Please consider reading the following piece by Ashton Blackwell:
And once you get to the link look at the first link she provides of an attack by several people upon a young girl holding a baby. It is rather disturbing for several reasons.
The first is that the girl, about 13, is attacked for no other reason than because she was sitting in a park or a school yard for no other reason than because the attackers thought she was in "their" space. For those who haven't clicked onto the link, the girl is white and her attackers are black girls. We do not have "whites only" spaces anymore in the United States, but apparently there are "blacks only" spaces.
The second reason that this is disturbing is because the attackers care not a wit for the infant.
The third, and perhaps most important reason that the video is disturbing is that someone actually filmed the incident and did nothing to stop what happened. If there had been an incident in which a black girl holding a baby had been attacked by white girls and it had been filmed by a white boy/man who had done nothing there would have been a brouhaha that would have tired out even the most seasoned CNN talking head. And why? Because, as Orwell wrote in Animal Farm, all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal.
Some of us are given more rights than others and given excuses for bad behaviour than others by the government and the mainstream media. And the reason is not too awfully hard to figure out. It is racism pure and simple. It is racism of the worst sort. It is based on a racism that assumes that Black people, Hispanic people, Muslim people and gay people (your faithful correspondent realizes that Muslims and gays are not races, but he uses the term "race" in a loose sense such as the old writers used the term "the English race" or "American race") suffer from some biological defect that disallows them to act in a civilized manner in a civilized nation. In other words, those, to the government and media, are really not human; they are a missing link between base savage and civilized man.
The proper and civilized man and woman expects anyone in a civilized nation to act in a civilized manner. A New Guinea cannibal who has moved to this great nation is expected to quell is taste for human ribs in exchange for living in a civilized society. An Muslim is expected to be monogamous. A gay person is expected not to parade down Main Street with his dingus decorated as a candy cane.
If white trash acted in the way that the media portrays white trash as acting there would be shock stories of idiot progeny of incest littering the streets, dead people shot by 12 gauge shotguns regularly picked up after disagreements over whether Elvis is alive or not, and a bunch of guys named Cooter and and Hec and Gator would would make international news if they, wearing Confederate flags as capes, shot every black person, Muslim and homosexual within a mile radius of their shotgun shack. But there are few stories because these things rarely happen. But when they do the actors are rightly condemned , but not for the correct reasons. They are condemned, not so much because they did something bad, but because they are white people who did things that offend the sensibilities of American and European civilization. White people, apparently genetically, are supposed to know better. Minorities (except East Asians such as Japanese, Chinese and Koreans) are expected to think and behave one way and are given a pass. The rest of us are held to a standard that surpasses that of minorities. And the result is that some of the majority, a good deal of the majority, decides to follow the minority in thought and behaviour simply because it is a morally and legally easier way to go.
Ain't liberalism great?
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