Sunday, May 08, 2005

Watching Car Wrecks

When your faithful correspondent began this journal the intention was to mainly watch the developments in the world of national and international politics, and report and comment on those instances that evinced the deterioration of the cognitive abilities of those who are reputed to be our leaders. In other words, to comment upon the circuses that call themselves governments. But watching politicians slang and snipe at one another is like watching a couple of streetwalkers battling one another over a potential client. It's entertaining for a few minutes until one realizes that the debased are not the tarts, who are just trying to make a living doing something they know how to do in exchange for a bit of coin. It is the customer, who encourages the soiled doves by his custom, who is debased. Our politicians whisper promises of never ending nights of wondrous bliss if we give them our money and votes, and they will fight like the Kilkenney cats to get them. Then, once they've stuffed the cash down their bras and the votes into their pocket books they teeter away on their high heels making promises of nights of wondrous bliss to another customer who is diametrically different from the person they just gifted with the pox. The poor newly pox ridden sot, while hitching up his trousers, yells to the jade, "You said you loved me!" And the fallen woman replies, "I did. For five minutes. A girl has to make a living. If you want to get married, find a nice girl." And so our "victim" leans against the lamppost crying about how unfair life is, not realizing that if he'd get off the sixty year long bender he's been on, gird up his loins instead of air them, he might be able to come to his senses and take care of his own problems and manage to ditch the satyriasis and not have to rely on some tart to give him the feel goods for five minutes. And five minutes is stretching it.

The definition of pornography is, roughly, "the writing about whores." To be absolutely honest, having taken a look at the current political scene it has been decided that writing about politics is an exercise in pornography and it would probably be more fulfilling and noble to write honest pornography. At least the characters have, well, more character. They stand for something, even if it is sin. To paraphrase (and probably misconstrue) Martin Luther, "If you're going to sin, sin boldly." Besides, dirty stories are more honest than the average politician because they don't promise to change one's life. They just promise to arouse one's sinful nature and selfishness while the politicos promise to fulfill those things and then say "tough luck" when they don't.

Last year at a special meeting at my church a visiting elder, David Pyles, in his sermon, referred to our elected masters as "filthy politicians." Elder Pyles, when he made the comment regarding politicians, was not trying to rouse up the local Primitive Baptists to political action. It was a remark made in passing, but it was a truth that anyone, Christian or not, could understand and agree with.

So, not wanting to be a habitual pornographer it has been decided that the culture in general and my particular interests will be addressed here. There's enough ink and electrons being spilled on the pornography of politics. And others are much better at it than I.

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