Well, it official and you can take it to the bank. That great sage of our age, Rosie O'Donnell, has pronounced Fundamentalist Christianity as dangerous to the West, if not more so, as the Islamic Monster. That must be why there has been an epidemic of bombings of mosques, synagogues, temples and television stations done by Primitive Baptists, Pentecostals and Latin Mass Catholics. Wait a minute. None of that stuff happened. The worse we here at Bloody Nib Manor were calls for boycotts against the purported singer named Madonna.
The ever lovely Lady Nib, the Marquis of Nib, the Princess of the Antipodes and your faithful correspondent saw Mr. O'Donnell some 20 years ago at a comedy club. She was not well known and she was funny. Now she's famous, angry and isn't funny. But she's a sage and an opinion maker. Who can argue with those particulars.
Yours has been wondering about the double standard that the media uses in describing Mohammedanism versus Christianity and Western Values. Islam, among the hand wringing class, is excused the most egregious behaviour. A Christian or Westerner mildly insults Mohammad or his sham religion and the chattering classes (the professorial crowd, the liberal opinion makers, the liberal churchmen) wring their hands and tell us that we, in the West, are the monsters.
Yours is a Mozart fan.I've not heard all the operas, but I am somewhat familiar with most of them. The Berlin Opera decided to mount a production of Mozart's Idomeo. In this particular production, the closing act features a character offering the king the heads of Christ, Buddha and (gasp!) Mohammed. But the opera company decided not to mount the product because they thought it might offend, not Christians, not Buddhist, but the Sons of Allah: Dhimmi Watch: German opera house dumps Mozart opera depicting Mohammed . Be it known that Angela Merkel, the PM (or maybe it's President) of Germany, had the courage to say that the cancellation was an act of cowardice. But the arty are only brave when it comes to losing other people's money, not getting their heinies kicked by savages.
The Metropolitan Police in London, England have decided that it might be best to consult with the enemy before mounting a raid: Dhimmi Watch: UK: Police to brief Muslims before terror raids .
In the nation of Azerbaijan it is apparently illegal to name one's children after Biblical persons: Compass Direct News : AZERBAIJAN - OFFICIALS DEPRIVE CHRISTIAN BABY OF NAME . Actually, the French used to have laws concerning the naming of children. The names used to be required to be proper Western names -- no Bucks or Buffys allowed. But since the infestation of La Belle France such names as Mohammed, Rashid and Yassar are not only allowed, but are more popular than Jacques, Yves or Christian. But that's the French -- still recovering from the Terror.
And while it may seem that the Western World has succumbed completely to the Grendal of Mecca, there are a few Beowulfs taking the sword (or at least pen and voice) against that abortion that some call the "Religion of Peace (Pieces).
Considering the fact that Spain only managed to kick out Muslim rule from that nation in 1492 one would think that the Spanish would want nothing to do with the Islamics. But, after the bombing of the trains a couple of years ago the voters decided to cave-in to the threat of the barbarians like a shoebox under a steam roller. But the former Prime Minister has come out with this: Aznar:ÂMuslims should apologize for occupying Spain for 800 yearsÂ
And Down Under John Howard and his cabinet have been saying things that our own elected masters are afraid to say: Costello urges Muslim nations to separate church, state. 23/09/2006. ABC News : A French (French! Must be related to Joan of Arc somehow) teacher has written an editorial decrying the Islamification of France, and a German has written an article in the same vein: Michelle Malkin: The forbidden op-eds .
A blogger, with a Master's degree in anthropology who has spent time in the Middle East as well as Eastern Europe, has this to say about the difference between the Western and the Muslim mind: Rants and Raves: Observations on Arabs .
And while the media cry oveoverer the West's misunderstanding of the Muslims and their ways, they want to censor, for the good of the children, Judeo-Christian messages in children's cartoons: Hot Air » Blog Archive » Muzzling the Veggie Tales . Those Christians are so dangerous.
Once you've gone through the links you may want to study this one: Irish Stick Fighting, Faction Fighting, Celtic Martial Arts . Then you'll know how to whack a Mo(hammed).
Tomorrow: An appreciation of Oriana Fallaci with quotes.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
On Second Thought
Several posts ago your faithful correspondent wondered why American Muslims had not joined in, great numbers, the US military after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. After all, after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 Japanese-Americans joined the US Army in enough numbers to constitute a division of enlisted men (the 442nd Division -- one of the highest decorated divisions in the US Army in the European theatre).
Now that yours has considered the question he has decided that the proper thing for the US military do is exclude Muslims from the military.
Recently it has come out that the commander of the Thai military, when questioned why the Thai military does not recruit Thai Muslims for either the enlisted and officer ranks stated, "We don't trust Muslims to put Thailand and our king before Islam."
