Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jump Under Your Desk!

Let's see how this works.

The Pope says something that the Islamic Monster doesn't like and the Mohammedans riot, jump up and down, burn the Pope in effigy and shoot and kill a 70 odd year old nun working in a hospital in Somalia and the US pres points it's finger at the West and says "Tsk, tsk. It's all your fault because you hurt the Muslims feelings. Christians and Catholics are nasty and evil."

Meanwhile, this comes down the tube: Next Attack Imminent: Muslims ordered to leave the United States . The American press doesn't even report it and if they ever do the result will probably be something like, "Tsk, tsk. It's all your fault all you Christians and Catholics." And then if the threat is realized the press will blame the government while crying for the head of every Muslim in the nation. Especially if the offices of the New York Times is hit.

Let's just hope that the Muslims in the US heed the warning. If nothing else, it'll drive down housing prices in the LA Basin.

Ain't modern life great?

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