Saturday, May 28, 2005

A Little Housekeeping

Your faithful correspondent has added an address to the list of links on the Bloody Nib blog. It is the daily comic by Chris Muir entitled Day By Day. Not only does Mr. Muir have a good sense of humor about things political and non-political, he draws a pretty good babe.

Wretchard, the master of the Belmont Club, has been having trouble with his server and with Blogger. He's set up another site to get his word out. Gates of Vienna has the new, hopefully, temporary address. The Baron and Dymphna do yeomen's work on keeping us all up to date on what's going on.

Theodore Dalrymple, a physician who works within the British prison and welfare system, and a fine writer, has a new book out that may be of interest if you have the jack to put out for Books: Our Culture, What's Left of It : The Mandarins and the Mass . The local broadsheet, the LA Dogtrainer, had a review of said book in it's Friday edition and gave it a fairly negative review because Dr. Dalrymple expects people to behave up to a standard instead of the standard being lowered to the degenerate. That must mean that it's pretty good.

Up for tomorrow: The trouble with tolerance. And poor (and heroic)Fanny Price for all you JA fans out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I made greatest hitz!