If the Thais, who have had centuries of Muslim presence in their nation, have decided that Muslims are not to be trusted, why should we?
Never mind that there has been a coup, in favor of the king, in Thailand in the last week. The military supported their duly appointed king in favor of a waffling PM.
If the Thais, who have experienced centuries of Islamic presence, don't trust the Muslims, why should we?
Now that yours has considered the question he has decided that the proper thing for the US military do is exclude Muslims from the military.
Recently it has come out that the commander of the Thai military, when questioned why the Thai military does not recruit Thai Muslims for either the enlisted and officer ranks stated, "We don't trust Muslims to put Thailand and our king before Islam."
If the Thais, who have had centuries of Muslim presence in their nation, have decided that Muslims are not to be trusted, why should we?
Never mind that there has been a coup, in favor of the king, in Thailand in the last week. The military supported their duly appointed king in favor of a waffling PM.
If the Thais, who have experienced centuries of Islamic presence, don't trust the Muslims, why should we?
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Jump Under Your Desk!
Let's see how this works.
The Pope says something that the Islamic Monster doesn't like and the Mohammedans riot, jump up and down, burn the Pope in effigy and shoot and kill a 70 odd year old nun working in a hospital in Somalia and the US pres points it's finger at the West and says "Tsk, tsk. It's all your fault because you hurt the Muslims feelings. Christians and Catholics are nasty and evil."
Meanwhile, this comes down the tube: Next Attack Imminent: Muslims ordered to leave the United States . The American press doesn't even report it and if they ever do the result will probably be something like, "Tsk, tsk. It's all your fault all you Christians and Catholics." And then if the threat is realized the press will blame the government while crying for the head of every Muslim in the nation. Especially if the offices of the New York Times is hit.
Let's just hope that the Muslims in the US heed the warning. If nothing else, it'll drive down housing prices in the LA Basin.
Ain't modern life great?
The Pope says something that the Islamic Monster doesn't like and the Mohammedans riot, jump up and down, burn the Pope in effigy and shoot and kill a 70 odd year old nun working in a hospital in Somalia and the US pres points it's finger at the West and says "Tsk, tsk. It's all your fault because you hurt the Muslims feelings. Christians and Catholics are nasty and evil."
Meanwhile, this comes down the tube: Next Attack Imminent: Muslims ordered to leave the United States . The American press doesn't even report it and if they ever do the result will probably be something like, "Tsk, tsk. It's all your fault all you Christians and Catholics." And then if the threat is realized the press will blame the government while crying for the head of every Muslim in the nation. Especially if the offices of the New York Times is hit.
Let's just hope that the Muslims in the US heed the warning. If nothing else, it'll drive down housing prices in the LA Basin.
Ain't modern life great?
Food for Thought
Read this and think about it the next time John Kerry, Rosie O'Donnell et al drool out their nonsense about the struggle against the Islamic Monster: OpinionJournal - From WSJ.com
Saturday, September 16, 2006
An Idea that Will Go No Where
While reading a mystery novel entitled Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas your faithful correspondent came up with an idea that will probably go no where.
In the novel, in order to protest violent anti-Semitism in Victorian London, a group of Orthodox Jews march down Petticoat Lane. They march behind a banner featuring a depiction of the Golem (a magically created protector of Jews in one of the Eastern European ghettos) in rank and file. They carry blunt swords in the event of attack by anti-Semites and use them as clubs.
Considering the fact that the Islamic Monster is not loathe to take to the streets, would it not be right for those who are subjects of Islamic anger to march in defense of themselves?
Here's the idea. Since relations between even the most Orthodox Jews and Hasidic Jews and Christians (at least of the evangelical bent) have been good for the past fifty years, would it not be a good idea for these groups to get together to march against the Islamic Monster? ... Imagine a march being done in front of the King Faud Mosque in Glendale. But instead of the usual rag tag amnner of modern day marches the march being held in the military style in rank and file. The march would be lead by Orthodox and Hasdic Jews wearing blue ribbons or kippahs marching behind a banner depicting Father Abraham, Moses or King David. Following would be Evangelical Christians and Catholics wearing red shirts, red hats or even red kippahs signifying the Blood of Our Lord and marching behind banners depicting the Lamb of God. Behind them would be mainstream Christians and conservative and liberal Jews wearing either blue or red and marching behind a banner depicting the Magen David and Cross. And finally would be the secularists, enlightened Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists secularists and Wiccans, wearing red, white and blue ribbons or shirts marching behind the Great Seal of the United States. All would be in ranks and file as an army refusing to kowtow to the terrorism than is modern Islam.And instead of marching down a sidewalk, they would march down the middle of the street to show that they are willing to suffer the penalty for expressing their faith in the Western form of government and society.
