By now only the most idiotic fellow traveler has not realized that Vladamir Putin is a neo-Stalinist and a Russian nationalist of the worst sort. He's not a friend of individual or religious freedom. He sees religion as an arm of the state in the same way that old Joe did, and those religions that hold to a God that is higher than the Russian state or Russian leader are traitors to the State. For that guy the State is all, and thus, the State is God.
Here's an example:
RUSSIA Permission to build a Catholic church in Pskov denied - Asia News
England, or at least London, has gone to Hell. It is no longer English. It is a multicultural amalgam that stands for nothing other than inclusiveness. And that means that a nation, or city, is no longer a nation or proper city. It means that it is a big mess:
The Islamization of London: A Photo Tour | FrontPage Magazine
As the almost divine Brigette Bardot said twenty some odd years ago, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when the prostitutes in a city are made up of Arabs and North Africans instead of honest French women.
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