Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bullets? Women and children first!

In the late 19th century during either the Boer War or the Zulu Wars, a troop ship from Great Britain (back in the days when it was "great" and not wimpy) approached the coast of South Africa. During the approach the ship the HMS Birkenhead either ran aground or hit a reef. As was not unusual for the time, the Birkenhead carried not only soldiers, but also the wives and children of officers and non-commissioned officers. When the Birkenhead began to sink the officers on the ship, both army and navy, ordered the soldiers and sailors to assemble in formation on the tilting decks while the women and children were loaded into what few lifeboats were available. One officer, whose name has been, unfortunately, forgotten, let it be known to the assembled military men that women and children were to be saved first. The first recorded cry of "women and children first" was from the decks of the Birkenhead. And that cry, during times of sinking ships, fires and disasters, has been the norm in the English speaking world. Any man who took the place of a woman or child in a lifeboat or exit was considered a scoundrel whose life was worthless and a rat of the lowest sort. The same cry was shouted during the sinking of the Titanic and those men who escaped the disaster by dressing as women were considered less than human men.

The modern age has, in the West, denigrated the idea of "women and children first" as a left over from the age of chivalry, which, as we all know, according to feminists, was an age when women were held in lower esteem than men. For some reason, feminist think that selfishness on the part of men for their own lives instead of their wives and children is some sort expression of male dominance over women. But feminists were, are, and will be mad (meaning crazy) until they are facing danger, then they will insist that they get to the lifeboat first because their wombs are the "future" of the race despite the fact that not a few of them are stone lesbians with no intention of using their wombs for nothing other than some sort of strange sex acts in gay bars.

But be that as it may, this from the Middle East shows the difference between the West and the Islamic monster: Hamas Urges Women, Children to Shield Gunmen in Mosque -- 11/03/2006.

Ain't Islam and the Arab world great?

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