No swords, no batons. Just feet and banners to show that the West in the United States will not bow before a fascists religious philosophy.
Why the King Faud Mosque, you may ask? Simply because the King Faud Mosque is supported by the Wahabist regime of Saudi Arabia. Wahabism is the Islamic form of Reformation Islam and has given rise to the most violent forms of that religion.
It is only when we, as a nation and as a group of non-Islamic religions, make the Islamic Monster understand that we will not put up with their aspirations toward Sharia Law, that we, as a nation and as a groups of religions, will be free from Islamism.
In the novel, in order to protest violent anti-Semitism in Victorian London, a group of Orthodox Jews march down Petticoat Lane. They march behind a banner featuring a depiction of the Golem (a magically created protector of Jews in one of the Eastern European ghettos) in rank and file. They carry blunt swords in the event of attack by anti-Semites and use them as clubs.
Considering the fact that the Islamic Monster is not loathe to take to the streets, would it not be right for those who are subjects of Islamic anger to march in defense of themselves?
Here's the idea. Since relations between even the most Orthodox Jews and Hasidic Jews and Christians (at least of the evangelical bent) have been good for the past fifty years, would it not be a good idea for these groups to get together to march against the Islamic Monster? ... Imagine a march being done in front of the King Faud Mosque in Glendale. But instead of the usual rag tag amnner of modern day marches the march being held in the military style in rank and file. The march would be lead by Orthodox and Hasdic Jews wearing blue ribbons or kippahs marching behind a banner depicting Father Abraham, Moses or King David. Following would be Evangelical Christians and Catholics wearing red shirts, red hats or even red kippahs signifying the Blood of Our Lord and marching behind banners depicting the Lamb of God. Behind them would be mainstream Christians and conservative and liberal Jews wearing either blue or red and marching behind a banner depicting the Magen David and Cross. And finally would be the secularists, enlightened Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists secularists and Wiccans, wearing red, white and blue ribbons or shirts marching behind the Great Seal of the United States. All would be in ranks and file as an army refusing to kowtow to the terrorism than is modern Islam.And instead of marching down a sidewalk, they would march down the middle of the street to show that they are willing to suffer the penalty for expressing their faith in the Western form of government and society.
No swords, no batons. Just feet and banners to show that the West in the United States will not bow before a fascists religious philosophy.
Why the King Faud Mosque, you may ask? Simply because the King Faud Mosque is supported by the Wahabist regime of Saudi Arabia. Wahabism is the Islamic form of Reformation Islam and has given rise to the most violent forms of that religion.
It is only when we, as a nation and as a group of non-Islamic religions, make the Islamic Monster understand that we will not put up with their aspirations toward Sharia Law, that we, as a nation and as a groups of religions, will be free from Islamism.
Weekend Round up
Oriana Fallaci died this past week. Her passing was not unexpected, but still saddening for those of us who love Western culture. She was a fierce and passionate writer and interview and she stepped on a lot of bunions during her career. During the past few years she was the target of thin-skinned Mohammedans who used the Western legal system in Europe to file lawsuits against her for hurting their feelings. She realized the threats to the West by the Islamic Monster.
Here's an article she wrote in July 2005: Oriana Fallaci --"The Enemy We Treat Like A Friend" (London bombings) .
And here's an appreciation by Mark Steyn:Topical Take .
Christopher Hitchens is, drunk, a clearer thinker and writer than the usual ink stained scribe in the employ of newspapers and periodicals. In fact, the man makes one want to include a fifth of Johnny Walker Red and Camel cigarettes in one's daily diet to plumb the depths of one's own thinking. But that would probably be a bad idea for most of us. Hitchens has an interesting take on the fifth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center by the Islamic Monster: OpinionJournal - Featured Article Note that he, in effect, states that it's just damn silly to even consider building a "9/11 Memorial" until the war is won. Our own take is that to concentrate on the memorial at this time is to build a memorial to a state of victimology instead a memorial to what the West stands for and what it can do.
The Pope said something that angered the Muslims. He quoted a 14th Century Byzantine Emperor. Said Emperor stated, in effect, that Islam was cruel and inhuman. The reaction by the Islamic Monster was the bombings of churches in the Middle East, death threats and demonstrations. These people are apparently the most thin skinned people on the planet. Christians and Jews have been daily denigrated by Islamic and secular leaders and the results have been nothing more than the occasional boycott. Could it be that Christians and Jews are more comfortable in their own religions and skins than Muslims?
Here's an article she wrote in July 2005: Oriana Fallaci --"The Enemy We Treat Like A Friend" (London bombings) .
