Sunday, October 29, 2006

A New Link

A new link has been added to the Bloody Nib Blog Roll: The Desire to Conserve . This blog is written by a Finn (from Finland, of all places!) and the blogger has good points to make. He also has the talent to add interesting pictures to his posts. Check it out and go, "Umm."

Meanwhile, the right to spread one's religious beliefs continues to go only one way -- NEPA News - Pa. man charged with distributing anti-Islamic pamphlet in Kenya. At first blush one reading the headline would think that the missionaries were taking the Koran and stomping on it and calling Mohammed the rat that he was. But keep in mind that the very act of promoting one religion is to denigrate other religions. Kenyan Muslims throw rocks and pout and jump around like teenage girls having been called skanks, while at the same time their Koran claims that Jesus Christ, while being a "prophet" was a liar and a cheat ( the Koran claims that it was Judas who was crucified and that Jesus ducked out the back door when no one was looking). In other words, the Sons of Allah can call Christianity a lie and a fraud, but Christians can't call Islam a load of nonsense.

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