Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bad Guys and Eggheads

Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Officer Daniel Faulkner, along with Michael Smerconish has recently written a book about the killing of Officer Faulkner by Mumia Abu Jamal in Philadelphia in 1981. Your faithful correspondent does not remember the title of the book, but it can be easily found by checking

The former Mrs. Faulkner (she has since re-married and moved to California) has been interviewed several times on the more reputable talk radio programs and it brought to this writer's mind the travesty of the elite's support for the evil Abu Jamal.

Those who have a memory for such things, will remember that Jamal was originally sentenced to death in Pennsylvania. He claims to be a victim of institutional racism. The details are here: :: Justice for Daniel Faulkner :: (an admittedly biased website, but one can read the transcripts of the trial). The usual suspects i.e. Mike Farrell, Susan Sarandon, Ed Asner, et al, have championed this monster's cause without not knowing a damn thing about what happened when Faulkner was killed. They see an "oppressed' black man with some writing and radio talent who, because he's not a knuckle dragging thug a' la Moose Malone, must be a victim of "the man."

A search engine look at the term Mumia Abu Jamal will find site after site in support of the man: Educators for Jamal, Journalists for Jamal, Knuckleheads for Jamal. It is not unusual to go to the local Starbucks (what's the difference between Starbucks and McDonald's besides the fact that one can't get fries at Starbucks?) and see some kid wearing a Free Mumia t-shirt. The French renamed a street in Paris for the guy (but the French, go figger). And there is a movement to rename a street in New York City after this guy. Oddly, there has been no movement to rename a street in Philadelphia (where most of the populace knows a killer when it sees one) after Jamal.

It's all ridiculous and stupid and just plain silly. There is an element among the elite (those who think they know better than the man in the street and the first ones to be hanged if a real working class revolt were to take place) who think that if a man or woman can write more than one sentence without making a grammatical error that person cannot be a criminal. Note that such persons do not volunteer to take said "victim" into their own homes to decompress. They want the "victim" to live in your neighborhood just in case the "victim" is really as bad as the legal system and real victims say that he or she is.

Talent in writing, speaking or singing does not mean that the writer, speaker or singer is not a criminal. The Marquis De Sade wrote well in French, but he was a criminal and pervert. Bob Tilton and Benny Hinn can talk the birds out of the trees, but they are both crooks who would make Elmer Gantry blush. Spade Cooley was a great western swing fiddler, but it doesn't cancel the fact that he killed his wife. Talent and goodness are two different things. To have talent does not mean that one is not a bad person.

Jamal was a member of the then moribund MOVE movement. Those old enough to remember recall the movement as a black racist political movement and cult. The then mayor of Philly made the mistake of making MOVE more than a bunch of nuts by pretty much bombing MOVE headquarters back in the 1980s. For the radical fringe the bombing of the MOVE HQ made the members of MOVE martyrs, when, in actuality, they were crooks, violent revolutionaries and racists. And as often happens, the thoughts of the radical fringe bled into the "progressive" movement and then the liberal media. Liberals are always looking for new causes to champion whether it be federally funded health care or black radicalism. A man who was a member of MOVE and who woke up to the truth of the movement has a website about what the lie MOVE was: The Anti-MOVE/Mumia Blog.

The whole thing reminds me of the Jack Abbott affair. Jack Abbott was a career criminal who was championed by Norman Mailer and friends. Abbott had writing talent. He wrote a book called In the Belly of the Beast in which he recounted his "victimization" by society and the judicial system. Mailer. Susan Sarandon (again!), Christopher Walken, and others, pressured the justice system to grant this hero of arts and letters parole. Six weeks out of the stir Abbott killed a man. The elites were proved wrong at the expense of a man's life and Abbott went back home. A short version of the affair is here: Jack Abbott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, Wikipedia is always suspect, but it gets the story substantially right. One thing that is interesting about the Wikipedia entry is the emphasis on Abbott's rotten childhood. A rotten childhood is no excuse for immoral behaviour. Your faithful correspondent has know more than a few individuals who have had bad childhoods, had been members of Hitler Youth or had grown up in Imperial Japan. None of them became criminals, none of them beat up Jews because of the propaganda under which they were raised, none of them tortured Chinese of Koreans for fun.