And here's an appreciation by Mark Steyn:Topical Take .
Christopher Hitchens is, drunk, a clearer thinker and writer than the usual ink stained scribe in the employ of newspapers and periodicals. In fact, the man makes one want to include a fifth of Johnny Walker Red and Camel cigarettes in one's daily diet to plumb the depths of one's own thinking. But that would probably be a bad idea for most of us. Hitchens has an interesting take on the fifth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center by the Islamic Monster: OpinionJournal - Featured Article Note that he, in effect, states that it's just damn silly to even consider building a "9/11 Memorial" until the war is won. Our own take is that to concentrate on the memorial at this time is to build a memorial to a state of victimology instead a memorial to what the West stands for and what it can do.
The Pope said something that angered the Muslims. He quoted a 14th Century Byzantine Emperor. Said Emperor stated, in effect, that Islam was cruel and inhuman. The reaction by the Islamic Monster was the bombings of churches in the Middle East, death threats and demonstrations. These people are apparently the most thin skinned people on the planet. Christians and Jews have been daily denigrated by Islamic and secular leaders and the results have been nothing more than the occasional boycott. Could it be that Christians and Jews are more comfortable in their own religions and skins than Muslims?
Capitalism versus Corporatism
Somewhere along the way to now the old fashioned American form of Capitalism has been pretty much swallowed up by Corporatism and the result is pretty damn rotten. The old Capitalism meant a man, a family or a company making a product or providing a service while making a fair profit, paying the employees, if any, a fair wage and giving the consumer a good value for the dollar. Corporatism, on the other hand, means the providing of a product or service paying the employees as little as possible (it's especially easy to do if the work is outsourced to China or Vietnam where wages are dirt low and the executives don't have to face the workers every day), providing goods and services of indifferent quality and making big profits for stockholders who consider their dividends a major source of income instead of a source of extra income.
When a company becomes a corporation the vision of the founder is often lost. A man may have wanted to start a company to build cars or airplanes or print books or ground coffee turns into a corporation whose first concern is to make money. And when the goal is to make money the managers become ruthless. The lives of the employees become abstractions.
A case is point is Harry Stonecipher, the former CEO of Boeing Aircraft. It was during Stonecipher's tenure at Boeing that Boeing acquired McDonnell-Douglas. The result of the acquisition was that thousands of workers were laid off (former Douglas employees) and Boeing decided to abandon the Douglas plants in California except the Long Beach C-17 plant. Stonecipher made the decision and did not have to stand in the shops and face the men and women who were losing their jobs. He sat in Seattle and saw the ruined lives as nothing more than numbers on a computer screen. Stonecipher also is responsible for the outsourcing of Boeing components to Japan, China, Italy, France and Germany. It was not because any of these countries could do the work any better than American workers, but Stonecipher saw them as cheaper labor.
And old fashioned American-style capitalist, when forced to make cuts, would at least have the decency to face the the men who lives he was ruining and would have mourned with them. There were exceptions of course -- coal, textile and steel barons were especially nasty men -- but for the most part the owner of the company not only knew how to run a company, but how to build the product. The owners were seen regularly on the shop floor. They may not have known all their employees personally, but they knew them corporately. They knew they employed people, not numbers.
The result has been the shrinking of the American manufacturing base and the slow transformation of the American economy from an engine of production to a service economy. Consider Wal-Mart. When Sam Walton was alive his vow was to sell as many American made products as possible at a competitive price. Since Sam Walton died his children have taken over and become corporatized. They don't even pretend to give American made products preference. Most of the stuff sold at Wal-Mart is made in China. In fact, Wal-Mart is the largest single importer of Chinese made goods in the US. The result is that many Americans in the manufacturing sector have been thrown out of work and have been forced to seek lower paying jobs as "associates" at Wal-Mart stores. The corporate mentality of one retail giant has ruined the lives of people who don't even work for it.
It stinks. But that's life.
But there are still companies that feel responsible for not only the consumer, but for the employee. A case in point is Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap. Emil Bronner founded the company during the mid-twentieth century in Escondido, California. His purpose was to make soap specifically Castillian soap. By the time of his death Dr. Bronner had fifteen employees, a loyal following and has donated one thousand acres near Mount Palomar to the Boys and Girl Club of San Diego. Today the company makes 7 million dollars a year. It is operated by Dr. Bronner's grandson. Several corporations have offered to buy the company and have been rebuffed because it was not Dr. Bronner's vision to be part of a corporation. The family has maintained Dr. Bronner's philosophy, perhaps because of Dr. Bronner's writings, which he called The Moral ABC and which were printed on the inside of the soap wrapper. Dr. Bronner's writings were a little kooky, but they were from the mind of a man who cared more about people and the world than money.
