists have no idea. If you walk into a haircutting place that has in the magazine rack copies of Vogue, People or Cosmopolitan instead of Field and Stream, Popular Mechanics or Hot Rod, run out. If you don't youo'll end up walking out looking like some sort of Muppet.
Many years ago, when this writer was a bit of a rounder, he and his brother used to frequent topless bars on a monthly basis. That was back in the days before the dives were called "Gentlemen's Clubs." Your faithful correspondent and his brother were popular patrons at those establishments. And the reason was not because we were big tippers. We were average tippers. What we did was treat each dancer and waitress as a valued individual. We were very polite. We showed an interest in the person and not the body of each woman. We made it known that we were not looking for a quick lay. And the result was that we were considered odd in that we showed an interest and proper and formal attention toward each woman. One dancer even said, "We don't know what to make of you guys. You're so polite." And even though they didn't know what to make of us, they liked us because we treated them like people and not breasts.
The contemporary person in the US seems to have lost the art of writing a proper letter. By this your writer does not mean only a letter written on paper with an ink pen. The modern man and woman seems to have lost the talent to even write a proper e-mail based on the letter model.
Now-a-days e-mails are written in such a staccato style that they make the old Westren Union telegrams appear models of the literary art. It is troubling.
If the reader is of an age, the reader may remember waiting almost with bated breath waiting for a letter sent through the post for a letter from one's friend, pen-pal, uncle, aunt, granny, the movie star one had written a fan letter to, or the House of Humor and the sense of joy that one got when one actually held the envelope in one's hand. The letter could be saved in an old shoebox, be stuffed under a mattress to be read and re-read or torn up in anger. The Save and Delete deals on one's e-mail account do not have quite the same impact or physicality.
And the physical distance of the writer from paper in using the electronic forms of correspondence seem to have removed the writer from a form of expression that a pen and paper or typewriter offered. A letter on a CRT is not real. A letter printed out on a printer is not real. They are not real in the same way that a hand written or typewritten (and that means on a typewriter) are real. A handwritten or typed letter is a more physical expression of friendship, whether there are mis-spellings or typos. There is no spell or grammar check. There are blots and erasures and cross outs in real letters. The slowness of writing a real letter gives the writer a bit of time to think before he or she adds another word. The computer, because of its sense of speed and urgency, does not. Ask your self this question: How often have I re-read what I have written after I have written something in an e-mail. This writer would be willing to make a bet that it has not been very often. The editing has usually been limited to a spell-check.
Now, in fairness to the computer age, this writer does not blame e-mail for the death of proper letter writing. He does not even blame the telegraph or radio. This writer blames television. Television gives the viewer a sense of urgency unlike any other medium. One cannot really write a letter while watching whatever permutation of CSI in the same way that one could write a letter while listening to Fibber McGee.
But this writer also blames the school system. Children are no longer taught to write. They cannot write longhand and they cannot write a proper sentence. Writing is now being considered an option. The result will be the death of great letters and diaries and the promotion of texting talk and unthinking nonsense.
If you are a man do not go to a hairstylist to have your hair cut. Go to a proper barber with a red and white or red, white and blue barber pole outside the establishment. Hair stylists, especially women, have no idea about how to cut men's hair. A proper barber, man or woman. knows how to give a haircut. Stylists have no idea. If you walk into a haircutting place that has in the magazine rack copies of Vogue, People or Cosmopolitan instead of Field and Stream, Popular Mechanics or Hot Rod, run out. If you don't youo'll end up walking out looking like some sort of Muppet.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Call this writer a liar or a breaker of promises, but your faithful correspondent cannot help but add these news items about our Islamic "friends."
The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany have decided to fold in a way that would make the French during World War 2 look strong. If one's church is willing to basically submit to another religion that can only mean that one's church really doesn't believe what it preaches:
Gates of Vienna: German Catholicism Welcomes the Barracks and the Bayonets
Become a Prostestent.
Muslims, based on the words of that 7th century pedophile, Muhammad, do not like dogs. In fact, they hate dogs. Their dislike of dogs shows that they are really not human. There is an old American Indian legend that when God split the world between humans and animals the dogs jumped across the gap to be with humans. In the New Testament the dogs who licked the wounds of Lazarus were doing him a service in taking away the corruption and adding the healing qualities of saliva. But Orcs don't know what is what:
Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes | FrontPage Magazine
This writer has always been of the opinion that Islam is really a homophile religion. It's hostility towards women is unlike that of any major religion in the world. Christianity has often been accused of being hostile towards women, but it must be remembered that the the first witnesses of the Empty Tomb were women, and one of them was, by tradition, a prostitute. Meanwhile, our Orc friends in Pakistan spend their time dancing dances that would embarrass the the most gay San Franciscan:
crazy chicken dance, 1 - YouTube
The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany have decided to fold in a way that would make the French during World War 2 look strong. If one's church is willing to basically submit to another religion that can only mean that one's church really doesn't believe what it preaches:
Gates of Vienna: German Catholicism Welcomes the Barracks and the Bayonets
Become a Prostestent.
Muslims, based on the words of that 7th century pedophile, Muhammad, do not like dogs. In fact, they hate dogs. Their dislike of dogs shows that they are really not human. There is an old American Indian legend that when God split the world between humans and animals the dogs jumped across the gap to be with humans. In the New Testament the dogs who licked the wounds of Lazarus were doing him a service in taking away the corruption and adding the healing qualities of saliva. But Orcs don't know what is what:
Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes | FrontPage Magazine
This writer has always been of the opinion that Islam is really a homophile religion. It's hostility towards women is unlike that of any major religion in the world. Christianity has often been accused of being hostile towards women, but it must be remembered that the the first witnesses of the Empty Tomb were women, and one of them was, by tradition, a prostitute. Meanwhile, our Orc friends in Pakistan spend their time dancing dances that would embarrass the the most gay San Franciscan:
crazy chicken dance, 1 - YouTube
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Links Round-Up
Today is the tenth anniversary of the attack by the Orcs on the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon, and a failed attempt to attack someplace in Washington, D.C.
Modern Americans, being what they are and at the tacit urging of the United States government have decided to use the anniversary to promote a sense of victim-hood instead of rage against the those who attacked us. The whole nonsense started about a day after the attack with liberal and politically correct asking themselves (and thus us, sense the pc never ask themselves questions without trying to make the non-pc feel guilty), "What did we do to offend our little Muslim brothers?" instead of expressing proper outrage and demanding blood and fire. They did not (and still do not) see the irony in the fact that September 11 was also the anniversary of the repelling from the gates of Vienna by Jan Sobeiski while the French king Louis XIV plotted against other Western European nations and played with his mistresses.
In addition to a quiet remembrance of the 9/11 attacks we should, as Westerners, celebrate the repelling of the Orcs by Sobieski and we should also celebrate the destruction of the Ottoman navy by Andrea Doria on October 7, 1571.
Referring to this writer's last post, this is a day to urge hate; hate against the evil that wants to subjugate the West. Do not wonder why evil desires harm to you. It is what evil does.
Three links follow. Two concerning (/11 protests by Orcs in London and one a consideration of Sarah Palin and her willingness to offend the Democrat and established Republican powers. In her opposition to welfare and corporate welfare she stands for us than the current crop of Republican presidential candidates come near to doing. » British Islamists Burn American Flag at 9/11 Protest
Gates of Vienna: 9-11 at the American Embassy in London
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Mama Grizzly Lays Down the Anti-Establishment Gauntlet
Modern Americans, being what they are and at the tacit urging of the United States government have decided to use the anniversary to promote a sense of victim-hood instead of rage against the those who attacked us. The whole nonsense started about a day after the attack with liberal and politically correct asking themselves (and thus us, sense the pc never ask themselves questions without trying to make the non-pc feel guilty), "What did we do to offend our little Muslim brothers?" instead of expressing proper outrage and demanding blood and fire. They did not (and still do not) see the irony in the fact that September 11 was also the anniversary of the repelling from the gates of Vienna by Jan Sobeiski while the French king Louis XIV plotted against other Western European nations and played with his mistresses.
In addition to a quiet remembrance of the 9/11 attacks we should, as Westerners, celebrate the repelling of the Orcs by Sobieski and we should also celebrate the destruction of the Ottoman navy by Andrea Doria on October 7, 1571.
Referring to this writer's last post, this is a day to urge hate; hate against the evil that wants to subjugate the West. Do not wonder why evil desires harm to you. It is what evil does.
Three links follow. Two concerning (/11 protests by Orcs in London and one a consideration of Sarah Palin and her willingness to offend the Democrat and established Republican powers. In her opposition to welfare and corporate welfare she stands for us than the current crop of Republican presidential candidates come near to doing. » British Islamists Burn American Flag at 9/11 Protest
Gates of Vienna: 9-11 at the American Embassy in London
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Mama Grizzly Lays Down the Anti-Establishment Gauntlet
Monday, September 05, 2011
What's the Deal?
During the past few months a good number of Republican pols have start parades to the White House. The number range from the barely conservative John Huntsman to the nutty uncle, Ron Paul. You've got Mitt Romney with his Ken Doll act and Rick Perry playing Woody from Toy Story.
Only the women (Michelle Bachman and not quite announced candidate Sarah Palin) seem to be going out on limbs in making statements that are really conservative. Don't mention Ron Paul as a conservative; he's a libertarian and corporatist of the worst sort.
Why is it that the women seem to have the testosterone that the the male candidates don't?
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway? « Hot Air
» Root Causes: In Iowa, Sarah Palin Lays Out a Governing Philosophy that Should Worry Both Sides of the Aisle - Big Government
Only the women (Michelle Bachman and not quite announced candidate Sarah Palin) seem to be going out on limbs in making statements that are really conservative. Don't mention Ron Paul as a conservative; he's a libertarian and corporatist of the worst sort.
Why is it that the women seem to have the testosterone that the the male candidates don't?
Bachmann: Why do we need a Department of Education, anyway? « Hot Air
» Root Causes: In Iowa, Sarah Palin Lays Out a Governing Philosophy that Should Worry Both Sides of the Aisle - Big Government
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Friends Don't Let Friends ...
