Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Bit of Sense From Germany and Such

Angela Merkel has come to the conclusion that American politicians should have come to long ago:

Merkel says German multiculturalism has failed | Reuters

Meanwhile, Great Britain refuses to face facts about the insidious nature of the religion of the Orcs:

Islamic face-veil part of 'British way of life' - Telegraph

Even some of the French have twigged on the threat from Mecca:

French MP says UK is 'losing fight against Islamic extremists' - Telegraph

Perhaps Columbus knew more than the average US politician:

Columbus knew the dangers of the Muslim tax man « Money Jihad

The Orcs in Austria seem to have picked up the American weakness by waging Lawfare:

Lawfare in Austria: Is Truth Illegal?: Paul Revere Gets the Slammer :: Hudson New York

The 17th century Puritan writer, John Owen, wrote, "Fight sin because sin is fighting you." This writer suggests that while the reader is fighting sin he remembers to fight Islam because Islam is fighting against him.

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