Dr. Bronner had the best definition of what capitalism should be that we at Bloody Nib Manor have ever read: Constructive capitalism is where you share the profit with the workers and the earth from which you made it. ...Here's a link to the company web site: Dr Bronner's Magic Soaps Make sure to click on the Social Responsibilty tab to get more of the Bronner philosophy. And spend two bucks to get a copy of the Moral ABC. And buy the soap if you can. It's good stuff.
Charities often fall into a form of corporatism. Consider the Red Cross and the United Way. Top heavy and more money spent for administration than what hits the ground. We here at the Manor donate to the Salvation Army, which answers to a Higher Power than a board of directors. But there are many, many small organizations and even individuals, who make a big difference every day doing the work that many won't. An example is Gloria Kim, who runs the Zion Gospel Mission Church in Los Angeles. Miss Kim, despite having her car stolen, still ministers to the homeless every day with food and prayers. The LA Times did a short article about her: Carjacking Can't Make a Dent in Aid to Homeless - Los Angeles Times . If you have the time, say a prayer for her and those like her.
When a company becomes a corporation the vision of the founder is often lost. A man may have wanted to start a company to build cars or airplanes or print books or ground coffee turns into a corporation whose first concern is to make money. And when the goal is to make money the managers become ruthless. The lives of the employees become abstractions.
A case is point is Harry Stonecipher, the former CEO of Boeing Aircraft. It was during Stonecipher's tenure at Boeing that Boeing acquired McDonnell-Douglas. The result of the acquisition was that thousands of workers were laid off (former Douglas employees) and Boeing decided to abandon the Douglas plants in California except the Long Beach C-17 plant. Stonecipher made the decision and did not have to stand in the shops and face the men and women who were losing their jobs. He sat in Seattle and saw the ruined lives as nothing more than numbers on a computer screen. Stonecipher also is responsible for the outsourcing of Boeing components to Japan, China, Italy, France and Germany. It was not because any of these countries could do the work any better than American workers, but Stonecipher saw them as cheaper labor.
And old fashioned American-style capitalist, when forced to make cuts, would at least have the decency to face the the men who lives he was ruining and would have mourned with them. There were exceptions of course -- coal, textile and steel barons were especially nasty men -- but for the most part the owner of the company not only knew how to run a company, but how to build the product. The owners were seen regularly on the shop floor. They may not have known all their employees personally, but they knew them corporately. They knew they employed people, not numbers.
The result has been the shrinking of the American manufacturing base and the slow transformation of the American economy from an engine of production to a service economy. Consider Wal-Mart. When Sam Walton was alive his vow was to sell as many American made products as possible at a competitive price. Since Sam Walton died his children have taken over and become corporatized. They don't even pretend to give American made products preference. Most of the stuff sold at Wal-Mart is made in China. In fact, Wal-Mart is the largest single importer of Chinese made goods in the US. The result is that many Americans in the manufacturing sector have been thrown out of work and have been forced to seek lower paying jobs as "associates" at Wal-Mart stores. The corporate mentality of one retail giant has ruined the lives of people who don't even work for it.
It stinks. But that's life.
But there are still companies that feel responsible for not only the consumer, but for the employee. A case in point is Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap. Emil Bronner founded the company during the mid-twentieth century in Escondido, California. His purpose was to make soap specifically Castillian soap. By the time of his death Dr. Bronner had fifteen employees, a loyal following and has donated one thousand acres near Mount Palomar to the Boys and Girl Club of San Diego. Today the company makes 7 million dollars a year. It is operated by Dr. Bronner's grandson. Several corporations have offered to buy the company and have been rebuffed because it was not Dr. Bronner's vision to be part of a corporation. The family has maintained Dr. Bronner's philosophy, perhaps because of Dr. Bronner's writings, which he called The Moral ABC and which were printed on the inside of the soap wrapper. Dr. Bronner's writings were a little kooky, but they were from the mind of a man who cared more about people and the world than money.
Dr. Bronner had the best definition of what capitalism should be that we at Bloody Nib Manor have ever read: Constructive capitalism is where you share the profit with the workers and the earth from which you made it. ...Here's a link to the company web site: Dr Bronner's Magic Soaps Make sure to click on the Social Responsibilty tab to get more of the Bronner philosophy. And spend two bucks to get a copy of the Moral ABC. And buy the soap if you can. It's good stuff.
