Saturday, January 22, 2011

Muslim Free Saturday!

Your faithful correspondent, at the beginning of the year, made a resolution to spent less time and typing thinking about and writing about Jihadists and their fellow travelers.
Let us face it. There are people who wish Western civilization no good. Most of these people are made up of Muslims and the academics of Western universities and colleges. The situation is like dealing with termites. One attempts to deal with them, but one knows that they will return. And in the meantime one cannot spend all one's time battling them and ignore all the remaining aspects of life.
So, being the cranky geezer that this writer is, he has decided to address the Ricky Gervais/Golden Globes controversy and the absolute foolishness of holding actors and actresses and celebrities as some sort of higher life form.
Be it known that we here at the Manor hold those working in the entertainment/celebrity industry in low regard. This writer's grandfather, Sir Bill of Talaqhua, when asked about actors often said, "They're whores." That about sums it up for the Bloody Nib Manor attitude toward actors. They are people who produce nothing, they are professional liars, they speak the words of others and they often behave like beasts in their personal lives. The average street walker probably has a higher moral standard than the average actor. There are some things that a hooker will not do. Actors will do, or pretend to do, almost anything for their "art" and a bit of the ready. One wonders how long it will be before an actor, portraying a child molester, will simulate some sort of sex act with a five year old child.
Having made the above statement, the actors of previous generations seem to have been a little more moral and to have been much more grounded than those actors of today between the ages of 16 and 60. Much of the older crowd seemed to know that there was something not quite right in making one's living as an actor. Many of them were roaring drunks and insatiable adulterers, but they at least had enough shame to pay a tribute to virtue by trying to hide their bad behaviour.
Consider for a moment, the reputed behaviours of Helen Mirren and Catherine Zeta-Jones. While neither woman has been implicated in any sort of great scandal, both are known to be foul-mouthed. In fact Mirren has bragged that she is probably the most foul-mouthed actress in the business with Zeta-Jones running a close second, and seems to proud of it. In other words, she, a woman in her late 50s, is proud of the fact that she can cuss like a 18 year old Navy recruit from the plains of Nebraska, the streets of New York or the beaches of California. She can do, as an older woman, what comes almost naturally to a young man. Is that something to be proud of?
Or, again, consider someone like Tom Cruise (a target of Mr. Gervais' jokes). The man is a Scientologist. An ardent Scientologist. He claims that the religion/philosophy is capable of solving all problems and bringing peace. Yet, during his tenure with the Hubbardists he has been married three times and is suspected of being a homosexual. Apparently Scientology will answer your problems, but it seems not to have solved his.
An actor will preach to you that you should drive a Smart car or ride a bicycle, heat your house with a compost pile and light your house with olive oil lamps while he or she is driving a Bentley, has forced air heating and uses 100 watt bulbs in every room of his or her house. His or her medicine cabinet is full of recreational drugs while yours may have some aspirin, saw palmetto and vitamin C. In other words, you are a bad person for not being an actor and/or wealthy.
So what Gervais did, in a pretty week way, was to show that the emperors and empresses have no clothes. He did the same thing that Don Rickles did years ago. But we are in the age of the fragile snowflake and it is a bad thing to point to their clay feet.
Here's an article that makes the point much better than this writer is able to and is a man who has dealt with the Hollywood wildlife:
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Gervais-gate: The Real Reason the Right Is Celebrating Ricky Gervais
And this:
The Daily Mash - Hollywood stars raise awareness for their stupid, childish jobs

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