The Superbowl football game will be played soon, and that means that there will be a lot of speculation about what commercials will be shown, and once shown, there will be a lot of comment regarding the commercials.
If we face fact, probably about a quarter of the viewers of the game via television watch the game to watch the commercials. The game is, in a sense, a premiere of what some people consider the best commercials of the year.
And, if one watches closely, one will probably see that most of the commercials are humorous and that most of the humor is based on irony.
We here at the Manor have had it with intentional irony. Intentional irony is a cheap form of humor and satire. In fact, this writer posits that intentional irony is really irony and is not particularly humorous. Intentional irony is the same oxymoron as is designed accident. One could say that intentional irony is the Jackson Pollack of humor. In other words, it's boring.
The reader may well ask the question, "Lord Nib. What do you mean by intentional irony? How can irony be intentional?" And your faithful correspondent can only reply, "Any Jerry Seinfield joke is intentionally ironic. It is artificial. It is insincere. It is the purview of the hipster."
Real irony comes from real life. A preacher who is well known for raging against adultery and then is later caught en flagrante with a cheap hooker, or even a call girl or a housewife, is an example of irony.
Intentional irony is cheap. It is the form of "humor" used by the person who thinks that he is an insider or wise to the follies of human nature. But this person is neither an insider nor wise. The ironist is a smart-ass always looking out to show his smart ass while calling others asses.
The Internet has made every man a comedian. And that comedy is based on irony.
The result has been a cheapening of sincerity.And the cheapening of sincere humor. Now, when one says something sincerely the listener is often listening to the statement ironically. The result is that one cannot have a decent conversation in which each person really understands the other. There is always that jaded eye between the two.
Let us drop the irony. Let us be sincere. Let us enjoy our simple pleasures without a hipster standing on the sidelines - a man who seems to have no pleasure beyond making fun of others - pouring his scorn upon our pleasures. Let us be honest.
In honor of the upcoming Superbowl, here is the best beer commercial ever made. It was not shown during the Superbowl game. It was buried by irony. And we are all less for it:
YouTube - Miller High Life Girl in the Moon
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