Sunday, September 18, 2011


Call this writer a liar or a breaker of promises, but your faithful correspondent cannot help but add these news items about our Islamic "friends."
The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany have decided to fold in a way that would make the French during World War 2 look strong. If one's church is willing to basically submit to another religion that can only mean that one's church really doesn't believe what it preaches:

Gates of Vienna: German Catholicism Welcomes the Barracks and the Bayonets

Become a Prostestent.
Muslims, based on the words of that 7th century pedophile, Muhammad, do not like dogs. In fact, they hate dogs. Their dislike of dogs shows that they are really not human. There is an old American Indian legend that when God split the world between humans and animals the dogs jumped across the gap to be with humans. In the New Testament the dogs who licked the wounds of Lazarus were doing him a service in taking away the corruption and adding the healing qualities of saliva. But Orcs don't know what is what:

Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes | FrontPage Magazine

This writer has always been of the opinion that Islam is really a homophile religion. It's hostility towards women is unlike that of any major religion in the world. Christianity has often been accused of being hostile towards women, but it must be remembered that the the first witnesses of the Empty Tomb were women, and one of them was, by tradition, a prostitute. Meanwhile, our Orc friends in Pakistan spend their time dancing dances that would embarrass the the most gay San Franciscan:

crazy chicken dance, 1 - YouTube

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