Charities often fall into a form of corporatism. Consider the Red Cross and the United Way. Top heavy and more money spent for administration than what hits the ground. We here at the Manor donate to the Salvation Army, which answers to a Higher Power than a board of directors. But there are many, many small organizations and even individuals, who make a big difference every day doing the work that many won't. An example is Gloria Kim, who runs the Zion Gospel Mission Church in Los Angeles. Miss Kim, despite having her car stolen, still ministers to the homeless every day with food and prayers. The LA Times did a short article about her: Carjacking Can't Make a Dent in Aid to Homeless - Los Angeles Times . If you have the time, say a prayer for her and those like her.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Men in Hats
To the right is a photo of Pope Benedict, or as we call him here at Bloody Nib Manor, Pope Benny. But we are rock ribbed Protestants. He is your faithful correspondent's favorite Pope since he is not as much a Barney the Dinosaur Pope (I love you, you love me, we are a happy family) as was JPII.
In the photo the Pope is wearing a hat called a "saturno." It is called a saturno because Italian think it looks like Saturn. But Italians think a lot of things that are odd.
Unfortunately the hat is red and it looks like something like an old lady in Palm Springs would wear to a car show. The best color is black, as been worn by many Anglican clerics while working as missionaries in tropical climes. But the Pope, for some reason, is required to wear a red hat. ... But the hat does look dapper and it shades his face from the sun. What more be asked?
In the photo the Pope is wearing a hat called a "saturno." It is called a saturno because Italian think it looks like Saturn. But Italians think a lot of things that are odd.
Unfortunately the hat is red and it looks like something like an old lady in Palm Springs would wear to a car show. The best color is black, as been worn by many Anglican clerics while working as missionaries in tropical climes. But the Pope, for some reason, is required to wear a red hat. ... But the hat does look dapper and it shades his face from the sun. What more be asked?
Where's the Muslim 442nd?
Over at Gates of Vienna the Baron has an interesting post: Gates of Vienna: Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims While you read it think of the boilerplate pronouncements by the Council of American Islamic Relations or the American Muslim Public Relations Whatever. Those organizations always halfways denounce whatever Muslim originated atrocity happens, but they never offer support to the victims. The leaders want to sit in their leather couches in Orange County or Dearborn while watching reruns of Sex in the City or the editors cut of Deep Throat instead of really addressing the problem at hand.
During World War II there was the 442 Division in the US Army. The 442nd was made up of Japanese-Americans who enlisted in the Army after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The 442nd fought in Europe and was the most decorated unit during the war. American-Muslims, on the other hand, have done nothing but cut excuses for their co-religionists for bad behavior. There was no upsurge of enlistments in the military by Muslims after September 11.
Are they lazy? Unpatriotic? Hostile? You decide. But until there is a Muslim version of the 442nd guarding the borders of Korea, thus releasing others to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan I choose the latter. If they are not for us they are against us. And if they are not actively for the US they are carpetbaggers, which is just as bad.
During World War II there was the 442 Division in the US Army. The 442nd was made up of Japanese-Americans who enlisted in the Army after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The 442nd fought in Europe and was the most decorated unit during the war. American-Muslims, on the other hand, have done nothing but cut excuses for their co-religionists for bad behavior. There was no upsurge of enlistments in the military by Muslims after September 11.
Are they lazy? Unpatriotic? Hostile? You decide. But until there is a Muslim version of the 442nd guarding the borders of Korea, thus releasing others to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan I choose the latter. If they are not for us they are against us. And if they are not actively for the US they are carpetbaggers, which is just as bad.
How's That McMuffin?
Assume for a moment that something terrible has happened to you in the wee hours of the morning. Something like your house burning down or an earthquake destroying your house. A kindly neighbor take sympathy on you and offers to give you a big breakfast while you digest the disaster that you've just experienced. In fact, the neighbor offers you a "farmer's breakfast" i.e., three eggs, sausage, breakfast ham, buttermilk biscuits, red eye gravy, scalding hot coffee and a cinnamon roll. After dealing with the firemen and insurance agents you go to your neighbor's house and sit down at the kitchen table. Your neighbor, wet with the milk of human kindness, sets before you a paper bag. You open it and find ... an Egg McMuffin and a Styrofoam cup of lukewarm coffee.
While you are appreciative for the breakfast, you're disappointed that a farmer's breakfast has turned into corporate swill.
We here at Bloody Nib Manor are not among the 9/11 fetishists. In fact, we refuse to refer to the incident as "9/11." We refer it to it as the attack on the World Trade Center or September 11. But that being said, we remember that after the event the United States government, through its various governing and administrative bodies, promised the population of the United States that it would do everything within its power to prevent further acts of terrorism within the US and terrorism on US targets outside the US. In other words, we were promised a farmer's breakfast of security.
But something happened between the sound and the action. We don't know what it was. It may have been political correctness. It may have been lack of will. It may have been just plain old government ineptness. And that something has been the giving of an Eggs McMuffin instead of the farmer's breakfast.
