Back during the last California election there was a Proposition on the ballot that advocated the outlawing of state recognized "gay marriages" in the state. The Prop. was called Prop. 8. The Prop. was passed by the voters and thus, for a while, there was no such thing as "gay marriage" in California that was recognized by state law. Needless to say, the Sodomite lobby pranced to the courts and managed to find a pink judge who over-threw the will of the voters because that it was state appellate courts do. The appellate courts are our are our wise men who know the will and desires of the citizen better than the citizens do. In other words, they are liberal missionaries who have deigned themselves the educators and non-elected legislators of what the old, honest Christian missionaries in Africa called "little brown babies." You are a little brown baby and we here at the Manor are little brown babies because we hold to a Judeo-Christian ethos that is, according to the Solons that govern us, is out of date.
During the election period under consideration there was a bumper sticker/poster/slogan that was clever and almost interesting: No to H8!. In other words, Prop 8 was considered an action of hate. Since that time those opposed to "gay marriage" have used the meme H8 as a shorthand to insult those who do not think that legally recognized "gay marriages" are such a good idea. They are called "H8ers."
Well here's the deal. Hate is not illegal. It is not always bad. You or this writer can hate anyone or anything we like without any fear of legal repercussion. You can hate the military, your faithful correspondent can hate politicians and gays can hate Christians to our hearts content. As long as you don't punch a sailor, this writer doesn't punch Dianne Feinstein and a RuPaul doesn't attack Greg Laurie with a high heel we're all cool.
In fact, sometime hate can be a good thing. God hates sin. Americans hated the Nazis and the Imperial Japan, Lincoln hated slavery, Andrea Doria hated the Turks. If those aspects of hate had not been present it is not unlikely that by now we'd all be speaking German, drinking ocha served by a slave of some sort just after dirtying our schnozzes on a prayer rug pointed to a God benighted desrt kingdom ruled by a bunch of hypocritical Arabs who play saints at home and screw Spanish whores while on vacation.
Now look here, dear reader. The whole H8 bit is a bunch of nonsense. If you don't like Sodomites marrying that's your business. There is a good and a bad. There is a moral and an immoral. There is a right and a wrong. If you don't agree with the nonsense that the popular media vomits out that is not reason to feel guilty. The popular media is populated by unthinking boobs who have been indoctrinated by over paid college professors who couldn't hold a job in the private sector if their lives depended upon it.
This political correctness nonsense is just nonsense perpetrated by a bunch of people who who really stand for nothing more than some sort of Kumbaya world. It like the Unitarians have taken over the media and the government. Unitarians are okay in their place; New England. But that stuff doesn't work in the rest of the U.S. despite the fact that the politicians and the courts have been trying to "educate" us for some years. We are the little brown babies. They are the Great White Father. The problem is that their father is not our Father.
This writer proposed a new bumper sticker/slogan: I Heart H8 ( the heart being represented by a heart graphic). There are things worth hating -- sin, evil and those who intend evil toward you.
Remember this: Hate is not always bad and love is not always good.
Friends don't let friends become polictically correct.
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