Back during the last California election there was a Proposition on the ballot that advocated the outlawing of state recognized "gay marriages" in the state. The Prop. was called Prop. 8. The Prop. was passed by the voters and thus, for a while, there was no such thing as "gay marriage" in California that was recognized by state law. Needless to say, the Sodomite lobby pranced to the courts and managed to find a pink judge who over-threw the will of the voters because that it was state appellate courts do. The appellate courts are our are our wise men who know the will and desires of the citizen better than the citizens do. In other words, they are liberal missionaries who have deigned themselves the educators and non-elected legislators of what the old, honest Christian missionaries in Africa called "little brown babies." You are a little brown baby and we here at the Manor are little brown babies because we hold to a Judeo-Christian ethos that is, according to the Solons that govern us, is out of date.
During the election period under consideration there was a bumper sticker/poster/slogan that was clever and almost interesting: No to H8!. In other words, Prop 8 was considered an action of hate. Since that time those opposed to "gay marriage" have used the meme H8 as a shorthand to insult those who do not think that legally recognized "gay marriages" are such a good idea. They are called "H8ers."
Well here's the deal. Hate is not illegal. It is not always bad. You or this writer can hate anyone or anything we like without any fear of legal repercussion. You can hate the military, your faithful correspondent can hate politicians and gays can hate Christians to our hearts content. As long as you don't punch a sailor, this writer doesn't punch Dianne Feinstein and a RuPaul doesn't attack Greg Laurie with a high heel we're all cool.
In fact, sometime hate can be a good thing. God hates sin. Americans hated the Nazis and the Imperial Japan, Lincoln hated slavery, Andrea Doria hated the Turks. If those aspects of hate had not been present it is not unlikely that by now we'd all be speaking German, drinking ocha served by a slave of some sort just after dirtying our schnozzes on a prayer rug pointed to a God benighted desrt kingdom ruled by a bunch of hypocritical Arabs who play saints at home and screw Spanish whores while on vacation.
Now look here, dear reader. The whole H8 bit is a bunch of nonsense. If you don't like Sodomites marrying that's your business. There is a good and a bad. There is a moral and an immoral. There is a right and a wrong. If you don't agree with the nonsense that the popular media vomits out that is not reason to feel guilty. The popular media is populated by unthinking boobs who have been indoctrinated by over paid college professors who couldn't hold a job in the private sector if their lives depended upon it.
This political correctness nonsense is just nonsense perpetrated by a bunch of people who who really stand for nothing more than some sort of Kumbaya world. It like the Unitarians have taken over the media and the government. Unitarians are okay in their place; New England. But that stuff doesn't work in the rest of the U.S. despite the fact that the politicians and the courts have been trying to "educate" us for some years. We are the little brown babies. They are the Great White Father. The problem is that their father is not our Father.
This writer proposed a new bumper sticker/slogan: I Heart H8 ( the heart being represented by a heart graphic). There are things worth hating -- sin, evil and those who intend evil toward you.
Remember this: Hate is not always bad and love is not always good.
Friends don't let friends become polictically correct.
During the election period under consideration there was a bumper sticker/poster/slogan that was clever and almost interesting: No to H8!. In other words, Prop 8 was considered an action of hate. Since that time those opposed to "gay marriage" have used the meme H8 as a shorthand to insult those who do not think that legally recognized "gay marriages" are such a good idea. They are called "H8ers."
Well here's the deal. Hate is not illegal. It is not always bad. You or this writer can hate anyone or anything we like without any fear of legal repercussion. You can hate the military, your faithful correspondent can hate politicians and gays can hate Christians to our hearts content. As long as you don't punch a sailor, this writer doesn't punch Dianne Feinstein and a RuPaul doesn't attack Greg Laurie with a high heel we're all cool.
In fact, sometime hate can be a good thing. God hates sin. Americans hated the Nazis and the Imperial Japan, Lincoln hated slavery, Andrea Doria hated the Turks. If those aspects of hate had not been present it is not unlikely that by now we'd all be speaking German, drinking ocha served by a slave of some sort just after dirtying our schnozzes on a prayer rug pointed to a God benighted desrt kingdom ruled by a bunch of hypocritical Arabs who play saints at home and screw Spanish whores while on vacation.
Now look here, dear reader. The whole H8 bit is a bunch of nonsense. If you don't like Sodomites marrying that's your business. There is a good and a bad. There is a moral and an immoral. There is a right and a wrong. If you don't agree with the nonsense that the popular media vomits out that is not reason to feel guilty. The popular media is populated by unthinking boobs who have been indoctrinated by over paid college professors who couldn't hold a job in the private sector if their lives depended upon it.
This political correctness nonsense is just nonsense perpetrated by a bunch of people who who really stand for nothing more than some sort of Kumbaya world. It like the Unitarians have taken over the media and the government. Unitarians are okay in their place; New England. But that stuff doesn't work in the rest of the U.S. despite the fact that the politicians and the courts have been trying to "educate" us for some years. We are the little brown babies. They are the Great White Father. The problem is that their father is not our Father.
This writer proposed a new bumper sticker/slogan: I Heart H8 ( the heart being represented by a heart graphic). There are things worth hating -- sin, evil and those who intend evil toward you.
Remember this: Hate is not always bad and love is not always good.
Friends don't let friends become polictically correct.
Saturday, September 03, 2011
It Gets Stranger and Stranger
This week it was announced that Chaz Bono was going to be a contestant on the television show Dancing With the Stars.
We here at the Manor are not very television friendly, but we have heard of the program and know what it is all about. How can one listen to the radio, read the newspaper or the articles on the Internet and not hear about the show? It is as ubiquitous as American Idol.
This writer has a couple of questions about the announcement.
The first is why is Chaz Bono famous? S/he has done nothing to be famous. S/he is the only daughter of two famous parents, Sonny Bono and Cher, but s/he has done nothing but be a daughter/son who became a lesbian and later had plastic surgery and chemical treatments to appear to be a man. Her half-brother, Elijah Blue Allman is also the child of famous parents, Cher and Greg Allman, has pretty much disappeared despite the fact that he probably has more musical talent than his half-sister.
At one time a purported "trans-sexual" was news. Christine Jorgenson back in the 50's and 60's was big news. Christine Jorgenson was originally name George Jorgenson and he went to Sweden to have plastic surgery to make him appear a woman. It was big news then.
Nowadays one trips over a "trans-sexual" every time one goes to the local Wal-Mart. It's no news. "Trans-sexuals" are the modern version of the tattooed man at the carnival. They just have more money to pay for their stupid decisions. And the actual change physically in a "trans-sexual" is that when the person once squatted to pee is now standing to pee or vice-versa.
When a man to woman "trans" gets ovaries or a woman to man "trans" gets a prostate then you might have something close to a real "trans-sexual." the only creatures that have true sex changes are seahorses and snails. No mammals.
So Chaz Bono has to shave. A lot of women have to shave after they hit menopause. Hell, Kate Winslet has a pretty good growth of fuzz, and she's still a fairly young woman.
Is Chaz Bono on the show because of the "freak" factor? Or because s/he appeals to the queer crowd? S/he's got no discernible talent beyond that of shoving her mug in front of a camera.
Why is Dancing With the Stars so popular? It makes no sense. The entertainment value is less than that of the old dance line on Soul Train or the dancers on American Bandstand or Lawrence Welk. Dancing is something that one does (excepting "art dancing" such as ballet or "modern dance") in the same way that sex or tennis are things that one does instead of watches. And dancing is the most primitive of "arts" except for beating a skull with a femur. To quote Mr. Darcy from the novel Pride and Prejudice, "Any savage can dance."
Is that what we have descended to? Freak seeking savages?
We here at the Manor are not very television friendly, but we have heard of the program and know what it is all about. How can one listen to the radio, read the newspaper or the articles on the Internet and not hear about the show? It is as ubiquitous as American Idol.
This writer has a couple of questions about the announcement.
The first is why is Chaz Bono famous? S/he has done nothing to be famous. S/he is the only daughter of two famous parents, Sonny Bono and Cher, but s/he has done nothing but be a daughter/son who became a lesbian and later had plastic surgery and chemical treatments to appear to be a man. Her half-brother, Elijah Blue Allman is also the child of famous parents, Cher and Greg Allman, has pretty much disappeared despite the fact that he probably has more musical talent than his half-sister.
At one time a purported "trans-sexual" was news. Christine Jorgenson back in the 50's and 60's was big news. Christine Jorgenson was originally name George Jorgenson and he went to Sweden to have plastic surgery to make him appear a woman. It was big news then.
Nowadays one trips over a "trans-sexual" every time one goes to the local Wal-Mart. It's no news. "Trans-sexuals" are the modern version of the tattooed man at the carnival. They just have more money to pay for their stupid decisions. And the actual change physically in a "trans-sexual" is that when the person once squatted to pee is now standing to pee or vice-versa.
When a man to woman "trans" gets ovaries or a woman to man "trans" gets a prostate then you might have something close to a real "trans-sexual." the only creatures that have true sex changes are seahorses and snails. No mammals.
So Chaz Bono has to shave. A lot of women have to shave after they hit menopause. Hell, Kate Winslet has a pretty good growth of fuzz, and she's still a fairly young woman.
Is Chaz Bono on the show because of the "freak" factor? Or because s/he appeals to the queer crowd? S/he's got no discernible talent beyond that of shoving her mug in front of a camera.
Why is Dancing With the Stars so popular? It makes no sense. The entertainment value is less than that of the old dance line on Soul Train or the dancers on American Bandstand or Lawrence Welk. Dancing is something that one does (excepting "art dancing" such as ballet or "modern dance") in the same way that sex or tennis are things that one does instead of watches. And dancing is the most primitive of "arts" except for beating a skull with a femur. To quote Mr. Darcy from the novel Pride and Prejudice, "Any savage can dance."