There are people in the world who are evil. The elites like to proclaim that evil is a social construct instead of a fact. That is, until someone holds a knife to their throats and takes their wallets of pulls down their knickers to claim the promise they've been offering on screen.

The whole thing is enough to make one want to drink cheap gin straight from the bottle.

Hate Crime?

The publisher of the Canadian publication, The Western Standard, was brought before the Alberta Commission on Human Rights recently. His crime? Publishing the now famous Mohammad cartoons. The charges were brought by a Saudi trained cleric and a head of an Islamic organization. Here are three video clips of his testimony and questioning: lgf: Outrage of the Week: Canadian Publisher Persecuted for Mindcrime .

Please note that he did not fold and even questioned the authority of the government to express his opinion. Would that the publisher of the L.A. Times had such courage and a dedication to the freedom of speech and of the press.

Those in the know are aware that we here at the Manor of Christians (of the Protestant type) and while we often find the statements made by "thinkers" in the press and on film regarding Our Lord and or faith, we recognize the right of such fools to make them. There are rights that are given by God. The government is supposed to protect them. The government does not give rights. It can only deny them.

On a somewhat similar note, several weeks ago your faithful corrrespondent linked to a story about an ethnic Pakistani bishop of the Church of England who claimed that there were certain areas in Great Britain that were "no-go" zones for non-Muslims. As can be expected, a Quisling bishop of the same organization, an ethnic Briton, has found joy in the fact that his church is dying and is being replaced by Orcism: Dhimmi Watch: UK: Bishop "very happy" with Muslim prayer call. There's nothing that does the heart so good as to hear the caterwauling and ululations of an ignorant Muslim on a Friday instead of church bells on a Sunday. It makes one want to mount speakers on one's car and throw New Testaments out the window to pedestrians while yelling "Tolle lege!"

Wile never considered a great thinker and not a graduate of a seminary (probably a good thing), Brigitte Bardot, long ago recognized the threat of Muslim immigrants to France and the French tendency to fold under pressure: BBC News SHOWBIZ Bardot racism conviction upheld The woman has been convicted and fined three times for stating the truth and not the politically correct line. Now that "disenfranchised" Muslim youth have made it a sport to burn cars as a sport our French friends may wake up to what the divine Bardot said many years ago.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Makes You Wish for the Benny/Allen Feud

Those of a certain age (those who have an AARP card in their wallet) or fans of the Golden Age of Radio, recall the "feud" between Jack Benny and Fred Allen.

Simply put, the "feud" was manufactured by Benny and Allen and the network they worked for to boost ratings. The idea was that people who occasionally tuned in either Benny's or Allen's shows would tune in every week to hear what crack or slam one man would make against the other. Magazines published photos of Benny and Allen facing off with clinched fists as if they were going to go to the mat with the "feud." It was a clever gag and it worked, and it was all in good fun.

This week the opening salvo of a real feud between a former radio host and a radio station, and specifically a talk radio team, was fired and it isn't in good fun. It's an example of what much of talk radio has become and all of the principals in the matter are looking pretty muddy and thin skinned and self serving.

The radio station is question is KFI 640 AM in Los Angeles: . The angry former talk radio host and former employee of KFI is John Ziegler: . The two particular objects of his wrath are John Kobylt and Ken Champeau: . Ziegler's slam against the radio station and the hosts is here: - The Real KFI

In a nutshell, Ziegler worked for KFI as an evening talk show host for several years. Your faithful correspondent listened to his program occasionally and found it occasionally interesting, but was put off by Ziegler's stridency and constant references to his life and personal problems. One was never sure whether the program was about current affairs or John Ziegler's life. Ziegler and KFI parted ways in late 2007. It was evident before Ziegler left KFI's employ that there was stress between Ziegler and John and Ken.

Your faithful correspondent has also listened to the John and Ken Show and considers it one of the talk shows that is akin to professional wrestling. In other words, little of what either host says can be taken as the host's true feelings or opinions. It's all about ratings for them and they do a good job of pulling the number. That's their real job and they do it well.

Without going into Ziegler's claims against KFI and Kobylt and Champeau, let it be known that this writer is willing to take Ziegler's charges at face value. BUT, to be honest, Ziegler sounds like a child whose lollipop has been knocked out of his hand and into the dirt by the neighborhood bully and instead of slugging the little brat on sight goes home and cries to Mommy. In other words, instead of fighting back when the fighting was good, he complains about being mistreated and/or shunned.

