Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trump Trump

We here at the Manor are conservative, though we are loathe to call ourselves Republicans. We support the conservative candidate and will have no truck with any party machine.
Having said that, let it be known that this writer will not vote for ANY candidate, Republican, Democrat or whatever, who kisses Donald Trump's ring.
Donald Trump is nothing but a big blowhard and bully, a self promoting bankrupt, a man who thinks that his money buys him wisdom. He is, in a sense, the financial version of Alec Baldwin -- a bloviating anus that thinks it's a mind.
All politicians are whores. Some are call girls. Others are skid row kneelers. Any politician who does not denounce Trump, or at least ignore him, is nothing but a strawberry kneeling on broken glass in a gutter to make five bucks.

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