Is that what we have descended to? Freak seeking savages?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
This writer recently re-signed up for a Facebook account. Having done so your faithful correspondent remembered why he quit the silly thing in the first place. Be it know that the only reason that yours signed up for the thing was to keep track of his favorite niece and to try to be the "cool" uncle. A waste of time. Do you really think that this writer cares about his niece's next cubicle occupant. She might, but the person is really a non person here at the Manor.
Facebook is a silly thing. It's all based on a false definition of friendship. After having signed up for the thing this writer looked through the list of "people you may know" and found that he actually knew about two percent (either in person or electronically) of the people listed. Some names were recognized, but some of them were columnists.
The idea behind Facebook seems to be "Be friends with the world." The whole idea is ridiculous. Do you REALLY want to buy the world a Coke? Most people have about a half dozen real friends and about three close friends. Other people known by name are acquaintances, not friends. If everydamnbody is your friend then you have no friends. A friend is a special person to YOU. If everyone is a special person to you you might as well crawl into a hole and cover yourself up because you'll never get any peace.
But, hey! If you want to be a Facebook friend of your faithful correspondent, feel free to ask. You'll get made a "friend" for sure. Just e-mail thos blog and the Facebook address will be sent to you.
Facebook is a silly thing. It's all based on a false definition of friendship. After having signed up for the thing this writer looked through the list of "people you may know" and found that he actually knew about two percent (either in person or electronically) of the people listed. Some names were recognized, but some of them were columnists.
The idea behind Facebook seems to be "Be friends with the world." The whole idea is ridiculous. Do you REALLY want to buy the world a Coke? Most people have about a half dozen real friends and about three close friends. Other people known by name are acquaintances, not friends. If everydamnbody is your friend then you have no friends. A friend is a special person to YOU. If everyone is a special person to you you might as well crawl into a hole and cover yourself up because you'll never get any peace.
But, hey! If you want to be a Facebook friend of your faithful correspondent, feel free to ask. You'll get made a "friend" for sure. Just e-mail thos blog and the Facebook address will be sent to you.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Some Times the Truth Hurts (the Guilty)
Every time this writer thinks it might be a good time to make this blog a little more upbeat the real world comes along and slaps your faithful correspondent in the mug with a wet mackerel.
When Bob Wills, the great Western swing band leader and song writer was a young boy in Oklahoma his mother went out into the backyard and found young Master Wills on his knees repeatedly tossing a pair of pebbles from his hand and shouting. She asked him what in the world he was doing, and he answered that he was not quite sure but, "that's what the niggers in town do." In other words, he was copying the playing of street craps that he had seen Negroes play in town. His mother was quite upset and told him never to do such a thing again. She was not so much upset that her dear boy was playing at gambling as she was that he was pretending to be a black boy.
For let's say one hundred and twenty years American black culture has leeched into the greater American culture; blues, jazz, clothing, rap and hip-hip as well as certain types of rock music. And most of those influences have been of the lowest sort from, during their initial phases, were considered low culture by blacks themselves. The result of this influence is a bunch of white kids (so pale as to defy description) From Maine to San Diego to Anchorage playing "gangsta" wearing "hoodies" and flashing bogus gang signs on their photographs on their Facebook pages. It's all silly and despairing. It's a sign that, if not urged to rise, a generation will descend. It's easier to sink than swim, and, culturally, can be a lot more fun. It all has to do with the great urge downward.
The recent riots in London and Birmingham and other parts of Great Britain make one think of the irreducible element of rascality that lodges in the human breast. This is not to say that being black means that one is a rascal. Rather it means that some cultures trying to raise themselves as a whole while others don't. Maintaining a civil society is hard work. Being a a thug is easy. The sin nature is strong in man. And if a civil society (as well as church or synagogue or temple) does not fight against the sin nature of man in the name of political correctness, their is no hope for that society.
A British historian has caused a bit of a brouhaha by his statements regarding the riots. The chin scratching class has gone kooky, while the common sense faction has agreed with his statements.
David Starkey claims 'the whites have become black' | UK news | The Guardian
David Starkey says Enoch Powell was right with infamous 'rivers of blood' speech | Mail Online
Just because an opinion is unpopular does not mean that it is wrong.
When Bob Wills, the great Western swing band leader and song writer was a young boy in Oklahoma his mother went out into the backyard and found young Master Wills on his knees repeatedly tossing a pair of pebbles from his hand and shouting. She asked him what in the world he was doing, and he answered that he was not quite sure but, "that's what the niggers in town do." In other words, he was copying the playing of street craps that he had seen Negroes play in town. His mother was quite upset and told him never to do such a thing again. She was not so much upset that her dear boy was playing at gambling as she was that he was pretending to be a black boy.
For let's say one hundred and twenty years American black culture has leeched into the greater American culture; blues, jazz, clothing, rap and hip-hip as well as certain types of rock music. And most of those influences have been of the lowest sort from, during their initial phases, were considered low culture by blacks themselves. The result of this influence is a bunch of white kids (so pale as to defy description) From Maine to San Diego to Anchorage playing "gangsta" wearing "hoodies" and flashing bogus gang signs on their photographs on their Facebook pages. It's all silly and despairing. It's a sign that, if not urged to rise, a generation will descend. It's easier to sink than swim, and, culturally, can be a lot more fun. It all has to do with the great urge downward.
The recent riots in London and Birmingham and other parts of Great Britain make one think of the irreducible element of rascality that lodges in the human breast. This is not to say that being black means that one is a rascal. Rather it means that some cultures trying to raise themselves as a whole while others don't. Maintaining a civil society is hard work. Being a a thug is easy. The sin nature is strong in man. And if a civil society (as well as church or synagogue or temple) does not fight against the sin nature of man in the name of political correctness, their is no hope for that society.
A British historian has caused a bit of a brouhaha by his statements regarding the riots. The chin scratching class has gone kooky, while the common sense faction has agreed with his statements.
David Starkey claims 'the whites have become black' | UK news | The Guardian
David Starkey says Enoch Powell was right with infamous 'rivers of blood' speech | Mail Online
Just because an opinion is unpopular does not mean that it is wrong.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
We've Become Awfully Soft
This past weekend thirty some odd Americans, some of them Navy Seals, lost their lives during an action in Afghanistan. All the Americans, were killed while riding in a Chinook helicopter after an action against the Taliban. The educated guess is that the kill shot was via RPG. In fact, some of those in the know say that it was a lucky shot.
Needless to say, we here at the Manor mourn the loss of lives of the National Guard pilots, the Air Force combat directors and the Navy Seals.
The various news organizations have claimed that the incident is the greatest loss of American lives in Afghanistan and are wringing their hands over the incident. They hold the opinion that the loss of life should result in a withdrawal from Afghanistan and that the incident is the worst loss of life in American history.
Let's face the true facts. This incident, while tragic for the families and the comrades, is, historically negligible. The daily loss of American soldiers during the Civil War was much higher. The daily loss of Americans during World War One was higher. The loss of soldiers during the Tawara, Saipan or D-Day landings were all about ten times higher.
War is a bad thing and men die. It seems that the news organizations now think that only the enemy die. But the enemy gets to shoot back. That means that some of our men will die. But the strange thing is that when our guys kill the bad guys we are supposed to feel guilty. How can a warrior win?
The way the Afghan War is waged is all bulls**t. The press wants a clean war like that of 500 BC Greece (no civilians involved). But those days are long gone. The enemy uses civilians as cover and has done so since before World War One.
Modern warfare, in the American and NATO style, has prevented the killing of civilians supporting the enemy. Be it known that the supporters of enemy fighters are really part of the enemy.
But the news orgs seem to think that the West, and especially the Americans, fight with one and a half hands tied behind their backs. The Taliban and Al--Queda can kill innocent men, women and children with impunity while the West is expect to hold to the Marquess of Queensbury rules.
It's all a one way street with the popular media. Any death is bad. In fact, death is bad, which it is. But one has to ask CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC what is the cost of defending the Western and Christian world? Apparently nothing. The Taliban for that crowd of clowns, equals evangelical Christians and Al-Queda seems to equal the Roman Catholic Church.
An interesting thing is that some news talkers have actually asked the question, " Are the Navy Seals receiving grief counseling so they can grieve for their comrades?" The answer4 is that the Seals, Air Force men and Soldiers have grief counselling. It's called a bullet for the enemy.
We are at a low level war. A war that politicians are not willing to invest their children, but a good and just war nonetheless. As is usual, the upper classes call for war to be fought by the middle and working classes while they save their dear ones to rule in the future. It's all pretty crappy. But life IS pretty crappy. Just remember, at voting time, that one should hold one's representative responsible and ask the question as to whether or not the representative has made a blood investment. If he or she hasn't, f**k 'em.
Needless to say, we here at the Manor mourn the loss of lives of the National Guard pilots, the Air Force combat directors and the Navy Seals.
The various news organizations have claimed that the incident is the greatest loss of American lives in Afghanistan and are wringing their hands over the incident. They hold the opinion that the loss of life should result in a withdrawal from Afghanistan and that the incident is the worst loss of life in American history.
Let's face the true facts. This incident, while tragic for the families and the comrades, is, historically negligible. The daily loss of American soldiers during the Civil War was much higher. The daily loss of Americans during World War One was higher. The loss of soldiers during the Tawara, Saipan or D-Day landings were all about ten times higher.
War is a bad thing and men die. It seems that the news organizations now think that only the enemy die. But the enemy gets to shoot back. That means that some of our men will die. But the strange thing is that when our guys kill the bad guys we are supposed to feel guilty. How can a warrior win?
The way the Afghan War is waged is all bulls**t. The press wants a clean war like that of 500 BC Greece (no civilians involved). But those days are long gone. The enemy uses civilians as cover and has done so since before World War One.
Modern warfare, in the American and NATO style, has prevented the killing of civilians supporting the enemy. Be it known that the supporters of enemy fighters are really part of the enemy.
But the news orgs seem to think that the West, and especially the Americans, fight with one and a half hands tied behind their backs. The Taliban and Al--Queda can kill innocent men, women and children with impunity while the West is expect to hold to the Marquess of Queensbury rules.
It's all a one way street with the popular media. Any death is bad. In fact, death is bad, which it is. But one has to ask CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC what is the cost of defending the Western and Christian world? Apparently nothing. The Taliban for that crowd of clowns, equals evangelical Christians and Al-Queda seems to equal the Roman Catholic Church.
An interesting thing is that some news talkers have actually asked the question, " Are the Navy Seals receiving grief counseling so they can grieve for their comrades?" The answer4 is that the Seals, Air Force men and Soldiers have grief counselling. It's called a bullet for the enemy.
We are at a low level war. A war that politicians are not willing to invest their children, but a good and just war nonetheless. As is usual, the upper classes call for war to be fought by the middle and working classes while they save their dear ones to rule in the future. It's all pretty crappy. But life IS pretty crappy. Just remember, at voting time, that one should hold one's representative responsible and ask the question as to whether or not the representative has made a blood investment. If he or she hasn't, f**k 'em.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Men in Hats
Due to the various oddities of Blogger the correspondent is unable to add a photograph of a hat or a man in a hat. So this writer asks the reader to use his or her imagination.
It is the middle of summer and it is time for a man to wear a light colored and light constructed hat. Not a baseball cap worn sideways, backwards, or frontward. Not a skater's "beanie", which is, in reality, a truncated navy watch cap, not a rasta toque whether made of cotton or hemp. It is time for a proper straw hat with a proper brim.
There are two choices: the Panama or the boater. The boater is the lesser choice simply because they are harder to find, and the fact that the modern wearer of a boater may find himself embarrassed by comments by idiots on the street that the wearer is an escapee from a barbershop quartet. But, of course, the modern man cares little for the trend of the times. The modern man wants to present himself as a man and a gentleman in a society of children and barbarians.
Having said that, your faithful correspondent would suggest that the modern gentleman not willing to wear a proper boater or skimmer wear a Panama hat of some sort. The cost of the hats varies greatly - from $300 for a handmade hat from Ecuador to $10 hat made of a paper product from China. The point is to have a cool hat that looks sharp and to have a hat that looks like a man's hat.
Get a freakin' hat for the summer and save yourself from the sun.
It is the middle of summer and it is time for a man to wear a light colored and light constructed hat. Not a baseball cap worn sideways, backwards, or frontward. Not a skater's "beanie", which is, in reality, a truncated navy watch cap, not a rasta toque whether made of cotton or hemp. It is time for a proper straw hat with a proper brim.
There are two choices: the Panama or the boater. The boater is the lesser choice simply because they are harder to find, and the fact that the modern wearer of a boater may find himself embarrassed by comments by idiots on the street that the wearer is an escapee from a barbershop quartet. But, of course, the modern man cares little for the trend of the times. The modern man wants to present himself as a man and a gentleman in a society of children and barbarians.
Having said that, your faithful correspondent would suggest that the modern gentleman not willing to wear a proper boater or skimmer wear a Panama hat of some sort. The cost of the hats varies greatly - from $300 for a handmade hat from Ecuador to $10 hat made of a paper product from China. The point is to have a cool hat that looks sharp and to have a hat that looks like a man's hat.
Get a freakin' hat for the summer and save yourself from the sun.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
What Do They Have In Common?
There are sometimes people who have outlived their own perceived influence or importance. This is not necessarily a matter of the person aging and holding to old ideas or philosophies, but more the matter of holding to old stupid ideas or philosophies or denying that they ever held those ideas. Prime examples would be Timothy Leary and his idea that LSD was a great thing for the general populace as a way to get to "enlightenment" or Jimmy Carter who denies to this day that he is responsible for the current rotten government of Iran or that Fidel Castro is a rat bastard.
Recently two women who came to fame in the '60s and '70s are making fools of themselves and showing their absolute lack of awareness of how times have changed or opinions have not changed.
Firstly, let us look at Jane Fonda. Miss Fonda, whose best cinematic work was contained in two movies -- Cat Ballou and Barbarella (based on a comic strip that was based on the almost divine Brigette Bardot) -- is one of those people who is always re-inventing herself because she seems to not know who she really is. She was a sex kitten, she was a leftist political activist, she was an exercise guru, she was a Christian woman, she was a feminist, she now is an exercise guru aiming at seniors. Many of her various permutations seem to be based on the man with whom she is living at the time; Roger Vadim equals sex kitten, Tom Hayden equals political activist, Ted Turner equals jumping jack (or is it jumping Jill?). Once divorced from the mouth of the South she declared herself a Christian of the liberal sort, and when that didn't get her the proper attention she wanted she went back to the exercise bit because, let us admit it, she is in pretty good shape for an old broad.
Dear Jane is now pushing some product or another and planned to push the thing on QVC. Let us keep in mind that during the '60s. '70s and early '80s that Janie would have gotten no closer to QVC than she would have gotten to a nuclear power plant. Now that, fame-wise she's a was and not an is, she wants to push her thing on cable.
The trouble for her is that people have long memories and they remember that during the Vietnam War she campaigned, actively in favor of the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong. This writer remembers the time and the scandal that she caused and the embarrassment she caused her father. Janie made radio broadcasts a'la Tokyo Rose to the U.S. troops, the difference being that Tokyo Rose was forced to make the broadcasts while Miss Fonda did so with enthusiasm. The result is that QVC, after a good number of written protests from viewers about Janie's appearance, cancelled the appearance of Hanoi Jane.
Jane's reaction? Denial. She did nothing to harm the American troops fighting in Vietnam. In fact, she was leading the charge waving Old Glory while fending off bullets from the Cong with her metal cufflets like Wonder Woman.
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Jane Fonda Blames Canceled QVC Appearance on the ‘Right Wing’
If our dear Jane had had any sense in her noggin she would have taken the BB route: love animals, love her nation and fear unrestricted immigration by the uncivilized.
Secondly, we have Erica Jong. For those who are old enough to remember, Miss Jon wrote a book (a novel) called Fear of Flying. The premise of the book was that "free love" i.e., unrestricted sexual activity, was a good thing for women. In other words, being a slut allowed women to find themselves and empower themselves.
Be it known now that feminism was the best thing that good happen to men. It meant that women, when they weren't busy wondering of they were carpet munchers, would bed with any guy who asked. Even the Romans, who among the upper classes were unbound libertines, the women as much as the men, didn't advocate the Jongian philosophy. They at least had the sense of decency to be hypocrites ("hypocrisy equals the duty that vice pays to virtue"), while the Jongian woman is really nothing but a sort of nymphomaniac without the psychological pathology. He reward is not even that of the cheapest crack whore. She'll give a guy a leg over in order to "discover her power" while Beulah on the corner of Fifth and Main, does the same for 10 bucks. The result? Beluah has ten dollars. The Jongian woman feels "empowered."
Well, Miss Jong has out lived her time in the '70s and '80s. The girl children of the Erica philosophy have finally figured out that sometimes tradition, instead of being a restrictive and anti-female mode of oppression of women, can be a tradition for a reason; that it works better, and is better, for the self and society than is the new thing. But Madame Jong denies that she is wrong. She's rather her own daughter behave like the slut that she was
Today's women are rejecting promiscuity for monogamy and motherhood | Mail Online
It makes one wonder.
Recently two women who came to fame in the '60s and '70s are making fools of themselves and showing their absolute lack of awareness of how times have changed or opinions have not changed.
Firstly, let us look at Jane Fonda. Miss Fonda, whose best cinematic work was contained in two movies -- Cat Ballou and Barbarella (based on a comic strip that was based on the almost divine Brigette Bardot) -- is one of those people who is always re-inventing herself because she seems to not know who she really is. She was a sex kitten, she was a leftist political activist, she was an exercise guru, she was a Christian woman, she was a feminist, she now is an exercise guru aiming at seniors. Many of her various permutations seem to be based on the man with whom she is living at the time; Roger Vadim equals sex kitten, Tom Hayden equals political activist, Ted Turner equals jumping jack (or is it jumping Jill?). Once divorced from the mouth of the South she declared herself a Christian of the liberal sort, and when that didn't get her the proper attention she wanted she went back to the exercise bit because, let us admit it, she is in pretty good shape for an old broad.
Dear Jane is now pushing some product or another and planned to push the thing on QVC. Let us keep in mind that during the '60s. '70s and early '80s that Janie would have gotten no closer to QVC than she would have gotten to a nuclear power plant. Now that, fame-wise she's a was and not an is, she wants to push her thing on cable.
The trouble for her is that people have long memories and they remember that during the Vietnam War she campaigned, actively in favor of the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong. This writer remembers the time and the scandal that she caused and the embarrassment she caused her father. Janie made radio broadcasts a'la Tokyo Rose to the U.S. troops, the difference being that Tokyo Rose was forced to make the broadcasts while Miss Fonda did so with enthusiasm. The result is that QVC, after a good number of written protests from viewers about Janie's appearance, cancelled the appearance of Hanoi Jane.
Jane's reaction? Denial. She did nothing to harm the American troops fighting in Vietnam. In fact, she was leading the charge waving Old Glory while fending off bullets from the Cong with her metal cufflets like Wonder Woman.
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Jane Fonda Blames Canceled QVC Appearance on the ‘Right Wing’
If our dear Jane had had any sense in her noggin she would have taken the BB route: love animals, love her nation and fear unrestricted immigration by the uncivilized.
Secondly, we have Erica Jong. For those who are old enough to remember, Miss Jon wrote a book (a novel) called Fear of Flying. The premise of the book was that "free love" i.e., unrestricted sexual activity, was a good thing for women. In other words, being a slut allowed women to find themselves and empower themselves.
Be it known now that feminism was the best thing that good happen to men. It meant that women, when they weren't busy wondering of they were carpet munchers, would bed with any guy who asked. Even the Romans, who among the upper classes were unbound libertines, the women as much as the men, didn't advocate the Jongian philosophy. They at least had the sense of decency to be hypocrites ("hypocrisy equals the duty that vice pays to virtue"), while the Jongian woman is really nothing but a sort of nymphomaniac without the psychological pathology. He reward is not even that of the cheapest crack whore. She'll give a guy a leg over in order to "discover her power" while Beulah on the corner of Fifth and Main, does the same for 10 bucks. The result? Beluah has ten dollars. The Jongian woman feels "empowered."
