Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Few Things

     Lord Sacks is the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. He is well thought of, and appears to be a deeper thinker than the average Hollywood/Beverly Hills rabbi that one sees on television whenever the mainstream media wants a "Jewish point of view." Well, here's a speech by Lord Sacks given back in December that deserves attention and thought:
     Lady Nib's niece is an American of Iranian/Japanese heritage. Recently she travelled to Iran with her father and returned safely to say that she enjoyed her trip. This may be why:
     Meanwhile, things get worse for Christians in Egypt:
     And, hey! How's that assimilation working out in Britain?
     Have a great week.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Independence Day

     We here that the Manor are not really great fans of Mitt Romney, but we will vote for him this coming November. He has a sense of the greatness, both in the past and for the future, of the United States.
     The One, on the other hand, seems to be reading from the Jimmy Carter, Howard Zinn playbook -- The U.S. is a deeply flawed nation that has pretty much screw up everything it has touched and has made it a habit to oppress every other nation or people that it can in order to make a bit of jack. And while saying these things he makes the U.S. a promise breaker by not honoring promises and vows that the nation has made to other nations. Think Poland and Eastern Europe and the promise of a missile shield against the Evil Empire that the O abrogated. When you hear that the Saudis have an atomic missile capability just ask youself why? The reason is that our President has abandoned the American agreement to make sure that the Iranians never develop a nuclear capability. The Saudis are rats of the worst sort, but a promise was made. And has been busted. Never mind that the Arab mind has no idea of keeping any promise it makes. We're supposed to be better than that. The O has made it appear that we aren't.
     Here's Romney's 4th of July commercial: