Sunday, October 22, 2006

Watching the World Go to Hell. From Ringside

To be absolutely honest, there are times when your faithful correspondent wishes that his entries were concerned with things like, oh, I don't know, pandas riding unicycles or the niceties of Korean karaoke as performed by Korean teenagers - YouTube - Crazy Korean Girls.

But life gets in the way and one finds oneself trying to make sense of a world that seems to have become populated by tweekers , i.e. meth addicts, enablers, excusers or the clueless.

Yours' suffers for your benefit.

So let's start on an up note and descend to the basement.

Orianna Fallaci bequeathed her library to the Vatican Library - Atheist gifts pontifical school in will - Yahoo! News. As those in the know are aware, Signora Fallaci was an atheist, but she had enough sense to know that the future of the West lies with Christianity, not with secularism, multiculturalism or the Islamic monster. Let us all be grateful that she did not will her library to an American university (where it would have remained hidden in deference to the Saudi donors of the intuition) or a mainline Protestant denomination (where it would have remained hidden in deference to the "feelings" of the Islamic monster). One wonders if Signora Fallaci, despite her self-professed atheism, is not at this moment interviewing St. Peter.

Melanie Phillips takes a look at the problem in Great Britain - Banner of Truth Trust General Articles . Even the upper level of the Church of England seems to have figured this out, though perhaps too late. Long gone are the days when a son of Allah would feel the need to convert to the True Faith, even if an insincere conversion, to progress into British culture and politics. One wonders if Benjamin Disraeli is not kicking himself for converting from Judaism to the C of E to enter politics. Meanwhile, the BBC seems to have been exposed as a base tool of multiculturalism - We are biased, admit the stars of BBC News the Daily Mail . Your faithful correspondent remembers when the BBC News was considered the most objective of news organizations. That was back in the days when the news readers all struggled to acquire the "BBC accent." But that was long ago. Now the news readers mumbled away in accents ranging from Cockney to Scouse to Jamaican to Arabic. How the mighty have fallen!

A little news from France. As an aside, one longs for the France from the days of Inspector Maigret when the French, while being arrogant French, were at least French. The police are apparently the canary in the mine in La Belle France - Here We Go Again The Brussels Journal . And while the cops are being beat up by "Islamic youth" a lot of people are losing their cars - Why 112 cars are burning every day - World - Times Online . But, never fear, Inspector Clouseau is on the case, about five years too late - Muslim airport workers lose clearances - Yahoo! News . Is it not a strange thing that Marie Antoinette was Austrian by birth, is held in disregard by the French, and yet they seem to have her blindness to what is happening around them.

Finally, on a local note. A group of actors and surfers gathered in Malibu to protest the building of an off-shore natural gas plant. The said protesters claimed that the plant would be dangerous, harmful to the ecology and just plain ugly. One wonders what they would have done if said plant was planned for San Bernardino County, Compton or Bakersfield. The silence could be deafening. But only the working class live in those areas. Your needs, as a working class person, matter less to the elite than does their view. Ain't it great?

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