The two entrenched political parties in the United States remind this writer of the legend of Saturn. Those, who took Greek mythology in high school, will remember that Saturn was in the habit of eating his own offspring in order to protect his position as Master of the Universe. And eventually, by some strange twist of fate that only happens in Greek mythology, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades overthrew Saturn and took over the store.
The Democrats eat their more conservative members, which is not strange since the Democrat party, in it's autoimmune affliction, is ever trending left-ward. One soon expects to see the image of Norman Thomas along with that of Jefferson and the later Roosevelt as heroes of its movement.
The Republicans, on the other hand, have, since the days of Ronald Reagan ("The 11th commandment is 'Thou Shalt Speak No Ill of Another Republican'") have played the Big Tent game. Those days are gone.
The Tea Party Movement has shown the lie. The establishment Republicans, the Republican elite and the white shoe Republicans have found the Tea Party Movement to be a threat and they don't like it. The Tea Party Republicans have put into action, as well as they can, the ideas mouthed by the establishment Republicans. And the elites are panicking and are trying to eat their young.
It was Sarah Palin that first set off in the days before the Tea Party Movement. While they nominated Palin as Vice-Presidential candidate in 2008, they expected her to be a meek and kowtowing partner to the lying John McCaine and to be a sop to Republican women. When it turned out that she was more popular among the grunts who cast votes than their "Hero", they panicked and started, under their breath, the slut and nut campaign in a way that played right into the hands of the Wrong Party. Palin was either a slut, because she was/is an attractive woman with nice legs, or she was a nut because she was/is a Christian.
This past Tuesday there was a primary in which Christine O'Donnell was chosen by Republican voters as their candidate for the Senatorial race in Delaware despite the fact that the Republican establishment preferred Mike Castle. Castle was a Republican of the McCaine sort i.e., let us come and reason together and I'll give you whatever you want if you like me. Mrs. O'Donnell was the Tea Party candidate and the establishment Republicans wasted no time in playing the slut and nut game on her. She's cute (if the reader likes that type) and is thus, in the ER opinion, dumb, and she's a damn kook because she holds to traditional Christian values and that she admitted in the past, during high school, dabbled in a form of witchcraft (who of us in high school has not done something that we would rather forget? Just look at your senior yearbook photograph.).
That Republican puppetmaster, Karl Rove, wasted no time pounding on Mrs. O'Donnell and then had the gall to say in an intereview that he was a big fan of the Tea Party Movement. Remember that this slug was the architect of George W. Bush's position on illegal aliens (otherwise known as amnesty).
The ERs cry that they want to put Republicans in office and want to run electable Republicans instead of kooks. In many case an electable Republican is a Democrat light. The ERs do not stand for conservativism. They stand for expediency. They stand for their position in society and in the body politic even if they have to bend over and take a long and thick hard one from the Dems. In other words, and to be very vulgar, the ERs would rather suck Democrat c**k and have their Lincoln Continentals and mini-mansions rather than stand up for the principles of the Consitution and liberty and drive Kias and live in tract houses as do the Tea Partyers.
Hell, the Established Republican Party has not even bothered to run a candidate in the Congressional district that encompasses Nib Manor in many years. Well, to be more correct, there has been a Republican candidate, but the candidate has nor received the support of the Republican Party. The Establishment Republicans have written off this district and thus, we here at the Manor have not been truly represented in Congress. We have been represented by a representative for illegal aliens.
It's all about money with the ERs. Principles take third place. The perfect example is Meg Whitman. She's not a conservative, but she has money and she is the Republican candidate for governor of the state of California. She has money. She'll probably defeat the Gollum known as Jerry Brown. And she is electable instead of principled.
Here's the deal. One has to ask oneself whether one is willing to whore oneself out by voting for an "electable" instead of a person of principle.
The Established Republican Party holds toward the former. The Tea Party Movement holds toward the latter. It will only be when we of the truly conservative and Tea Party work and work and work until we have wins based on principle instead of expediency that we will be able to announce ourselves as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and that the Saturn that is the present Republican Party is cast of into the cosmos.
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