Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Arab Spring and French Common Sense

Not so many months ago the popular press was trumpeting the glories of the Arab Spring and how popular protests against the rulers of Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia would result in liberal democracies of the Western European type. So far it appears that the movement has resulted in a strengthening of conservative Muslim control over those nations.
In Egypt the Coptic Christians are in worse shape than they were during the reign of Mubarak. Murbarak, as authoritarian as he was, managed to protect the minority communities of Egypt from the hate and idiocy of conservative Muslims. In Libya the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to take control. In Tunisia, a nation that was, in culture at least, was friendly to the West having been a French colony, the M.B. waits for it's chance to strike and take control.
Recently in Egypt, in Cairo, in fact, there were protests against the military regime (who seem to be working at the behest of the M.B.), and it has been shown that the Muslim "respect" for women isn't worth much. In fact, the demand for "modesty" in women is not a big deal as long as one is beating them publicly. This writer is of no doubt that these protesters would have much preferred to have been pepper spray as the Occupiers in Santa Cruz (or was it UC Davis?) were. One recovers from a pepper spraying a lot faster than a beating by steel rods:

The brave women of the Middle East: Female protesters brutally beaten with metal poles as vicious soldiers drag girls through streets by their hair in day of shame | Mail Online

David Cameron has thrown the "defi" at Archbishop of Canterbury Rowen Williams and the Church of England in general. In a speech celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible he stated what the chin scratching crowd would like to deny: that Great Britain is a Christian nation. The King James Bible is the glue, that in a sense, holds the Anglo-sphere together. And it is Christianity that that spread the KJV to the world.

David Cameron: "We are a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so" The Tory Diary

The French often take the politically correct route, but as bar as the burkha goes, they have taken a stand that the U.S. should. There is nothing in the Koran about the burkha. The burkha is a national cultural artifact from the Middle East. If a person immigrates to a nation and does not want to become part of that nation they show not bother to unpack their grip. Just go the hell back home. And if you want to be a member of a primitive society despite being born into a modern society just go to the primitive society you so admire. Don't expect to have it both ways:

Burka ban. New French law forbids Islamic women from wearing full-face veils in public (but the only real protest was in London) | Mail Online

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