This past week the Ayatollah Katami has been on a mosque to mosque speaking tour in the United States. Katami has been trying to play the Islamic version of Pope John Paul II during his tour, but that doesn't negate the fact that while he was numero uno in Iran he was hostile to the US and to any Jew anywhere. This coming week the Iranian President Ahmeniwhackjob will be visiting the United States to give one of his nutty speeches at the UN, over 5,000 Saudi men will be coming to the US to attend various universities and countless numbers of people will enter the US from the southern border.
This is tantamount to letting Goebbels make a speaking tour of the US, Hitler speak before the Organization of American States, 5,000 Italians attend American universities and allow countless numbers of Bulgarians to enter the US through whatever border, all in 1940.
Meanwhile, the government crows about code yellow and code red and code this and that while really not, apparently, doing much.
The government promised to be hard. Instead it has been soft. It promised to be vigilant. Instead it has been lackadaisical.
One finds oneself wondering why the United States government did not close it borders completely, or at least to any Muslim majority nation. Instead we have hostile elements allowed into the nation to move around at will.
That McMuffin is tasting pretty dry.
While you are appreciative for the breakfast, you're disappointed that a farmer's breakfast has turned into corporate swill.
We here at Bloody Nib Manor are not among the 9/11 fetishists. In fact, we refuse to refer to the incident as "9/11." We refer it to it as the attack on the World Trade Center or September 11. But that being said, we remember that after the event the United States government, through its various governing and administrative bodies, promised the population of the United States that it would do everything within its power to prevent further acts of terrorism within the US and terrorism on US targets outside the US. In other words, we were promised a farmer's breakfast of security.
But something happened between the sound and the action. We don't know what it was. It may have been political correctness. It may have been lack of will. It may have been just plain old government ineptness. And that something has been the giving of an Eggs McMuffin instead of the farmer's breakfast.
This past week the Ayatollah Katami has been on a mosque to mosque speaking tour in the United States. Katami has been trying to play the Islamic version of Pope John Paul II during his tour, but that doesn't negate the fact that while he was numero uno in Iran he was hostile to the US and to any Jew anywhere. This coming week the Iranian President Ahmeniwhackjob will be visiting the United States to give one of his nutty speeches at the UN, over 5,000 Saudi men will be coming to the US to attend various universities and countless numbers of people will enter the US from the southern border.
This is tantamount to letting Goebbels make a speaking tour of the US, Hitler speak before the Organization of American States, 5,000 Italians attend American universities and allow countless numbers of Bulgarians to enter the US through whatever border, all in 1940.
Meanwhile, the government crows about code yellow and code red and code this and that while really not, apparently, doing much.
The government promised to be hard. Instead it has been soft. It promised to be vigilant. Instead it has been lackadaisical.
One finds oneself wondering why the United States government did not close it borders completely, or at least to any Muslim majority nation. Instead we have hostile elements allowed into the nation to move around at will.
That McMuffin is tasting pretty dry.
Monday, September 04, 2006
The Border Crossed Us?
Recently Linda Ronstadt stated the her family did not cross the Mexican- American border, but that the border crossed her family. One hears the same cry from illegal alien activists.
It is a cry of nonsense. The border between the United States and Mexico changed in the 1840s. No Mexicans were displaced during this border changing. Those Mexican living in the newly American territory were not driven out. Those for whom the border had changed were allowed to remain in the US.
Those Mexicans who have deigned to illegally enter the United States have crossed the border. They have come from Oaxaca, Jalisco and other Mexican states deep within the nation of Mexico. The present border between Mexico and the United States has long been recognized as a true and proper border despite the fact that Mexican textbooks do not recognize it as so. There is no living Mexican who the border crossed. Mexico is conforming, in slow motion, to, Hitler's claim of the Sudanland in Czechoslovakia.. But then, the Mexican government has never been adverse to the taking of United States territory by whatever means they have as is evinced by the beatification of Pancho Villa and the Zimmerman letter during World War One.
Would the US be cruel by deporting illegals? The answer is no. The US would be hard in deporting and punishing illegal aliens, but there is no sin in a nation being hard in protecting its borders and citizens. Life is hard and a nation's job is to make it easier for its citizens even if it is at the expense of those who have snuck in to it to take advantage of benefits and freedoms that were meant for citizens.
It is a cry of nonsense. The border between the United States and Mexico changed in the 1840s. No Mexicans were displaced during this border changing. Those Mexican living in the newly American territory were not driven out. Those for whom the border had changed were allowed to remain in the US.