Well, Miss Jong has out lived her time in the '70s and '80s. The girl children of the Erica philosophy have finally figured out that sometimes tradition, instead of being a restrictive and anti-female mode of oppression of women, can be a tradition for a reason; that it works better, and is better, for the self and society than is the new thing. But Madame Jong denies that she is wrong. She's rather her own daughter behave like the slut that she was
Today's women are rejecting promiscuity for monogamy and motherhood | Mail Online
It makes one wonder.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I Can't Reed!
Be it known that this writer does not have a college education. He has a high school education and he served an apprenticeship in a trade. The lovely Lady Nib has a college education in art, but she has the sense to ignore all the social nonsense that the university added to a training in painting and drawing.
This being said, your faithful correspondent has always been a big reader of novels ranging from Lester Dent to Shakespeare and Joyce (a truly rotten writer despite what the Micks may say). In high school we were expected to be able to read sophisticate and adult (not "adult") literature.
Now it seems that the average high school student cannot read a non-abridged version of one of Fitzgerald's novels.
Gatsby without greatness - Roger Ebert's Journal
Let's face it, Roger Ebert is an elitist butthead, but a blind squirrel is right occasionally.
This being said, your faithful correspondent has always been a big reader of novels ranging from Lester Dent to Shakespeare and Joyce (a truly rotten writer despite what the Micks may say). In high school we were expected to be able to read sophisticate and adult (not "adult") literature.
Now it seems that the average high school student cannot read a non-abridged version of one of Fitzgerald's novels.
Gatsby without greatness - Roger Ebert's Journal
Let's face it, Roger Ebert is an elitist butthead, but a blind squirrel is right occasionally.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Da News
We here at the Manor have the unfortunate honor of being served by two newspapers. One is the Long Beach Press-Telegram, which is good for local news. The other is the Los Angeles Times which covers national and international news than it does local news.
This writer started reading the Times when the Herald-Examiner went belly up despite the fact that the Her-Ex was a better paper. It was more of a newspaper than the Times in that it actually reported the news in a fairly objective manner. The Times, since the late 1960s, has been a forum for the opinions of the "reporters."
In fact, if one listens to the various Times reporters and journalists and one were to take them seriously, one would think that the Times is the most objective news organ in the Southland. But those name scribes mostly live west of the L.A. City Hall. They do not live in East L.A., they do not live in the South Bay or South Central. They do not live in the southeast county. And worst of all, they seem to be all the products of journalism schools from whatever college or university.
Newspaper reporters like to portray themselves as "cynical" despite the fact that they are the biggest suckers in town. They will accept the story that a welfare mother has been wronged at a public housing facility before they will investigate that said welfare mother has raised a couple or three gang bangers and that she has a big screen television and she has her nails done by a Thai immigrant.
Let's face the facts. The journalism game has always been dirty. Back in the day reporters were high school grads who could write. Those guys were always out for a scoop, even to the extent of ruining a murder investigation like the Elizabeth Short murder in 1947. But the old timers were looking for a story. They weren't looking to change society
The modern reporter, having been infected by the university, is trying to change the world. The welfare mother is a victim instead of a lazy bitch and the bum is a victim of societal neglect instead of a bad drunk who'd rather be drunk than work.
Speaking for those at the Manor, we'd much prefer the old type newspaper man than the modern journalist. At least that guy, while trying to get a scoop, was pretty honest, straight forward and clear-eyed. He saw a bastard as a bastard, not as a poor thing.
This writer started reading the Times when the Herald-Examiner went belly up despite the fact that the Her-Ex was a better paper. It was more of a newspaper than the Times in that it actually reported the news in a fairly objective manner. The Times, since the late 1960s, has been a forum for the opinions of the "reporters."
In fact, if one listens to the various Times reporters and journalists and one were to take them seriously, one would think that the Times is the most objective news organ in the Southland. But those name scribes mostly live west of the L.A. City Hall. They do not live in East L.A., they do not live in the South Bay or South Central. They do not live in the southeast county. And worst of all, they seem to be all the products of journalism schools from whatever college or university.
Newspaper reporters like to portray themselves as "cynical" despite the fact that they are the biggest suckers in town. They will accept the story that a welfare mother has been wronged at a public housing facility before they will investigate that said welfare mother has raised a couple or three gang bangers and that she has a big screen television and she has her nails done by a Thai immigrant.
Let's face the facts. The journalism game has always been dirty. Back in the day reporters were high school grads who could write. Those guys were always out for a scoop, even to the extent of ruining a murder investigation like the Elizabeth Short murder in 1947. But the old timers were looking for a story. They weren't looking to change society
The modern reporter, having been infected by the university, is trying to change the world. The welfare mother is a victim instead of a lazy bitch and the bum is a victim of societal neglect instead of a bad drunk who'd rather be drunk than work.
Speaking for those at the Manor, we'd much prefer the old type newspaper man than the modern journalist. At least that guy, while trying to get a scoop, was pretty honest, straight forward and clear-eyed. He saw a bastard as a bastard, not as a poor thing.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Technical Issues
Technical issues have prevented the author of this blog from posting this blog via typewritten scans. Your faithful writer apologizes for this, and hopes that by next week the reader will be reading properly typewritten posts instead of formed electrons.
Consider these issues.
1.) NATO and the US are bombing Libya for some reason. If we here at the Manor understand the explanation properly, the excuse has something to do with human rights and the fact that Qadaffi is an awful dictator and all-around bad guy. We here at the Manor do not doubt that Qadaffi is a complete butt and butt-head. But one has to ask one's self if he is any worse than the government of the People's Republic of China. Mr. Qadaffi, as far as this writer is aware, has never arrested or persecuted the citizens if Libya for religious reasons. In fact, considering that he has in the past proclaimed himself a devout Orc, he has given Christians a pretty free reign (the citizens of Libya, on the other hand, have not). The Chi-Coms, on the other hand, have not been loath to pound down on Christians outside the Three-Self Church, members of the Falun Gong and Muslims. This writer has heard no demands for actions against China in reactions to Chinese persecution.
Analysis: Libya is weak and has a bunch of oil used in Europe. China is strong and will have no oil until they start to steal it from Vietnam and the Philippines.
2.) The One has announced that the US will be withdrawing 10,000 troops from Afghanistan by late 2012 and there will be a pretty much complete withdrawal by 2014.
There's nothing like telling the enemy what you will do. The stupidest chess tyro knows that. If The One had been president during the Civil War he'd probably still be a slave.
Consider these issues.
1.) NATO and the US are bombing Libya for some reason. If we here at the Manor understand the explanation properly, the excuse has something to do with human rights and the fact that Qadaffi is an awful dictator and all-around bad guy. We here at the Manor do not doubt that Qadaffi is a complete butt and butt-head. But one has to ask one's self if he is any worse than the government of the People's Republic of China. Mr. Qadaffi, as far as this writer is aware, has never arrested or persecuted the citizens if Libya for religious reasons. In fact, considering that he has in the past proclaimed himself a devout Orc, he has given Christians a pretty free reign (the citizens of Libya, on the other hand, have not). The Chi-Coms, on the other hand, have not been loath to pound down on Christians outside the Three-Self Church, members of the Falun Gong and Muslims. This writer has heard no demands for actions against China in reactions to Chinese persecution.
Analysis: Libya is weak and has a bunch of oil used in Europe. China is strong and will have no oil until they start to steal it from Vietnam and the Philippines.
2.) The One has announced that the US will be withdrawing 10,000 troops from Afghanistan by late 2012 and there will be a pretty much complete withdrawal by 2014.
There's nothing like telling the enemy what you will do. The stupidest chess tyro knows that. If The One had been president during the Civil War he'd probably still be a slave.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Links. No Tlog
This writer is still attempting to work out the niceties of scanners (oh, for the steam powered age), so this Tlog is a blog.
Two items of interest:
Gates of Vienna: Camp of the Saints: How Many Infidels?
Germany has too many housewives, EU warns - The Local
One has to ask oneself two questions concerning the above:
1.) Do the problems of other nations require the aid of other nations to their own detriment?
2.) Why should Germany, or any other European nation pay any attention to the wishes, opinions or suggestions of the European Union? The EU is an artificial construct based in a joke of a nation.
Two items of interest:
Gates of Vienna: Camp of the Saints: How Many Infidels?
Germany has too many housewives, EU warns - The Local
One has to ask oneself two questions concerning the above:
1.) Do the problems of other nations require the aid of other nations to their own detriment?
2.) Why should Germany, or any other European nation pay any attention to the wishes, opinions or suggestions of the European Union? The EU is an artificial construct based in a joke of a nation.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
So Long Blog, Hello Tlog
As those in the know are well aware, we here at Nib Manor are considered old-fashioned. The reason is because it's true.
In the spirit of Ludditeism, starting tomorrow this blog will, for the most part, become a tlog. A blog is a blog in which actual typewritten pages are scanned and uploaded to the blog. More misspellings and more typos, but more human.
In the spirit of Ludditeism, starting tomorrow this blog will, for the most part, become a tlog. A blog is a blog in which actual typewritten pages are scanned and uploaded to the blog. More misspellings and more typos, but more human.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
While we here at the Manor are capitalist, we are not modern or extreme capitalists. By this the writer means that a company or bank should expect a FAIR return for its investment and not an excessive return for its investment or perceived investment. Banks are especially guilty of being, and perceived as being greedy entities by their customers. Here is an example of someone getting their own against the Bank of America:
Gates of Vienna: News Feed 20110604
The writer of this blog has for several years urged the reader to read the novel The Camp of the Saints. The novel is coming true in slow motion:
Gates of Vienna: Camp of the Saints: Rediscovering Sovereignty
Please note that added to the links on the right side of this page has been added a link to Professor Martin Rice's Typewriter Blog. If you want some intelligent insight, check it out.
