Sunday, September 12, 2010

The World Survived

On this Sunday, September 12 in the year of Our Lord 2010, this writer awoke to find that the world has survived despite the prophecies of sure destruction by those wringing their hands over the proposed burning of the Koran by one Pastor Terry Jones of Florida.

This fact may have something to do with the fact that Jones, decided not to burn the Koran after getting a new directive from God. It seems to your faithful correspondent that his original idea to burn the Koran was inspired by a whisper in his ear from the Almighty. Who knew that God was so indecisive?

But others burned Korans on September 11, but nothing much happened except a little more pollution in the air and a little more anger from people living in countries that nobody in his right mind wants to have anything to do with. In other words.

The President made a mealy-mouthed speech remembering and "honoring" the attack on 9/11/01, and it was pretty weak beer. But what can one expect from a man who believes in nothing but his own greatness? Think of George Armstrong Custer without the bravery, dash and boldness. But the One will, if given the chance, lead the nation into a metaphorical Little Big Horn and it will be unlikely if even a metaphorical horse named Comanche survives.

This writer, as any casual reader of this blog is well aware, is no expert on Islam. He has not done any deep and serious study of the religion and culture. His opinions are based on information received by various news organizations, scholars and opinion makers. And his opinions are colored by his Christianity. So the reader can take or leave this writer's opinions and decision to post various links.

Having said that, this writer has been favored by comments concerning several posts by Trencherbone. Having read Trencherbone's blog, your faithful correspondent can do nothing less than recommend the reader to read Trencherbone's blog. His insights and comments are valuable and show a degree of knowledge concerning Mohammedism far beyond that of this writer. There is a link to his blog on the right side of this page, and here is a link if the reader does not feel up to moving a cursor:

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