Sunday, April 17, 2011

What's the Use?

Your faithful correspondent has been giving some consideration to literature lately and how modern life seems to have made some of the works in the American canon somewhat passe'.
A case in point is Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. The whole point of the novel is a exposition on "hypocrisy."
In the novel Hester Prynne, an unmarried woman, gives birth to a child. Because of this she is, by law, required to wear on her clothes the letter "A" (for adulteress). The father, Rev. Dimsdale, never cops to the fact that he is the father of the child until the end of the novel when he is in a pinch.
Now, disregarding the fact that Miss Prynne is unmarried and thus would be properly more described as a fornicator (since the father was not known to be married or unmarried) and, thus being forced to wear a scarlet "F", modern life, due to situational ethics, applies no shame to either adultery or fornication. It is not unusual for one to be acquainted with women who have given birth out of wedlock or given birth to children not sired by their husbands.
How can the modern young person in school realize the shame that Hester Prynne suffered? That young person, unless attending a Christian or Catholic school cannot. How can a young person in school realize what hypocrisy in sexual matters really is when that young person is sitting next to one or more other children who do not know their fathers.
There was a time when drunkenness was a shame and the smoking was the norm. Now we live in a world where drunkenness is considered a disease, smoking is considered the worst of sins, and while, giving birth out of wedlock, while not the norm, is not unusual; just look at the crowd in Hollywood.
Drunkenness may affect a family, smoking affects an individual, but bastard children affect the society with welfare and care.
Could it be time, because of the idiocy of society, to chuck The Scarlet Letter? It seems so quaint.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Learn to Use your Hands

While this writer sated in his previous post that he would lay off the Orcs, he did not say that he would lay off the Orc sympathisers. Here is a link to a video in which a woman takes on the Orc sympathisers in the Congress:

YouTube - Barnhardt-Graham-Part1.flv

But to get to the point.
This writer has long been of the opinion that modern technology has resulted in the weakening of man.
Instead or relying brain and muscle we have gotten to the point where we rely on machines to do our work.
By this the writer means, not mechanical presses to do the work that was once done by smiths, but, rather the fact that typists are not real typists, shorthand takers are not shorthand takers and all to many machinists are not really machinists. All of the above have become button pushers relying on a computer to do the work that was once proudly done by human beings,
The result is that there is a generation of "worker" who really do not know their trade. They know their computers, and then barely.
Ask yourself, "Do I really know the skills that those who worked in my trade fifty years ago knew? Or do I only know how to make a computer do it?" If one doe not know how to perform a skill manually, is it really a skill?
Pilots in the know have said that airplane pilots during World War One were better than the planes, the pilot during World War Two were equal to their planes and that modern pilots just ride their planes.
Do you want to be better or equal to your skills? Or do you just want to take a free ride?

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Gheys

Let it be known that we at Bloody Nib Manor have gotten a bit tired of pounding on the Orcs. After all, everyone with a lawn hates gophers and, after a while, one gets tired of talking about gophers. Let's just say that both are under miners and are not much good for this green and promised land.

And let it also be known that this writer has no more animus against homosexuals than he does against adulterers. In fact, your faithful correspondent dislikes adulterers more than he does queers for the simple fact that adulterers have violated a contract. Gays never made a contract. Or they have never done so until very recently. Adulterers have betrayed God and their spouse. Gays have only betrayed God (which is bad enough).

For some time the gays have been lobbying for the idea of "gay marriage." The whole idea is silly and the whole idea is to make the populous believe that homosexuality is as valid a form of attachment as is heterosexuality. It is not. Neither Biblically nor sociologically. Homosexuality is an aberration, whether in the human or animal kingdom. It adds nothing to the polis but a demand for the right to lust and act.

But The One and his administration seem to think that gay marriage is a pretty good idea and the administration has decided not to stand up to challenges to traditional marriage. And the media, being the weak horses and lickspittles that they are, have gone along with this nonsense.

But note that their are still people who think that homosexual "marriage" is a pretty bad idea:

New campaign sets goal
of restoration of marriage

The Barbarians during the latter days of Imperial Rome, thought the Romans decadent, weak and self-indulgent. One of the great sins of the Romans was homosexuality to the point that no 12 year year old boy was safe walking down the street alone.

