As regular readers of this blog are aware, Bloody Nib Manor is in California. This year there is a gubernatorial election. The main contenders are Jerry Brown (who was governor for two terms back in the 1970s) and Meg Whitman.
This past week the comically publicity seeking attorney, Gloria Allred, came out with an accusation that Ms. Whitman had knowingly employed an illegal alien woman from Mexico named Nikki for nine years and had mistreated this poor benighted mija by paying her $23.00 per hour for a fifteen hour work week. Accordin to the lawyer Allred, Ms. Whitman fired Nikki when she decided to run for governor. and when Nikki asked Ms. Whitman to help her gain legal status in the U.S.
The whole thing has blown up into a farce on every front and the details on the affair are readily available on the Internet for those who are interested in following the tale.
But, be it known, that this writer, while never a Meg Whitman support of any enthusiasm, will vote for Ms. Whitman whether or not she knowingly employed a border jumper for the simple reasons that 1.) Jerry Brown was a rotten governor and would be better employed as the editor of Mother Earth News. and 2.) she has slimed by Gloria Allred in the same way that Gloria Allred slimed the present governor during his first election run (and your faithful correspondent readily admits that the Arnold has been a disappointment, but he's better than Davis would have been) and the way the Bob Mulholland slimed Bruce Herschensohn during his run for the Senate against Barbara Boxer. This writer refuses to reward bad behavior by politicians even during campaigns.
This writer remembers lawyer Allred's first showing on the public screen. She sued a drugstore for having two rows of toys. One row was labelled Boys' Toys and the other was labelled Girls' Toys. The difference was that in one row there were toy soldiers and cars and in the other there were dolls and tea sets. Lawyer Allred wanted the labelling changed to just Toys, because she thought the sex identification was sexist. After all, as everyone knows, any boy wants to look at dolls while trying to find toy soldiers and any girl wants to look at toy trucks while going to the tea sets.
And lawyer Allred won the lawsuit despite the fact that the drugstore chain was a private company. It was then that she learned that she could gain publicity by filing lawsuits that have no real basis in common sense, but can be argued by the niceties of legal interpretation.
The woman is a joke. Some people call her a publicity whore. But many of the same people, in the media, who call her that, are not loathe to have her on their televisions shows to allow her to argue her point and to get publicity themselves. An example would be The John and Ken Show on KFI in Los Angeles. J&K have spent a lot of time calling clown lawyer Allred a publicity whore, but they salivate over the idea of having her on their show.
This writer would remind the reader that for every whore there is at least one john. One has to ask one's self, in moral terms, is the whore any worse than the john? One is walking away with money received for giving up something that she does not hold dear. The other has a lighter wallet and perhaps some dread disease.
But to get to more serious matters.
This past weekend United States citizens visiting Europe were warned of possible terrorist attacks upon them by Islamic extremists.Some writers have claimed that the attacks will be modelled upon the attack in Bombay (Mumbai) perpetrated several years ago.
This article from the Telegraph in the U.K. raises some concern about Great Britain's preparation for such an act:
SAS officers warn that Britain is unprepared for a Mumbai-style attack - Telegraph
This writer is of the opinion that if such an attack were attempted in Los Angeles, for example, the attack would be much less successful if said attack were attempted in London or Liverpool for the simple reason that all policemen, and much of the citizenry are armed with firearms.
While we're talking about the U.K., this article shows that some Orcs are trying to institute Sharia Law in their businesses. Note that the woman in question is a non-religious Muslim and was being held to a standard that the employer did not hold white women to. The subtext is that white non-Muslim women are loose and sluts:
Muslim woman sacked for REFUSING to wear a headscarf | Mail Online
Some people find the actions of the schools mentioned in the following article disturbing i.e., the schools (private Islamic schools in Britain) expect their female students to dress in the approved desert Orc manner (wearing veils or hijabs). This writer has no problem with the school's dress codes for girls. The schools are private schools. The parents pay for their girls to attend the schools. The parents should be aware of the requirements of the schools. For a parent who has enrolled his or her daughter into an Islamic school to expect that his or her daughter not to be expected to conform to the most backwards elements of Islamic custom is tantamount to a Jewish parent to be upset that his or her child not to be exposed to the Roman Catholic Catechism at a Catholic school. Or a for an Evangelical Christian to be upset when their child ends up celebrating Passover while attending a Jewish day school. The problem arises when a student is attending a public school and is expected to conform to the norms of Mohammedism or Judaism. Since Great Britain has a state church it is no surprise that a child in an English state school should be given Christian instruction. But the English abandoned that requirement on teaching long ago.
British schools where girls must wear the Islamic veil - Telegraph
Here's just another example of Muslim love and tolerance from Pakistan:
Muslim Extremists Murder Christian Family in Pakistan
And finally, here's an example of a country exporting a product that they do not want returned: - U.S. Worsens Mexican Violence by Returning Criminal Aliens to Border Cities, Mayors Say
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