Johnstown Type Writer Conservatory, Johnstown Typewriter Conservatory
And finally, the rap chickens have come home to roost:
Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event « CBS Miami
Gates of Vienna: News Feed 20110604
The writer of this blog has for several years urged the reader to read the novel The Camp of the Saints. The novel is coming true in slow motion:
Gates of Vienna: Camp of the Saints: Rediscovering Sovereignty
Please note that added to the links on the right side of this page has been added a link to Professor Martin Rice's Typewriter Blog. If you want some intelligent insight, check it out.
Johnstown Type Writer Conservatory, Johnstown Typewriter Conservatory
And finally, the rap chickens have come home to roost:
Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event « CBS Miami
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Drop The Dot!
In the English language there are a group of punctuation points that have been used for more than four hundred years. Among these forms of punctuation is the mark known as the period. The period looks like and is written like this: . The period is a small solid circular mark made at the lower portion of a sentence. It usually means that the sentence has come to an end.
For more years than this writer cares to recall the period has been called a "dot" by computer users. An example would be "Yahoo. com" pronounced Yahoo dot com.
There is no punctuation mark called "dot." The proper name of the mark is "period."
The mother tongue has undergone an awful assault over the past forty years. Is there any reason that the basics of punctuation should suffer the same?
For more years than this writer cares to recall the period has been called a "dot" by computer users. An example would be "Yahoo. com" pronounced Yahoo dot com.
There is no punctuation mark called "dot." The proper name of the mark is "period."
The mother tongue has undergone an awful assault over the past forty years. Is there any reason that the basics of punctuation should suffer the same?
Read and Remember
For those of this writer's readers who did not feel like typing in the address referred to in yesterday's post, here is a link to the recommended article:
Gates of Vienna: Why Is This Not Treason?
Gates of Vienna: Why Is This Not Treason?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Read, Regard and Remember
Ask yourself this question: why would anyone who immigrated to a free nation want to bring the nation from which they "escaped" want to bring the mores and morals to their new nation?
Pro Baseball? Chuck It!
We here at the Manor have long (much longer than we'd care to admit) been fans of Major League Baseball. Our teams were the California (now called the Los Angeles) Angels, the Boston Red Sox and the Saint Louis Cardinals.
But be it known, that while we may still occasionally watch a pro ball game, we have had it with the pro game.
The reason is simple.
The pro players make too much money and the game has been ruined.
Now realize that we at the Manor are capitalists (though poor capitalists). We believe that a man or woman should be payed an honest wage for his or her work. The problem with pro baseball (and pro hockey, basketball and football as well) is that the players do not get paid for their work. They get paid on the promised results of their work. A player may have a great year and be played at the lower wage. A player may have a crappy year and be paid a superstar wage.
Ask yourself this: would my boss pay me the highest wage in the trade if I was a screw-up?
More importantly, baseball, more than any other sport, and in it's various permutations such as softball, is the American peoples' game. It's a game that the parents of children pay to have their children play in leagues, a game that kids play on the streets with tennis balls or red rubber balls, it's a game that adults play with wiffleballs.
Why should you pay to watch a game the you played for free as a kid. It's like paying to watch an adult build something with Legos.
If you want to watch baseball play baseball or softball or wiffleball.
Don't pay some guy who can't read a spreadsheet or build a house to do it for you.
But be it known, that while we may still occasionally watch a pro ball game, we have had it with the pro game.
The reason is simple.
The pro players make too much money and the game has been ruined.
Now realize that we at the Manor are capitalists (though poor capitalists). We believe that a man or woman should be payed an honest wage for his or her work. The problem with pro baseball (and pro hockey, basketball and football as well) is that the players do not get paid for their work. They get paid on the promised results of their work. A player may have a great year and be played at the lower wage. A player may have a crappy year and be paid a superstar wage.
Ask yourself this: would my boss pay me the highest wage in the trade if I was a screw-up?
More importantly, baseball, more than any other sport, and in it's various permutations such as softball, is the American peoples' game. It's a game that the parents of children pay to have their children play in leagues, a game that kids play on the streets with tennis balls or red rubber balls, it's a game that adults play with wiffleballs.
Why should you pay to watch a game the you played for free as a kid. It's like paying to watch an adult build something with Legos.
If you want to watch baseball play baseball or softball or wiffleball.
Don't pay some guy who can't read a spreadsheet or build a house to do it for you.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
We're Lost
Ask yourself this question:
Why does the government of the United States bother trying to negotiate with barbarians?
A strong nation either ignores or smashes barbarians. But our government seems to think that savages are worth the time that it takes to notice them.
Why does the government of the United States bother trying to negotiate with barbarians?
A strong nation either ignores or smashes barbarians. But our government seems to think that savages are worth the time that it takes to notice them.
Sunday, May 01, 2011
So What?
The news organizations have reported that Osama Bin-Laden was killed in a US airstrike.
The writer of this blog asks the question, "So what?"
Bin-Laden has been out of the picture for a good while. His killing will make no difference in the West's battle against the incursion of Islam into the West.
The writer of this blog asks the question, "So what?"
Bin-Laden has been out of the picture for a good while. His killing will make no difference in the West's battle against the incursion of Islam into the West.
The Result of Thug Culture
This writer has often railed against gang, hip-hop and thug culture, if not always on this blog, but in real life.
Here is a result of the culture of the lowers:
Group of deaf, mute friends stabbed at bar after thug mistakes sign language for gang signs
Note that the perpetrator was a white woman who had allowed herself to fall into a culture that was not hers. There's no thug like a new convert.
Here is a result of the culture of the lowers:
Group of deaf, mute friends stabbed at bar after thug mistakes sign language for gang signs
Note that the perpetrator was a white woman who had allowed herself to fall into a culture that was not hers. There's no thug like a new convert.
What the Hell Has Happened?
When your faithful correspondent was in high school the National Organization of Women (now it is called the National Organization for Women because some womanly men wanted to join it) was just starting up. This writer well remembers a female English teacher urging the girls in the class to join NOW to "stand up for their rights."
At that time NOW was considered a bit of a joke. It was considered an extremist organization with less credibility than the old IWW (Industrial Workers of the World; not International Workers of the World. This writer knows because he was once a member). NOW was considered an organization for angry women who were more than likely Sapphists.
These days NOW is considered an almost mainstream, though liberal, organization. Popular media often quote NOW concerning political matters perhaps because the society has changed so greatly over the past forty years. Some radio commentators refer to NOW as the National Organization of Nags (or Gals). But the mainstream media has adopted NOW as the go-to organization for women's issues.
Some thirty years ago the organization known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was considered a joke. They were at the time, and are now, against the raising of meat animals; dogs and cats, fish and birds as pets; the wearing of animal fur. In other words, they see the world as a place where Rousseau's painting The Peaceable Kingdom can come to pass before the return of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Now it is not unusual to see on the television news or read in the newspaper a report that relies on a statement by PETA concerning animals. PETA, despite its silly stunts, has become mainstream in the mass media. Where once hunting and fishing and the raising of stock were considered honorable past times or professions, they have all suddenly become bad things.
There was a time, not all that long ago, when homosexuality was considered a sin. Now, it is not only not a sin, but an honorable title and activity. After all, it's all about love, isn't it? The organization known as GLAAD is the new media daring. If a scout master buggers a scout the problem is not that the scout master is a homo. The problem is that the scout master is a pedo-phile. If a man is ashamed of being a closeted queer the problem is not that he's a queer, but with society. "Faggot" is the new "nigger" and demands apology.
Could it be that, as society as a whole descends into immorality and just damn silliness, that the society that has held up the nation for over two hundred years, in fact, the Western culture that has built the West for over two thousand years, should expect an apology from those who are singing from the Kumbaya songbook?
The writer Andrew Klavan has an interesting take on the fag thing:
Klavan to GLAAD: Drop Dead!
At that time NOW was considered a bit of a joke. It was considered an extremist organization with less credibility than the old IWW (Industrial Workers of the World; not International Workers of the World. This writer knows because he was once a member). NOW was considered an organization for angry women who were more than likely Sapphists.
These days NOW is considered an almost mainstream, though liberal, organization. Popular media often quote NOW concerning political matters perhaps because the society has changed so greatly over the past forty years. Some radio commentators refer to NOW as the National Organization of Nags (or Gals). But the mainstream media has adopted NOW as the go-to organization for women's issues.
Some thirty years ago the organization known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was considered a joke. They were at the time, and are now, against the raising of meat animals; dogs and cats, fish and birds as pets; the wearing of animal fur. In other words, they see the world as a place where Rousseau's painting The Peaceable Kingdom can come to pass before the return of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Now it is not unusual to see on the television news or read in the newspaper a report that relies on a statement by PETA concerning animals. PETA, despite its silly stunts, has become mainstream in the mass media. Where once hunting and fishing and the raising of stock were considered honorable past times or professions, they have all suddenly become bad things.
There was a time, not all that long ago, when homosexuality was considered a sin. Now, it is not only not a sin, but an honorable title and activity. After all, it's all about love, isn't it? The organization known as GLAAD is the new media daring. If a scout master buggers a scout the problem is not that the scout master is a homo. The problem is that the scout master is a pedo-phile. If a man is ashamed of being a closeted queer the problem is not that he's a queer, but with society. "Faggot" is the new "nigger" and demands apology.
Could it be that, as society as a whole descends into immorality and just damn silliness, that the society that has held up the nation for over two hundred years, in fact, the Western culture that has built the West for over two thousand years, should expect an apology from those who are singing from the Kumbaya songbook?
The writer Andrew Klavan has an interesting take on the fag thing:
Klavan to GLAAD: Drop Dead!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What's the Use?
Your faithful correspondent has been giving some consideration to literature lately and how modern life seems to have made some of the works in the American canon somewhat passe'.
A case in point is Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. The whole point of the novel is a exposition on "hypocrisy."
