Sunday, November 13, 2011

Links Galore!

While it is too early for those of us at the Manor to start pulling for presidential candidates, Michelle Bachman seems to have more sense than the rest of the field:

Gates of Vienna: Michele Bachmann on Pakistan

And a church seems to have realized that Sharia law is more of a danger to the US than the pols:

Anger, fear, determination permeate anti-Shariah conference at Madison church | The Tennessean |

Some people seem to think that Islam and its adherents are a "protected" species when it is, in fact, the gray squirrel displacing the red squirrel. The end result is a damn mess. This guy gets it:

Protecting Muslim honour at the price of freedom of speech: Bruce Crumley, Time and Charlie Hebdo – Telegraph Blogs

Usually, in India and especially the West Hindus are considered peaceful and non-confrontational. This dude proves that their is more to cow love than most sahibs realize:

INDIA VHP leader calls for decapitation of those who convert Hindus to Christianity - Asia News

We here at the Manor shop at Fresh and Easy which is owned by Tesco. The following does not do anything to insure our custom:

Tesco backs gay festival but drops support for Cancer Research charity event | Mail Online

Holy Logic, Batman!

This from Frank Miller, the creator of the Dark Knight concept of the Batman:
ANARCHY | Frank Miller Ink

Sunday, November 06, 2011

A Couple of Links

The offices of a French humor magazine were bombed a short while ago because the magazine decided to publish some material that the Orcs deigned to be offensive to the memory of the Pedophile. Unlike the Danes in the Mohammed cartoon controversy, the publishers and editors of the French magazine have decided that they will not be bent under the pressure of Islam.

Charlie Hebdo attack: No more excuses | Index on Censorship

A Norwegian writer and thinker has written something pointing out a few things that the Norwegian government (or most European governments) refuse to face, realize or understand.

Gates of Vienna: Time to Uphold Western Roots