Sunday, January 09, 2011

It's Unavoidable

Your faithful correspondent made a half-hearted resolution this year to write more light-hearted posts on this blog. Your writer likes to laugh and to turn a clever phrase, but real life keeps getting in the way.

Our Orc friends keep making life difficult for those who are not Mohammedans. In some cases in a humorous way while cutting excuses that they claim that they do not understand the Western world and have been seduced by its "corruption", and other cases very deadly manners.

Assume for a moment, that you the reader, are a self-proclaimed devout Hindu and that you move to the United States where the eating of beef is the norm. You are arrested for, not eating beef, but for stealing a hamburger from your local In and Out burger. You go to court and your argument before the judge is that you were unable to prevent yourself from stealing the burger because burgers are a normal part of US life and you assumed that the burgers are free. Your "devoutness" has been overcome by the world.

Well, this Islamic bonehead has made a similar argument:

Cubicle pervert spied on women with mirror at Manchester Aquatics Centre - Manchester Evening News

The president of France has made a statement that is sure to anger a number of multi-culturalist:


North Korea bad, Orcistan worse:

Islamic fundamentalism has replaced communism as greatest threat to Christians - report | Christian News on Christian Today

How far is a Christian supposed to be pushed before putting up a shield?

Father Raymond J. de Souza: Christians may need to start fighting back | Full Comment | National Post

Symbols mean something. If you don't get it, that's your problem:

YouTube - Meaning and history of the black flag of Jihad

Moderate Muslims on the march:

Pakistani lawyers salute Taseer’s killer - Arab News

Moderate Muslims on the march, part deux:

Gates of Vienna: Muslim Human Shields for Egyptian Christians

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