Saturday, July 18, 2015


     Anyone who has read Conrad's novel "The Heart of Darkness" knows that the last words of the character Kurtz were "Kill them Kill them all."
     Kurtz was a Belgian trader who had gone to the darkest part of Africa to make money. He was not a missionary. But despite his search for money he also, perhaps unknowingly, expected to civilize his little part of Africa. Instead he was made an sort of idol and a prisoner by the Africans that he had hoped to civilize for his trading concern.
      We, in the West, have fallen into the Kurtz trap. Our civilizational kindness and the wish to make a profit have resulted in us being trapped by a lower form of civilization. The lower form of civilization is the Islamic civilization.
     Through our kindness we have not only given the revolver to those who wish to destroy us, we have loaded the chambers and handed the gun to those who are such savages in their mores and morays and yet benefit from our work and talents as Christians and Westerners, we have pulled the trigger in slow motion The bullet is coming into our brains unless we wise up.
     Be it known that this writer is not a racist or religionist. The ever lovely Lady Nib is an Asian woman, Bloody Nib Manor is in a Mexican neighborhood, one of this writer's best friends was a black man, and the most beautiful woman he ever saw was an African woman and one of his doctors was a Muslim.
     But one wonders, considering the current state of Islam against the West, if it would not have been a good idea if General Gordon had not directed, in his battle against the Mahdi, had told his men to kill them and kill them all.


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