Sunday, October 02, 2005

Pigs are Your Friends

While considering the pig controversy in Great Britain, and I apologize for dragging this Muslim/Pig controversey on longer than some may see fit, it occurred to me that there are several instances of the employment of pigs that Muslims may be rather hypocritical about.

The first is the use of the heart valves of pigs to replace the damaged or diseased heart valves of humans. Would the man who complained about the display of pig figurines and calendars in Britain refuse the replacement of his heart valve(s) with the heart valves of a pig if his heart was hinckey?

The second is insulin. Not keeping up with current pharmacological practices, the last I heard, insulin for diabetics was made from pig by-products. Would this man refuse insulin for himself or his child if they were diabetic?

Thirdly, American football. The football is called the "pigskin." I don't know if the footballs in current use are actually made of pigskin anymore, but the calling of a football a "pigskin" is the same relationship to a pig as is a ceramic figure of a pig to a real China White. Does this mean that a Muslim should not play or watch football?

How many Muslims are walking around in pigskin shoes (think Hush Puppies), have pigskin wallets or key fobs?

Recently one of the Saudi Arabian Muslim poohbahs has dictated that soccer is an UnIslamic game and that all Muslims should abandon soccer and take up something else. Does this mean that the Islamic countries will not be sending soccer teams to the next Olympics?

The whole point of this is that this Mohammedan war against pigs, pig figurines and pig portrayals is really nothing but a grab for power. It is, in a sense, the thin end of the wedge. The banning of pig representations today, the banning of pigs tomorrow. And your wife being forced to wear a chador the next day.

And if you're not a pig fan, remember this; Mohammendans consider dogs "unclean." Are you going to let some knucklehead who doesn't even have the sense to worship the true and living God as either a Jew or Christian tell you that you have to get rid of your mutt because some illiterate merchant in Arabia some 1300 years ago was chased from somebody's door by a dog?

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