Those who may have been following the news may be aware that there have been several riots in Afghanistan protesting the burning of a copy of the Koran by Pastor Terry Jones.
The media and political class have made it a hobby to blame Mr. Jones for the deaths and rioting. The argument goes something like, "We believe in the First Amendment, BUT..." In other words, the implication is that the average Muslim is such a sensitive and barbaric being that he or she is not capable of understanding that the West values freedom of speech in a way that is not valued in the Near East or west Asia , and that we should modify our behavior to not offend our little Orc brothers.
It's a form of the No Child Left Behind concept that the federal government has forced on the public school system in the United States. No child will progress, even the best and the brightest, until the slowest progresses. The West is expected to rein in the freedom of expression in order not to offend those who are incapable of philosophical debate. And because the average Muslim seems to be able to understand the concept of libertarian freedom, we are all expected to hold our tongues. In other words, there's a crazy aunt in the attic who should probably be institutionalized, but she's coming down for supper and don't argue with her when she she puts on a tin foil hat and starts screaming about Xenu. If you do she'll pull out a meat clever and go after you and it will be your fault.
Here's an article about the riots/killings:
Afghan riots over Quran-burning: 2 days, 20 dead - Yahoo! News
Ask yourself this question:
If we are not doing anything to impart Western values in Afghanistan, why are we there? We seem to just be maintaining a tribal society that is better left to study by the National Geographic Society than an investment of or blood, gold and concern.
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