Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Gheys

Let it be known that we at Bloody Nib Manor have gotten a bit tired of pounding on the Orcs. After all, everyone with a lawn hates gophers and, after a while, one gets tired of talking about gophers. Let's just say that both are under miners and are not much good for this green and promised land.

And let it also be known that this writer has no more animus against homosexuals than he does against adulterers. In fact, your faithful correspondent dislikes adulterers more than he does queers for the simple fact that adulterers have violated a contract. Gays never made a contract. Or they have never done so until very recently. Adulterers have betrayed God and their spouse. Gays have only betrayed God (which is bad enough).

For some time the gays have been lobbying for the idea of "gay marriage." The whole idea is silly and the whole idea is to make the populous believe that homosexuality is as valid a form of attachment as is heterosexuality. It is not. Neither Biblically nor sociologically. Homosexuality is an aberration, whether in the human or animal kingdom. It adds nothing to the polis but a demand for the right to lust and act.

But The One and his administration seem to think that gay marriage is a pretty good idea and the administration has decided not to stand up to challenges to traditional marriage. And the media, being the weak horses and lickspittles that they are, have gone along with this nonsense.

But note that their are still people who think that homosexual "marriage" is a pretty bad idea:

New campaign sets goal
of restoration of marriage

The Barbarians during the latter days of Imperial Rome, thought the Romans decadent, weak and self-indulgent. One of the great sins of the Romans was homosexuality to the point that no 12 year year old boy was safe walking down the street alone.

This scholar, who has been decried by the politically correct, posits an interesting theory:

Outrage as top Italian history professor blames fall of Rome on rise of homosexuality | Mail Online

The next time you complain about the sorry state of popular music or the sluttish fashion that your daughter is wearing, remember that the music was probably written by, or produced by a homosexual and that the female performer is more than likely a "fag hag," and that all too many fashion designers, or trend setters are gay.

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