Saturday, September 16, 2006

An Idea that Will Go No Where

While reading a mystery novel entitled Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas your faithful correspondent came up with an idea that will probably go no where.

In the novel, in order to protest violent anti-Semitism in Victorian London, a group of Orthodox Jews march down Petticoat Lane. They march behind a banner featuring a depiction of the Golem (a magically created protector of Jews in one of the Eastern European ghettos) in rank and file. They carry blunt swords in the event of attack by anti-Semites and use them as clubs.

Considering the fact that the Islamic Monster is not loathe to take to the streets, would it not be right for those who are subjects of Islamic anger to march in defense of themselves?

Here's the idea. Since relations between even the most Orthodox Jews and Hasidic Jews and Christians (at least of the evangelical bent) have been good for the past fifty years, would it not be a good idea for these groups to get together to march against the Islamic Monster? ... Imagine a march being done in front of the King Faud Mosque in Glendale. But instead of the usual rag tag amnner of modern day marches the march being held in the military style in rank and file. The march would be lead by Orthodox and Hasdic Jews wearing blue ribbons or kippahs marching behind a banner depicting Father Abraham, Moses or King David. Following would be Evangelical Christians and Catholics wearing red shirts, red hats or even red kippahs signifying the Blood of Our Lord and marching behind banners depicting the Lamb of God. Behind them would be mainstream Christians and conservative and liberal Jews wearing either blue or red and marching behind a banner depicting the Magen David and Cross. And finally would be the secularists, enlightened Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists secularists and Wiccans, wearing red, white and blue ribbons or shirts marching behind the Great Seal of the United States. All would be in ranks and file as an army refusing to kowtow to the terrorism than is modern Islam.And instead of marching down a sidewalk, they would march down the middle of the street to show that they are willing to suffer the penalty for expressing their faith in the Western form of government and society.

No swords, no batons. Just feet and banners to show that the West in the United States will not bow before a fascists religious philosophy.

Why the King Faud Mosque, you may ask? Simply because the King Faud Mosque is supported by the Wahabist regime of Saudi Arabia. Wahabism is the Islamic form of Reformation Islam and has given rise to the most violent forms of that religion.

It is only when we, as a nation and as a group of non-Islamic religions, make the Islamic Monster understand that we will not put up with their aspirations toward Sharia Law, that we, as a nation and as a groups of religions, will be free from Islamism.

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