Sunday, October 30, 2005

Prince Charles=Twit. Bardot=Prophetess

Imagine that you wake up one day and find yourself to be the Prince of Wales. Your mother, the Queen of England is considered the head of the Anglican Church. One of these days, if you live long enough you will be the King of England and will be the head of the Church of England. One of your titles will be Defender of the Faith. The Church of England is, at least historically, a Christian church. Christianity was, and is, an exclusive religion. In other words, salvation is only found through the Grace of Christ and faith in Christ. Other religions, by this claim of exclusivity, no matter how "nice" or colorful of spiritual, are pretty much exercises in re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic after the iceberg was rear-ended.

Prince Charles, current Prince of Wales and perhaps future king, takes a different tack. He has said in the past that he would like his future title of Defender of the Faith be changed to Defender of Faiths. His idea is that, since Great Britain is now a multi-religious society, he should not favor one over the other. Or to put it another way, he plans on being the head of the Church of Kumbaya. He is a "modern," "liberal" and "forward thinking" monarch. Or to be more truthful and to the point, he plans on being the first dhimmi king of England.

I'm sure that Charles is a nice fellow. He has some ideas about architecture that I agree with, bad taste in wives, is reputedly a decent polo player and a rather indifferent father. That's all his business. But now he has decided to come to the US to explain Islam to us poor benighted Yanks:Telegraph News Prince Charles to plead Islam's cause to Bush. There are about 1.6 million Mohammedans in Great Britain. There are several times that in the US. Large populations of Muslims have a longer history in the US (since about 1900 in Michigan there has been a large Islamic presence) than they do in Great Britain. But Charlie knows best. Perhaps he should visit the Netherlands and explain this all to Ayaan Hirsin Ali, the surviving relatives of Theo Van Gogh or the survivors of Pym Fortyun. Thanks for nuthin', Chuck. And thank God for Washington, Adams, Hamilton and Co.

Meanwhile, in France, there's been a bit of a bother with Muslims rioting in a suburb of Paris:Fjordman: Second night of rioting in Paris. Make sure to read the whole post. The police in Paris admit that they have been unable to deal with the street fighting. They'd better get used to it because it will be come more and more often. Perhaps the foreign Legion should be called out. Meanwhile, Brigette Bardot is considered the author of "hate speech" for warning our French friends years ago about what has happened.

And if you're wondering why there's a photo of BB on this post instead of Charles, the answer is simple. I'd rather look at BB than an inbred twit. But I'm just a dirty dog.

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