Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Little Honesty from Denmark

American politicians are, for the most part, notorious for not wanting to offend anyone. There are a few exceptions. Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter come to mid.. But most pols are not much more than lickspittles to whoever promises to give them money and/or votes.

Recently in Denmark a Danish politician stated some truth about the Muslim community in Denmark and the Orcs decided to sue said politician for slander. The court ruled in favor of the politician. The details are here:Gates of Vienna: The Good News From Denmark

When will an American politician state the truth. Are all Mohammedans bad? Probably not. But enough are bad to make one suspicious of them all in the same way that Shintoist in the US during World War Two were worthy of suspicion.

It is not Arab Christians rioting in the Paris suburbs. It is not the Turkish Christians that are raping Swedish woman with impunity. It is not Methodists and Baptists planting bombs in subways and outside of nightclubs in London. And it wasn't the Amish who flew planes into the World Trade Center. All these acts were carried out but Muslims. We are, in fact, involved in a battle of Helm's Deep against Orcs. And our elected masters refuse to acknowledge who the real enemy is. Their desire for easy money and an easy job is killing us in slow motion. We are being killed by a Kumbaya philosophy. And the proof that their realization of the importance of the "War Against Terrorism" is proved by the very fact that few of their sons or daughters have enlisted in the war. They have refused to make the war a fact of daily life and have doing so have shown that the war is, to them, a phony war to be supported or opposed for their own benefit.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Eh, Wot the Hell?

The past couple of weeks have been interesting ones at Bloody Nib Manor and the surrounding territories.

Paris Hilton served time in the stir, the local media fell all over themselves getting film of Ms Hilton leaving the jail after she had served her time, and she managed to wear a pair of her signature blue jeans while walking out to her ride as the world's media watched her.

Al Gore's son was arrested for drunk driving and speeding the week before his old man, Saint Al, put on his global warming world wide concert which proved to be a bust and a joke.

And David Beckham and his wife, Victoria, came to Los Angeles so Mr. Beckham can play soccer for the Los Angeles Galaxy. Apparently Mr Beckham intends a career in the movie industry as does Mrs. Beckham ( a woman of no known talent or even appearance -- think of the Anne Francis episode of the Twilight Zone)..

The local talk radio talkers have spent a lot of gas talking about about and complaining about the interest the general public finds in the above three stories. ln other words, they talk about the thing they bitch about and that bitching is what they think brings in the listeners because the listeners are bitching about what they are talking about. Or to put it more simply, "I think what you're talking about is stupid and I'll spend my time talking about what you think is stupid and thus talk about the thing you're talking about."

Here's the view from the Manor. Talking about silly stuff is a great thing simply because we, in this great nation, are so confident of the competence of the nation that we can can bitch about Paris, Al Jr. or the Beckhams. Hell, how bad can it be when we worry about our mattresses?

And finally, the media insists that Victoria Beckham is a "hottie". Here's a real "hottie" at the upper right hand corner.