Friday, May 27, 2005

"You Hurt My Feeeeelings!"

The Italian writer, Oriana Fallaci, is facing trial in Italy on charges of defaming Islam. One of the comments for which she is to be tried appears in her book "The Strength of Reason" in which she calls Islam "a pool...that never purifies."

The complaint was lodged by an Italian Islamic activist of Scottish origin named Adel Smith who seems to make a career of using the courts to try to undermine what remains of Christian culture in Italy while at the same time promoting dhimmitude for non-Islamic persons. He has been involved in several other court cases in the past as described here:BBC NEWS Europe Storm over Italy crucifix ruling and here:Fresco Fiasco .

Last year Brigitte Bardot was fined for "inciting hate" in France:Brigitte Bardot fined for inciting racial hatred - MORE NEWS AND FEATURES - MS .

Toleration apparently only goes one way in Europe: the Islamic way.

Meanwhile Christians in Saudi Arabia are being arrested for worshipping in private and are accused of spreading "poison."

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