Saturday, May 14, 2005

Sabato Gigante 2

This past week has been a busy one in our elected officials' never-ending campaign to kow tow to illegal immigrants and their defenders. This despite the fact that recent poll conducted by the Pew company has shown that 88% of Americans think that illegal immigration is either a "very serious" or "somewhat serious" problem. Our hired masters insist on trying to convince us that it is in the best interests of the nation as a whole to have a labor pool that drives down the wages of construction and meat packing workers, takes jobs from teenagers trying to turn a buck mowing lawns or trying to get entry level jobs, and use emergency rooms as a form of primary medical care. They also ask the question, "Who will do the work that Americans don't want to do such as field work and cleaning houses?" One wonders if the cotton plantation owners in Georgia asked the same thing in 1860.

But to get to cases. This week the ever popular California assemblyman, Gil Cedillo (aka One Bill Gil), proposed a new law that would prevent the various police agencies in the state from confiscating the cars of illegal aliens driving without driving licenses. For everyone else, citizen or legal alien, the old rules would still apply i.e., if you drive with no license you say good-bye to your shinney can for a while. The L.A. Daily News has a story about Gil's bill:L.A. Daily News - News . A tip o' the lid to Dannnny49.

Jack Dunphy, a pseudonymous author for the on-line version of the National Review and a Los Angeles police officer, has a few choice words about the bill:Jack Dunphy on Illegal Immigration & California on National Review Online.

The Minuteman Project, which watched the Arizona-Mexican border for a few weeks last month, managed, by their efforts to reduce the number of illegals crossing the border. The area the Minutemen watched experienced a drastic reduction of border jumpers by doing nothing more than being there and calling the Border Patrol when illegals were spotted. Much to the disappointment of the liberal establishment and the illegal immigrant apologists, there were no incidents of beer swillers shooting up packs of illegals in hidden canyons. The Minutemen, just sat in lawn chairs with binoculars and cell phones. Many Border Patrolmen have, off the record, expressed their appreciation for the Minutemen's efforts. Officially, well, the Washington Times has this story: Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona - The Washington Times: Nation/Pol

Finally, two of the biggest bloviators in the United States Senate have come up with a nifty idea to solve the illegal immigration problem: Just make them all legal. Senator Edward Kennedy (proof that all Irishmen aren't drunks) and Senator John McCain (he must be smart because he was a POW), two men who bring to mind the old Ken Curtis song, "Ten Gallon Hat and Half Pint Head", have, for their own lickspittle reasons, made an interesting proposal. Reuters has the story:Politics News Article

If you can, get hold of the latest issue of the National Review. If you can't, shame on you. The cover story is their ten point proposal for dealing with illegal immigration. It looks pretty good to me. And make sure to check out Mark Steyn's column at the back. He writes something that most politicians and political writers won't say: The front line of the battle against militant and fundamentalist Islam is not in the Middle East. It's in Europe. What we're facing is the gates of Vienna and the Battle of Lepeto. But we don't have an Admiral Andrea Doria to lead us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hitz:
What a great blog you've created. I stumbled across your web site this morning and wanted to say you remind me that English is really a language, not a sting of slogans.
Such a good writer and your ideas are terrific.
And, I think your mother, Countess Nib, is absolutely right about the Uke. Keep up the high quality of your blog! Where do you get your great ideas?