The management of KFI may be jerks. Most management is. Kobylt and Champeau are probably thin skinned self servers. But 90% of the American population works under such conditions. There are two things to be done. Quit. Or grit one's teeth and fight back as well as possible. Instead Ziegler hides behind the skirts of his former news woman, Leah Brandon, as an excuse not to give the fig to those who "abused" him. And he waits until such a time that he cannot be fired to level his blast.

Ziegler's screed may be true, but he sounds like he wants some cheese with that whine. The thing that makes Ziegler's pity party distasteful is the mentioning of family members not involved in the feud, the claim that someone as gay who has not said that he is gay, and the scattershot approach to his problem. Ziegler is one of those people one occasionally runs across who seems not to have any sense of discretion in his attacks or comments. Everything is public with him. The sign of a man of his time.

We here at the Manor call for a pox on both houses. We don't like whiners and we don't like fakes. This story is full of both. One can only hope that like in the old (politically incorrect) story of Little Black Sambo these tigers (in actuality yakking termites) keep chasing one another around the tree until they turn into butter.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Don't Go There!

It's been a while since we here at the Manor have addressed the bad behaviour of the Orcs living among us. It sometimes feels as if we have been playing King Canute in commanding the tide not come in/ But, of course, much of the current problem has to do with those who have the power to build a dike as so damn stupid as not to realized that their boots are full of water while telling the rest of us that the land is suited to the planting of pear blossom cactuses.

A case in point would be the firing of the Pentagon's specialist in Islamo-Fascism at the behest of Orcs working at the center of the Department of Defense: Jihad Watch: Pentagon fires key specialist on Islamic law and jihad after comp Or the refusal of police authorities in Texas to admit that the killing of two Arab-American girls by their father is related to the Muslim sense of honor: Hot Air » Blog Archive » A pair of “honor killings” in Texas Updated: The girl. The secular authorities always know better than what the average Yankee church-goer knows. But, of course, the average Yankee church-goer answers to a Higher Authority than the average politician or civil servant, who answers to political correctness.

But we here at the Manor, from the ever lovely Lady Nib down to the boot black realize that the average decision-making bureaucrat is not so much an idiot as much as a man or woman wanting to keep his or her job until retirement. Selling one's birthright for a mass of pottage, as bad as such an action is, is more excusable than selling one's soul for applause from one's enemies.

Certain "leaders" in the Christian world have been falling over themselves to show their fundaments to the West while they squat in prayer toward Mecca and its minions. These leaders are of the theologically liberal taint. A theological liberal of the late 20th and early 21st century is a Unitarian of the 19th century. In other words, are they not only heretical, but they are in the trailing edge of modern heresies. They cower behind the cutting edge waiting to see if anything collapses. If nothing collapses they run to the front and proclaim how brave they are in their thinking. In another fifty years they will be crowing about a "new" Christian atheism that somehow reconciles the idea that there is no God and expecting you to put money in the plate to worship Him properly. The French did the same thing during the French Revolution and did it much more honestly.

The liberal Christian leaders see Orcism as the rising power and they want to be sure to be there to lick the boots of the first jihadist who enters their church, cathedral, fellowship. They'll get a pat on the noggin, avoid getting their throat cut, and might get a new doe-eyed piece of action to take the place of the old ball and chain sitting at home brewing tea and setting out biscuits while wearing her brogues and twenty year old twin set

Rowen Williamson is the best internationally known example of this creature. He's a Christian, he's a druid, he's a lover of Orcs, he's sympathetic to Buddhist, whether Tibetan, Mahayana, Theraveda or Zen. He's okay, you're okay. they're okay. Okay? The problem is not with the actions of Muslims. The problem is with Christians who actually believe the Bible. Christians are so odious to this man that for a Christian to express disapproval at the acts of honor killing or female genital mutilation is tantamount to blasting Orcs with death rays.

Williamson is not the only useful idiot. He is just the best known. Any mainstream Protestant denomination in the US or Canada is full of such termites.

Well, to get to the point, a bishop in Great Britain, a man who knows a lot more about the threat of the Orcs than Williamson and his cronies will ever know, has something interesting to say about the Orcs among us: Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims - Telegraph

Ain't life grand?