Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Couple of Interesting Items from Britain

Jack Straw set off a little rumble among the Muslims in Great Britain with his suggestion that Muslim women ditch the veil: BBC NEWS UK UK Politics 'Remove full veils' urges Straw Your faithful correspondent believes that what Mr. Straw was referring to was the burkha and other veils that cover the face of the wearer. And your faithful correspondent believes that Mr. Straw is correct in his assessment. The hajib or the chador don't cause problems. Roman Catholic nuns have worn attire similar to those for centuries, and no one kicked a bitch about it. It wasn't so long ago that conservative Protestant women made it a habit to cover their hair in public or lt least in church. But when women insist on walking around looking like Cousin It in full dress, a problem arises. It's like dealing with a person who insists on wearing sunglasses inside. No face. No person.

If a Catholic employer wants to hire only Catholic employees the world comes down on that guy. But, for some reason a Muslim doesn't want to carry a seeing eye dog in his cab there are people who will be cutting excuses for his action: 'Unclean' guide dog banned by Muslim cab driver the Daily Mail But consider the source. Any person who doesn't like dogs is an idiot. Ergo Muslims are idiots.

There is an old Red Indian legend that when God was splitting the world between man and animal the dog jumped across the gap to be with man. One wonders if the potential Muslim jumped across the gap to be with the snakes.

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