Sunday, September 10, 2006

Where's the Muslim 442nd?

Over at Gates of Vienna the Baron has an interesting post: Gates of Vienna: Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims While you read it think of the boilerplate pronouncements by the Council of American Islamic Relations or the American Muslim Public Relations Whatever. Those organizations always halfways denounce whatever Muslim originated atrocity happens, but they never offer support to the victims. The leaders want to sit in their leather couches in Orange County or Dearborn while watching reruns of Sex in the City or the editors cut of Deep Throat instead of really addressing the problem at hand.

During World War II there was the 442 Division in the US Army. The 442nd was made up of Japanese-Americans who enlisted in the Army after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The 442nd fought in Europe and was the most decorated unit during the war. American-Muslims, on the other hand, have done nothing but cut excuses for their co-religionists for bad behavior. There was no upsurge of enlistments in the military by Muslims after September 11.

Are they lazy? Unpatriotic? Hostile? You decide. But until there is a Muslim version of the 442nd guarding the borders of Korea, thus releasing others to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan I choose the latter. If they are not for us they are against us. And if they are not actively for the US they are carpetbaggers, which is just as bad.

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