Sunday, September 10, 2006

How's That McMuffin?

Assume for a moment that something terrible has happened to you in the wee hours of the morning. Something like your house burning down or an earthquake destroying your house. A kindly neighbor take sympathy on you and offers to give you a big breakfast while you digest the disaster that you've just experienced. In fact, the neighbor offers you a "farmer's breakfast" i.e., three eggs, sausage, breakfast ham, buttermilk biscuits, red eye gravy, scalding hot coffee and a cinnamon roll. After dealing with the firemen and insurance agents you go to your neighbor's house and sit down at the kitchen table. Your neighbor, wet with the milk of human kindness, sets before you a paper bag. You open it and find ... an Egg McMuffin and a Styrofoam cup of lukewarm coffee.

While you are appreciative for the breakfast, you're disappointed that a farmer's breakfast has turned into corporate swill.

We here at Bloody Nib Manor are not among the 9/11 fetishists. In fact, we refuse to refer to the incident as "9/11." We refer it to it as the attack on the World Trade Center or September 11. But that being said, we remember that after the event the United States government, through its various governing and administrative bodies, promised the population of the United States that it would do everything within its power to prevent further acts of terrorism within the US and terrorism on US targets outside the US. In other words, we were promised a farmer's breakfast of security.

But something happened between the sound and the action. We don't know what it was. It may have been political correctness. It may have been lack of will. It may have been just plain old government ineptness. And that something has been the giving of an Eggs McMuffin instead of the farmer's breakfast.

This past week the Ayatollah Katami has been on a mosque to mosque speaking tour in the United States. Katami has been trying to play the Islamic version of Pope John Paul II during his tour, but that doesn't negate the fact that while he was numero uno in Iran he was hostile to the US and to any Jew anywhere. This coming week the Iranian President Ahmeniwhackjob will be visiting the United States to give one of his nutty speeches at the UN, over 5,000 Saudi men will be coming to the US to attend various universities and countless numbers of people will enter the US from the southern border.

This is tantamount to letting Goebbels make a speaking tour of the US, Hitler speak before the Organization of American States, 5,000 Italians attend American universities and allow countless numbers of Bulgarians to enter the US through whatever border, all in 1940.

Meanwhile, the government crows about code yellow and code red and code this and that while really not, apparently, doing much.

The government promised to be hard. Instead it has been soft. It promised to be vigilant. Instead it has been lackadaisical.

One finds oneself wondering why the United States government did not close it borders completely, or at least to any Muslim majority nation. Instead we have hostile elements allowed into the nation to move around at will.

That McMuffin is tasting pretty dry.

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