Sunday, September 26, 2010

This Sounds Awfully Familiar

Those of any age may recall the days of the "Black Liberation Movement." This was back in the days when black men wearing berets were free to walk the streets of cities carrying long guns with the excuse that they were fighting against the oppression of The Man, while a white man loading his 30.06 into his pick-up truck in preparation for a deer hunting trip was descended upon by the local constabulary and regarded (as directed by the local or state officials who thought any white man with a gun was up to no good) as suspicious and. perhaps "Anti-Negro."

During that time it was not particularly unusual for a liberal white woman to hook herself up with a revolutionary Black man. Those outside the politically correct circle called it "Jungle Fever." And some of those women suffered rape from those men they intended to help and some of them suffered death. This writer asks the reader to consult David Horowitz's journey toward conservatism.

This is not to say that all black men will rape white women if given the opportunity. But it is to say that it is not unusual for men to rape (at the minimum) a woman of the race that that the "oppressed" race sees as the oppressor.

The following three links illustrate the problem that is encountered by silly women who have no idea of the characters and ethics of those they are supporting:

Gates of Vienna: Peace Through Rape

Gates of Vienna: Peace Through Rape, Part 2

Gates of Vienna: Falsely Understood Tolerance

One is reminded of the John LeCarre' novel Little Drummer Girl. Although LeCarre' may not have intended it, the novel illustrates the naivete' of the liberal woman who is a virus in the auto-immune disease that infects the West and doesn't realize it.

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