In the novel Hester Prynne, an unmarried woman, gives birth to a child. Because of this she is, by law, required to wear on her clothes the letter "A" (for adulteress). The father, Rev. Dimsdale, never cops to the fact that he is the father of the child until the end of the novel when he is in a pinch.
Now, disregarding the fact that Miss Prynne is unmarried and thus would be properly more described as a fornicator (since the father was not known to be married or unmarried) and, thus being forced to wear a scarlet "F", modern life, due to situational ethics, applies no shame to either adultery or fornication. It is not unusual for one to be acquainted with women who have given birth out of wedlock or given birth to children not sired by their husbands.
How can the modern young person in school realize the shame that Hester Prynne suffered? That young person, unless attending a Christian or Catholic school cannot. How can a young person in school realize what hypocrisy in sexual matters really is when that young person is sitting next to one or more other children who do not know their fathers.
There was a time when drunkenness was a shame and the smoking was the norm. Now we live in a world where drunkenness is considered a disease, smoking is considered the worst of sins, and while, giving birth out of wedlock, while not the norm, is not unusual; just look at the crowd in Hollywood.
Drunkenness may affect a family, smoking affects an individual, but bastard children affect the society with welfare and care.
Could it be time, because of the idiocy of society, to chuck The Scarlet Letter? It seems so quaint.
A case in point is Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. The whole point of the novel is a exposition on "hypocrisy."
In the novel Hester Prynne, an unmarried woman, gives birth to a child. Because of this she is, by law, required to wear on her clothes the letter "A" (for adulteress). The father, Rev. Dimsdale, never cops to the fact that he is the father of the child until the end of the novel when he is in a pinch.
Now, disregarding the fact that Miss Prynne is unmarried and thus would be properly more described as a fornicator (since the father was not known to be married or unmarried) and, thus being forced to wear a scarlet "F", modern life, due to situational ethics, applies no shame to either adultery or fornication. It is not unusual for one to be acquainted with women who have given birth out of wedlock or given birth to children not sired by their husbands.
How can the modern young person in school realize the shame that Hester Prynne suffered? That young person, unless attending a Christian or Catholic school cannot. How can a young person in school realize what hypocrisy in sexual matters really is when that young person is sitting next to one or more other children who do not know their fathers.
There was a time when drunkenness was a shame and the smoking was the norm. Now we live in a world where drunkenness is considered a disease, smoking is considered the worst of sins, and while, giving birth out of wedlock, while not the norm, is not unusual; just look at the crowd in Hollywood.
Drunkenness may affect a family, smoking affects an individual, but bastard children affect the society with welfare and care.
Could it be time, because of the idiocy of society, to chuck The Scarlet Letter? It seems so quaint.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Learn to Use your Hands
While this writer sated in his previous post that he would lay off the Orcs, he did not say that he would lay off the Orc sympathisers. Here is a link to a video in which a woman takes on the Orc sympathisers in the Congress:
YouTube - Barnhardt-Graham-Part1.flv
But to get to the point.
This writer has long been of the opinion that modern technology has resulted in the weakening of man.
Instead or relying brain and muscle we have gotten to the point where we rely on machines to do our work.
By this the writer means, not mechanical presses to do the work that was once done by smiths, but, rather the fact that typists are not real typists, shorthand takers are not shorthand takers and all to many machinists are not really machinists. All of the above have become button pushers relying on a computer to do the work that was once proudly done by human beings,
The result is that there is a generation of "worker" who really do not know their trade. They know their computers, and then barely.
Ask yourself, "Do I really know the skills that those who worked in my trade fifty years ago knew? Or do I only know how to make a computer do it?" If one doe not know how to perform a skill manually, is it really a skill?
Pilots in the know have said that airplane pilots during World War One were better than the planes, the pilot during World War Two were equal to their planes and that modern pilots just ride their planes.
Do you want to be better or equal to your skills? Or do you just want to take a free ride?
YouTube - Barnhardt-Graham-Part1.flv
But to get to the point.
This writer has long been of the opinion that modern technology has resulted in the weakening of man.
Instead or relying brain and muscle we have gotten to the point where we rely on machines to do our work.
By this the writer means, not mechanical presses to do the work that was once done by smiths, but, rather the fact that typists are not real typists, shorthand takers are not shorthand takers and all to many machinists are not really machinists. All of the above have become button pushers relying on a computer to do the work that was once proudly done by human beings,
The result is that there is a generation of "worker" who really do not know their trade. They know their computers, and then barely.
Ask yourself, "Do I really know the skills that those who worked in my trade fifty years ago knew? Or do I only know how to make a computer do it?" If one doe not know how to perform a skill manually, is it really a skill?
Pilots in the know have said that airplane pilots during World War One were better than the planes, the pilot during World War Two were equal to their planes and that modern pilots just ride their planes.
Do you want to be better or equal to your skills? Or do you just want to take a free ride?
Saturday, April 09, 2011
The Gheys
Let it be known that we at Bloody Nib Manor have gotten a bit tired of pounding on the Orcs. After all, everyone with a lawn hates gophers and, after a while, one gets tired of talking about gophers. Let's just say that both are under miners and are not much good for this green and promised land.
And let it also be known that this writer has no more animus against homosexuals than he does against adulterers. In fact, your faithful correspondent dislikes adulterers more than he does queers for the simple fact that adulterers have violated a contract. Gays never made a contract. Or they have never done so until very recently. Adulterers have betrayed God and their spouse. Gays have only betrayed God (which is bad enough).
For some time the gays have been lobbying for the idea of "gay marriage." The whole idea is silly and the whole idea is to make the populous believe that homosexuality is as valid a form of attachment as is heterosexuality. It is not. Neither Biblically nor sociologically. Homosexuality is an aberration, whether in the human or animal kingdom. It adds nothing to the polis but a demand for the right to lust and act.
But The One and his administration seem to think that gay marriage is a pretty good idea and the administration has decided not to stand up to challenges to traditional marriage. And the media, being the weak horses and lickspittles that they are, have gone along with this nonsense.
But note that their are still people who think that homosexual "marriage" is a pretty bad idea:
New campaign sets goal
of restoration of marriage
The Barbarians during the latter days of Imperial Rome, thought the Romans decadent, weak and self-indulgent. One of the great sins of the Romans was homosexuality to the point that no 12 year year old boy was safe walking down the street alone.
This scholar, who has been decried by the politically correct, posits an interesting theory:
Outrage as top Italian history professor blames fall of Rome on rise of homosexuality | Mail Online
The next time you complain about the sorry state of popular music or the sluttish fashion that your daughter is wearing, remember that the music was probably written by, or produced by a homosexual and that the female performer is more than likely a "fag hag," and that all too many fashion designers, or trend setters are gay.
And let it also be known that this writer has no more animus against homosexuals than he does against adulterers. In fact, your faithful correspondent dislikes adulterers more than he does queers for the simple fact that adulterers have violated a contract. Gays never made a contract. Or they have never done so until very recently. Adulterers have betrayed God and their spouse. Gays have only betrayed God (which is bad enough).
For some time the gays have been lobbying for the idea of "gay marriage." The whole idea is silly and the whole idea is to make the populous believe that homosexuality is as valid a form of attachment as is heterosexuality. It is not. Neither Biblically nor sociologically. Homosexuality is an aberration, whether in the human or animal kingdom. It adds nothing to the polis but a demand for the right to lust and act.
But The One and his administration seem to think that gay marriage is a pretty good idea and the administration has decided not to stand up to challenges to traditional marriage. And the media, being the weak horses and lickspittles that they are, have gone along with this nonsense.
But note that their are still people who think that homosexual "marriage" is a pretty bad idea:
New campaign sets goal
of restoration of marriage
The Barbarians during the latter days of Imperial Rome, thought the Romans decadent, weak and self-indulgent. One of the great sins of the Romans was homosexuality to the point that no 12 year year old boy was safe walking down the street alone.
This scholar, who has been decried by the politically correct, posits an interesting theory:
Outrage as top Italian history professor blames fall of Rome on rise of homosexuality | Mail Online
The next time you complain about the sorry state of popular music or the sluttish fashion that your daughter is wearing, remember that the music was probably written by, or produced by a homosexual and that the female performer is more than likely a "fag hag," and that all too many fashion designers, or trend setters are gay.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
The New Class Divide
Recently there have been in Wisconsin and Ohio a certain amount of stress between the governors (and Republican legislators) and public employee unions. The elected leaders of the states have stated that the citizens of the states can no longer, through their taxes, support the benefits that the unionized state employees have come to expect.
There have been demonstrations and near riots by public employee unions protesting said benefit adjustments and proposals to de-certify the unions.
We saw this a few months ago with the protests and riots in Greece and Portugal. Last week there was a massive demonstration in London by members of the public employee unions against any sort of cutting of benefits. The expectation is that the average taxpayer should be more than happy to pay for the more than generous retirement benefits of a "civil servant."
The public employee has come to be the favored class. There was a time when the public employee was paid an equivalent salary as the private sector employee (perhaps a bit less) with a decent retirement package and an almost unloseable job. Now the pay exceeds that of the producing class (government employees produce nothing but paper) with retirement packages that are extravagant and such job security that it takes an act of Congress to fire, not an incompetent employee, but a criminal employee.
The numbers of public sector employees has grown dramatically while the number of wealth producing private sector employees has fallen. It has gotten to the point that close to 50% of college students are planning to go into government work instead of the private sector.
The taxpayer is being ever-more burdened with the demands of timeservers and is beginning to resent it. Those you produce are ever-more resenting those who take. The taxpayer sees the public employee as the undeservedly favored, and rightly so. Consider the fact that in the state of California there are about 25 million workers (at the best of times) and there are 2.5 million public sector employees. That means that every 9 point something working person in the state is paying the salary and benefits for one government employee. That type of nonsense is not only a builder of resentment, it is unsustainable.
And let us not forget our elected leaders. They want us to use CFL lights, use public transportation (or at least drive skateboards called cars), reduce our carbon footprint while they light the inside and outside of the Capitol and White House with energy gobbling incandescent bulbs, take limousines and private jets to their destinations instead of buses, trains or trolleys, and have at least two houses, both of which are probably better than the one you live in.