Those Mexicans who have deigned to illegally enter the United States have crossed the border. They have come from Oaxaca, Jalisco and other Mexican states deep within the nation of Mexico. The present border between Mexico and the United States has long been recognized as a true and proper border despite the fact that Mexican textbooks do not recognize it as so. There is no living Mexican who the border crossed. Mexico is conforming, in slow motion, to, Hitler's claim of the Sudanland in Czechoslovakia.. But then, the Mexican government has never been adverse to the taking of United States territory by whatever means they have as is evinced by the beatification of Pancho Villa and the Zimmerman letter during World War One.
Would the US be cruel by deporting illegals? The answer is no. The US would be hard in deporting and punishing illegal aliens, but there is no sin in a nation being hard in protecting its borders and citizens. Life is hard and a nation's job is to make it easier for its citizens even if it is at the expense of those who have snuck in to it to take advantage of benefits and freedoms that were meant for citizens.
Convert or Die
Al-Queda has released a new video yammering on about their problems with the West, and the only wonder is why can't we find the origin of these videos so we can squash those bugs.
In the video is an appeal by the Mohammedan version of Axis Sally, Adam Gadahn, telling us all that we should all convert to Islam or suffer the consequences. It makes one wonder if the Fox News Channel correspondent and cameraman who were released last week after having "converted" to Islam on videotape were given the same offer.
We here at Bloody Nib Manor have no intention of converting to Islam. We'll take the consequences. But, since we are both conservative (even fundamentalist {gasp!}) Christians, the only consequence we will suffer is going to Heaven to join the angelic Host after we die. ... Mark Steyn has an interesting take on the kowtowing and seeming conversions of kidnap victims in the past: Why abduct us? We cede our values for free
To be absolutely honest, I don't know what I would do if I were in the situation that Mr. Centanni found himself. I hope and pray that I would stand for my faith, and if I did not I would spend the rest of my life in a state of suicidcal depression for abandoning, in word, if not in fact, my Lord, and praying for forgiveness.
In the video is an appeal by the Mohammedan version of Axis Sally, Adam Gadahn, telling us all that we should all convert to Islam or suffer the consequences. It makes one wonder if the Fox News Channel correspondent and cameraman who were released last week after having "converted" to Islam on videotape were given the same offer.
We here at Bloody Nib Manor have no intention of converting to Islam. We'll take the consequences. But, since we are both conservative (even fundamentalist {gasp!}) Christians, the only consequence we will suffer is going to Heaven to join the angelic Host after we die. ... Mark Steyn has an interesting take on the kowtowing and seeming conversions of kidnap victims in the past: Why abduct us? We cede our values for free
To be absolutely honest, I don't know what I would do if I were in the situation that Mr. Centanni found himself. I hope and pray that I would stand for my faith, and if I did not I would spend the rest of my life in a state of suicidcal depression for abandoning, in word, if not in fact, my Lord, and praying for forgiveness.
Shut Up and Sing
We here at Bloody Nib Manor have always preferred Tony Bennett as a singer to Frank Sinatra We've always felt that his voice was more pleasing, that he had a better songbook and that he was, and is, a nicer man than the Chairman of the Board.
But Mr. Bennett should remember that it has been, and is, his job to sing. He is not a cultural critic, an anthropologist or a sociologist. But like many people who have attained fame and fortune in one area of life, he feels that his opinion in other areas of life is worth serious consideration, as is evinced by this article: TONY BENNETT - TONY BENNETT: 'AMERICA IS CULTURALLY VOID'
I think that what Mr. Bennett really means is that there is not a culture in contemporary America that he likes except jazz. Whether or not jazz is a cultural contribution is arguable. There are some who believe that jazz since the 1950s is tantamount to aural masturbation. He seems to have forgotten that world has taken to rock and roll, barbeque, film animation, surfing and fast food in a way that it never did to French Impressionism, atonal music, croquet and Italian food.
I believe that what Mr. Bennett really means is that there is not an American originated culture that appeals to the cultural elites. But that's what America is all about. It is the populace that makes the culture while ignoring the elites. The majority have their fun, kick out the jams and rock and roll (and export this stuff to the world) while the elites east of the Appalachias and north of the Delaware piss and moan about what a barbaric nation they live in, and long to curtsey before the Queen of England. It is the aspiration toward the European definition of culture that will make America culturally void because it will make the States a weak sister of a weak sister.
Anyone who looks to a singer for a critique of American culture is as vapid as someone who gets their religion from a movie.
The painting at the top is called The Arts of the West, and was painted by Thomas Hart Benton. Benton has never been a favorite here at the Manor (his stuff looks often like he painted it while suffering a hangover), but this painting defines the arts of the common man of the West at the time the painting was done -- music, dancing, horseshoes, shooting, etc. If an Australian aborigine blowing through a tube can be called culture why can't a man busting a bronco not be?
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