Sunday, October 02, 2005

When Pigs Are Outlawed...

One has to wonder what is the matter with the British. Or at least the British legal system There seems to be some sort of suicidal mind set there that is baffling. Is it in some sort of atonement for having once been a great power and civilizing force for much of Third World? Or perhaps some sort of self-punishment for foisting Boy George on the world? Or maybe it's some sort of offering to the goddess Diana (Spenser) as an apology for the fact that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles are still alive while Princess Diana died in a car crash with her Muslim boyfriend.

The British, once one of the most chauvinistic and patriotic people on earth, seem bound and determined to become dhimmis to the Muslim minority. A case in point is the apparent banning of the lowly, yet noble pig from public sight:The Sun Online - News: Muslims win toy pigs ban

If one has ever read English light literature one knows, like no other country known to your faithful correspondent, the English have had a special place in their hearts and culture for pigs. P.G. Wodehouse used pigs and hogs many times in his stories, Orwell had pigs as heroes and villains in Animal Farm, Milne's Winnie The Pooh featured the optimistic Piglet. How many stories and novels feature meetings in pubs called The Pig and Whistle or The Boar's Head? English artists of the past expended quite a lot of oil paint and water color on paintings of magnificent pigs, hogs and boars (and not a few bores and boors, to boot). The pig was as much a symbol of England as John Bull. The pig was to the English what the rooster is to the Mexican.

Now we find that our porcine co-creatures offend the Mohammedans and in the interest of "peace" we are expected to kotow to their feelings while they insist on offending ours. It makes no sense. The Muslims were not forced to immigrate to England (or the U.S or Australia or Canada) and they are not being forced to stay. They can go home to cultures that are more in line with their beliefs any time they want. In fact, it would not be surprising that if a charitable fund were established to repatriate Muslims to their homelands there would be no lack of donations to send them home. They feel that pigs are unclean and so we have to make our affection for pigs (whether as symbols, pets or food) a secret. Who would think that Miss Piggy could be so controversial?

The blog Relapsed Catholic has an interesting idea:++ relapsed catholic ++ religion politics culture blog See the entry for October 1.

Here at Nib Manor we have a cast iron pig used as a gate stop. And said pig will leave the manse when it's pried out of my cold dead fingers.

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