This scholar, who has been decried by the politically correct, posits an interesting theory:

Outrage as top Italian history professor blames fall of Rome on rise of homosexuality | Mail Online

The next time you complain about the sorry state of popular music or the sluttish fashion that your daughter is wearing, remember that the music was probably written by, or produced by a homosexual and that the female performer is more than likely a "fag hag," and that all too many fashion designers, or trend setters are gay.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

The New Class Divide

Recently there have been in Wisconsin and Ohio a certain amount of stress between the governors (and Republican legislators) and public employee unions. The elected leaders of the states have stated that the citizens of the states can no longer, through their taxes, support the benefits that the unionized state employees have come to expect.
There have been demonstrations and near riots by public employee unions protesting said benefit adjustments and proposals to de-certify the unions.
We saw this a few months ago with the protests and riots in Greece and Portugal. Last week there was a massive demonstration in London by members of the public employee unions against any sort of cutting of benefits. The expectation is that the average taxpayer should be more than happy to pay for the more than generous retirement benefits of a "civil servant."
The public employee has come to be the favored class. There was a time when the public employee was paid an equivalent salary as the private sector employee (perhaps a bit less) with a decent retirement package and an almost unloseable job. Now the pay exceeds that of the producing class (government employees produce nothing but paper) with retirement packages that are extravagant and such job security that it takes an act of Congress to fire, not an incompetent employee, but a criminal employee.
The numbers of public sector employees has grown dramatically while the number of wealth producing private sector employees has fallen. It has gotten to the point that close to 50% of college students are planning to go into government work instead of the private sector.
The taxpayer is being ever-more burdened with the demands of timeservers and is beginning to resent it. Those you produce are ever-more resenting those who take. The taxpayer sees the public employee as the undeservedly favored, and rightly so. Consider the fact that in the state of California there are about 25 million workers (at the best of times) and there are 2.5 million public sector employees. That means that every 9 point something working person in the state is paying the salary and benefits for one government employee. That type of nonsense is not only a builder of resentment, it is unsustainable.
And let us not forget our elected leaders. They want us to use CFL lights, use public transportation (or at least drive skateboards called cars), reduce our carbon footprint while they light the inside and outside of the Capitol and White House with energy gobbling incandescent bulbs, take limousines and private jets to their destinations instead of buses, trains or trolleys, and have at least two houses, both of which are probably better than the one you live in.
What has happened is a change from a battle between the wealthy and the working class to a battle between the government worker and the producer. A robber baron may make his living off your back, but at least you have a choice to quit your job. You have no choice in paying taxes to pay the retirement of a DMV drone.
This guy puts it better than your faithful correspondent:
Britain no longer split by social class but between public and private sectors | Mail Online

Was It a Spontaneous Demonstration?

Those who may have been following the news may be aware that there have been several riots in Afghanistan protesting the burning of a copy of the Koran by Pastor Terry Jones.
The media and political class have made it a hobby to blame Mr. Jones for the deaths and rioting. The argument goes something like, "We believe in the First Amendment, BUT..." In other words, the implication is that the average Muslim is such a sensitive and barbaric being that he or she is not capable of understanding that the West values freedom of speech in a way that is not valued in the Near East or west Asia , and that we should modify our behavior to not offend our little Orc brothers.
It's a form of the No Child Left Behind concept that the federal government has forced on the public school system in the United States. No child will progress, even the best and the brightest, until the slowest progresses. The West is expected to rein in the freedom of expression in order not to offend those who are incapable of philosophical debate. And because the average Muslim seems to be able to understand the concept of libertarian freedom, we are all expected to hold our tongues. In other words, there's a crazy aunt in the attic who should probably be institutionalized, but she's coming down for supper and don't argue with her when she she puts on a tin foil hat and starts screaming about Xenu. If you do she'll pull out a meat clever and go after you and it will be your fault.
Here's an article about the riots/killings:

Afghan riots over Quran-burning: 2 days, 20 dead - Yahoo! News

Ask yourself this question:
If we are not doing anything to impart Western values in Afghanistan, why are we there? We seem to just be maintaining a tribal society that is better left to study by the National Geographic Society than an investment of or blood, gold and concern.