Monday, May 28, 2012

Lift It Yourself

    The Arab press is now asking why the United States has not intervened into the mess in Syria.
     Here's a tip to the Arab press and the Arab street: Don't hold your breath waiting for the U.S. to save the bacon of the Syrian rebels. It's not our fight and there are no winners for us in whoever takes charge of that Godforsaken nation.
     Call the UN or NATO or the Arab League. We've shed enough blood for you jerks and have received damn all thanks for our sacrifice.
     And, by the way, if you're an Arab or Syrian protesting your government and decide to pull your freight, don't bother trying to come to the US. We don't want you. We don't need your problems.

How 'Bout That?

A couple of videos by Pat Condell:
 Hello Saudi Arabia - YouTube
  Can I say this? - YouTube

And then there is this:
  France: Muslims stone Christians in church during Mass - Jihad Watch

Sunday, May 06, 2012

This is Interesting

     Why it matters that Obama dated a composite and ate a dog – Telegraph Blogs

Get Ready

     The Greeks and Spaniards have been rioting for a while about the inability of their respective governments to meet the promises made by their Socialist governments. The The governments, over the years, have made promises to civil servants that cannot be, in reality met. In fact, the results have been, in fact but not in word, governmental bankruptcy. And since a person who retires at 55 years of age suddenly finds that he or she is not able to spend thirty years in retirement that person is pissed and causes a ruckus.
     So far Ireland, Portugal and Italy have pretty much escaped such riots, but that day will come. When one relies on a sand castle for habitation one shouldn't be surprised that the sand castle crumbles away when the tide comes in no matter how pretty the sand castle looked at first.
     Now the French have decided that they want to join the Greeks and Spanish in being irresponsible:

     And when the election results are analyzed it will be found that M. Holland was put over the top by Islamic immigrants who are in the habit of sucking at the teat of the state. Those are the same people who burn cars every night in Paris.
     So when it comes to the point, and it will be soon, that Frenchmen and Islamic Immigrants are marching in the streets demanding money that the state cannot offer, the French have no one to blame but themselves. They lost their Northern European values, as have the Swedes and Nords, and have deigned to commit cultural and economic suicide. While Holland was elected by the Islamic immigrants, the liberal French are to blame. Their "caring" has killed them.