Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hyperbole, Christian Peresecution and the Gheys

Recently there has been a call by our elected masters for they, and us, to tone down the rhetoric and argument while referring to their, and our, political and moral opponents. In other words, if you think that your congressman is a socialist you should not call him a socialist because the word "socialist" is inflammatory. Your political party should not "target" a congressional district for the election of the party's candidate and to oust the incumbent. We should conduct our political and moral arguments in a "nice" way sort of like what they do in Canada. Instead of argument there should be agreement.
That's all nonsense. If the person who holds a political or moral opinion opposed to yours how can you honestly find a compromise? Consider the questions of gun ownership and abortion. If you believe in the Second Amendment as written and intended, how can you compromise with a person who wants to ban gun ownership for the private citizen? If you believe abortion is a crime, how can you compromise with an abortionist?
Your political opponent is your enemy. That person wants to deny you your rights. Why should you co-operate with someone who wants you to live their way instead of your way? To do so would make you a secular dhimmi - subject to the whims and ways of others.
Having written the above, this writer urges the reader to abandon the current use of hyperbole and reckless superlatives. This is not only intended for political or moral speech, but also for everyday speech.
Consider the following conservation overheard by your faithful correspondent between two young women. One lived in San Diego and the other lived in Orange County, California.
Kate: I've applied to attended UC San Diego. (Kate lived in Orange County)
Toni: That would be awesome. (Toni lived is San Diego)
Now, it may be nice, neat-o or fun, for Kate to go to school in San Diego and be near her friend Toni. But is it awesome? Not really. There is nothing in the situation that excites the sense of awe. God is awesome. Victoria Falls is awesome. The launch of a Delta IV rocket is awesome. Living in San Diego is not awesome. It's pleasant.
Or consider the description of Jennifer Aniston or Julia Roberts as beautiful. Let us face it. Neither woman is beautiful. They may be mildly pretty in the high school cheerleader sense, but neither woman will go down in history as a beauty.
Years ago the comedian Victor Borga had a bit in which he described and inflationary language. The bit was based on a mathematical model. Tennis became elevenis, for became five, someone became sometwo, and so one. The act was funny, but ended up being inaccurate. The inflation came with the cheapening of superlatives. Nice became good. Good became great. And the result was that the words mean nothing at all.
It used to be that overstatement was the sign of an uneducated and excitable person. Understatement was the sign of a calm thinker. Who would you rather deal with. The hyperbolic (most politicians) confuse urgent with important. And what has this habit gotten us? Crisis after crisis that, in the end, have shown themselves to be meaningless and not crises.
To move on. This blog and this writer has shown a concern for Christians being persecuted in heathen and atheistic nations. And for those Muslim readers of this blog the word "heathen" is intended to apply to Mohammedanism. And while there have been protests by the Vatican and organizations such as Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern, there has no been, until recently, mass protests supporting Christians against persecution. This protest took place in the Czech Republic. This writer finds it passing strange that such protests have as yet been mounted in the Grand Republic.

Czechs Demonstrate Against the Persecution of Christians

The government of Canada is urging the nation's radio stations not to play the Dire Straits song "Money for Nothing" because of the use of the word "faggot." And now Great Britain is including teachings regarding Sodomy and the Sodomist lifestyle in every damn subject in schools that can be thought of:

'Gay lessons' in maths, geography and science - Telegraph

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