Sunday, October 10, 2010


As those in the know are well aware, we here are at Nib Manor are not rabid sports fans (excepting Lady Nib's enthusiasm for Sumo, but the Japanese are funny).
We are casual sports fans, the favorite big league sports being baseball and and occasionally ice hockey.
But despite the fact that he have neither Angels not Ducks banners hanging outside the gate of the Manor. we are of the opinion that the seasons of professional sports in the US make no damn sense.
Baseball is a sport that should run from early spring to late summer. This year the World Series, is played all seven games, will extend to early November. The professional hockey season started a few days ago. Professional basketball will start in a week or two. And during this period professional football will be underway.
The money lusters have taken over the sports. By money lusters this writer does not mean the players. He means the team owners and the television moguls. To refer to the old saying, where money is to be made money will be made. And the owners and the leagues desire to make as much money as they can despite the natural order of things.
The natural order of sports is that baseball is played from the early spring to the early fall, hockey from late fall to early spring, basketball from mid-winter to late spring, and football during the early fall to mid-winter.
Now we have all four sports being played at the same time. And nobody gains but the team owners, the sponsors and the broadcasters.
What can we, as sports fans (even casual sports fans) do? All we can do is quit watching those sports after their natural end has come.
Quit watching!

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