Sunday, June 05, 2011


While we here at the Manor are capitalist, we are not modern or extreme capitalists. By this the writer means that a company or bank should expect a FAIR return for its investment and not an excessive return for its investment or perceived investment. Banks are especially guilty of being, and perceived as being greedy entities by their customers. Here is an example of someone getting their own against the Bank of America:

Gates of Vienna: News Feed 20110604

The writer of this blog has for several years urged the reader to read the novel The Camp of the Saints. The novel is coming true in slow motion:

Gates of Vienna: Camp of the Saints: Rediscovering Sovereignty

Please note that added to the links on the right side of this page has been added a link to Professor Martin Rice's Typewriter Blog. If you want some intelligent insight, check it out.

Johnstown Type Writer Conservatory, Johnstown Typewriter Conservatory

And finally, the rap chickens have come home to roost:

Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event « CBS Miami

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