What has happened is a change from a battle between the wealthy and the working class to a battle between the government worker and the producer. A robber baron may make his living off your back, but at least you have a choice to quit your job. You have no choice in paying taxes to pay the retirement of a DMV drone.
This guy puts it better than your faithful correspondent:
Britain no longer split by social class but between public and private sectors | Mail Online
There have been demonstrations and near riots by public employee unions protesting said benefit adjustments and proposals to de-certify the unions.
We saw this a few months ago with the protests and riots in Greece and Portugal. Last week there was a massive demonstration in London by members of the public employee unions against any sort of cutting of benefits. The expectation is that the average taxpayer should be more than happy to pay for the more than generous retirement benefits of a "civil servant."
The public employee has come to be the favored class. There was a time when the public employee was paid an equivalent salary as the private sector employee (perhaps a bit less) with a decent retirement package and an almost unloseable job. Now the pay exceeds that of the producing class (government employees produce nothing but paper) with retirement packages that are extravagant and such job security that it takes an act of Congress to fire, not an incompetent employee, but a criminal employee.
The numbers of public sector employees has grown dramatically while the number of wealth producing private sector employees has fallen. It has gotten to the point that close to 50% of college students are planning to go into government work instead of the private sector.
The taxpayer is being ever-more burdened with the demands of timeservers and is beginning to resent it. Those you produce are ever-more resenting those who take. The taxpayer sees the public employee as the undeservedly favored, and rightly so. Consider the fact that in the state of California there are about 25 million workers (at the best of times) and there are 2.5 million public sector employees. That means that every 9 point something working person in the state is paying the salary and benefits for one government employee. That type of nonsense is not only a builder of resentment, it is unsustainable.
And let us not forget our elected leaders. They want us to use CFL lights, use public transportation (or at least drive skateboards called cars), reduce our carbon footprint while they light the inside and outside of the Capitol and White House with energy gobbling incandescent bulbs, take limousines and private jets to their destinations instead of buses, trains or trolleys, and have at least two houses, both of which are probably better than the one you live in.
What has happened is a change from a battle between the wealthy and the working class to a battle between the government worker and the producer. A robber baron may make his living off your back, but at least you have a choice to quit your job. You have no choice in paying taxes to pay the retirement of a DMV drone.
This guy puts it better than your faithful correspondent:
Britain no longer split by social class but between public and private sectors | Mail Online
Was It a Spontaneous Demonstration?
Those who may have been following the news may be aware that there have been several riots in Afghanistan protesting the burning of a copy of the Koran by Pastor Terry Jones.
The media and political class have made it a hobby to blame Mr. Jones for the deaths and rioting. The argument goes something like, "We believe in the First Amendment, BUT..." In other words, the implication is that the average Muslim is such a sensitive and barbaric being that he or she is not capable of understanding that the West values freedom of speech in a way that is not valued in the Near East or west Asia , and that we should modify our behavior to not offend our little Orc brothers.
It's a form of the No Child Left Behind concept that the federal government has forced on the public school system in the United States. No child will progress, even the best and the brightest, until the slowest progresses. The West is expected to rein in the freedom of expression in order not to offend those who are incapable of philosophical debate. And because the average Muslim seems to be able to understand the concept of libertarian freedom, we are all expected to hold our tongues. In other words, there's a crazy aunt in the attic who should probably be institutionalized, but she's coming down for supper and don't argue with her when she she puts on a tin foil hat and starts screaming about Xenu. If you do she'll pull out a meat clever and go after you and it will be your fault.
Here's an article about the riots/killings:
Afghan riots over Quran-burning: 2 days, 20 dead - Yahoo! News
Ask yourself this question:
If we are not doing anything to impart Western values in Afghanistan, why are we there? We seem to just be maintaining a tribal society that is better left to study by the National Geographic Society than an investment of or blood, gold and concern.
The media and political class have made it a hobby to blame Mr. Jones for the deaths and rioting. The argument goes something like, "We believe in the First Amendment, BUT..." In other words, the implication is that the average Muslim is such a sensitive and barbaric being that he or she is not capable of understanding that the West values freedom of speech in a way that is not valued in the Near East or west Asia , and that we should modify our behavior to not offend our little Orc brothers.
It's a form of the No Child Left Behind concept that the federal government has forced on the public school system in the United States. No child will progress, even the best and the brightest, until the slowest progresses. The West is expected to rein in the freedom of expression in order not to offend those who are incapable of philosophical debate. And because the average Muslim seems to be able to understand the concept of libertarian freedom, we are all expected to hold our tongues. In other words, there's a crazy aunt in the attic who should probably be institutionalized, but she's coming down for supper and don't argue with her when she she puts on a tin foil hat and starts screaming about Xenu. If you do she'll pull out a meat clever and go after you and it will be your fault.
Here's an article about the riots/killings:
Afghan riots over Quran-burning: 2 days, 20 dead - Yahoo! News
Ask yourself this question:
If we are not doing anything to impart Western values in Afghanistan, why are we there? We seem to just be maintaining a tribal society that is better left to study by the National Geographic Society than an investment of or blood, gold and concern.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Screw PayPal
Those with a degree of familiarity with with the writings of this writer from Bloody Nib Manor are well aware, this writer has not been a man who grinds an ax in public.But this writer is compelled to urge a revolt against PayPal.
This writer has used PayPal several times in the past, all for purchases on eBay and this writer has not defaulted on the purchases.
But, for some reason both the credit cards that this writer has used for PayPal purchases have recently been rejected.
This writer has never missed a credit card payment. This writer has never been rejected from Amazon. This writer has never been denied from any Internet transaction except from PayPal.
PayPal sucks and the result of the suckness of PayPal has been that several charities have not received the monies that we at the Manor intended them to receive.
The lesson is that one should give to charitues via real mail. Not the Internet.
This writer has used PayPal several times in the past, all for purchases on eBay and this writer has not defaulted on the purchases.
But, for some reason both the credit cards that this writer has used for PayPal purchases have recently been rejected.
This writer has never missed a credit card payment. This writer has never been rejected from Amazon. This writer has never been denied from any Internet transaction except from PayPal.
PayPal sucks and the result of the suckness of PayPal has been that several charities have not received the monies that we at the Manor intended them to receive.
The lesson is that one should give to charitues via real mail. Not the Internet.
A Little Food for Thought
As those in the know are well aware, we here at the Manor are Christians of the Protestant type. We are of the opinion that Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Light, and we occasionally wonder why others, especially among the Muslims cannot twig to the Real Deal. Tis from the late pastor Dr. David Martin Lloyd-Jones may explain why:
YouTube - "Do Infidels Reject Because of Reason? No, Irrationality."
An actress in Pakistan has had the bravery to take on an Islamic teacher. Let us hope and pray that this is the start of a trend and that it is the start of a trend toward religious tolerance in that benighted nation:
Veena Malik, Freedom Fighter | The Weekly Standard
Finally, a person who is academically much more qualified to make broad statements than you faithful correspondent, an egghead has finally realized that the sky is blue:
Why Multiculturalism Will Always Fail
YouTube - "Do Infidels Reject Because of Reason? No, Irrationality."
An actress in Pakistan has had the bravery to take on an Islamic teacher. Let us hope and pray that this is the start of a trend and that it is the start of a trend toward religious tolerance in that benighted nation:
Veena Malik, Freedom Fighter | The Weekly Standard
Finally, a person who is academically much more qualified to make broad statements than you faithful correspondent, an egghead has finally realized that the sky is blue:
Why Multiculturalism Will Always Fail
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Non-Orcs Fight Back
All to often we here at the Bloody Nib Manor speak and write about the awfulness that is Islam and the seemingly unrelenting victories that this hoard of heathens have made in their never-ending assault upon Western and Christian culture.
Today this writer features links to article about Christians speaking out against the Mohammedan/atheist wave.
Marine LePen has spoken out against the unthinking acceptance of "refugees" from Islamic countries. Apparently she has read the novel, The Camp of the Saints, written in the late 1970s:
Marine Le Pen says Europe can't handle migrants - Telegraph
Once immigrating to the West is search of freedom (meaning in reality, the long green) some Orcs seem to think that they have the advantages they had in the dark land without adhering to the laws of the lands of light:
Retired doctor Saeeda Khan forced £10-a-month 'slave' to sleep on tiny mattress | Mail Online
Copts in the U.S. are finally speaking out against the persecution that their fellows have been suffering in Egypt:
Christians Speak Out Against Muslim Mistreatment in Mideast - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
And finally, while we here at the Manor are Protestants and are not used to crucifixes (we prefer plain crosses), we cannot argue with the practice in Italy of hanging crucifixes in classrooms. Italy is a culturally Catholic nation and anyone who immigrates to Italy should not be expected to be given special treatment because they are an atheist:
Italy wins crucifix appeal - ANSA English -
Today this writer features links to article about Christians speaking out against the Mohammedan/atheist wave.
Marine LePen has spoken out against the unthinking acceptance of "refugees" from Islamic countries. Apparently she has read the novel, The Camp of the Saints, written in the late 1970s:
Marine Le Pen says Europe can't handle migrants - Telegraph
Once immigrating to the West is search of freedom (meaning in reality, the long green) some Orcs seem to think that they have the advantages they had in the dark land without adhering to the laws of the lands of light:
Retired doctor Saeeda Khan forced £10-a-month 'slave' to sleep on tiny mattress | Mail Online
Copts in the U.S. are finally speaking out against the persecution that their fellows have been suffering in Egypt:
Christians Speak Out Against Muslim Mistreatment in Mideast - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
And finally, while we here at the Manor are Protestants and are not used to crucifixes (we prefer plain crosses), we cannot argue with the practice in Italy of hanging crucifixes in classrooms. Italy is a culturally Catholic nation and anyone who immigrates to Italy should not be expected to be given special treatment because they are an atheist:
Italy wins crucifix appeal - ANSA English -
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