Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Little Jihad News

Why is it that women in Europe seem to be more vocal about the encroachment of Islam into Europe than are the men? Consider the fact that both the demi-goddess Brigitte Bardot and the intellectual powerhouse Orianna Fallaci have been prosecuted for their statements regarding the true threat posed by the Islamization of Europe. Ayraan Hirsi Ali, the female Dutch parliamentarian,has been forced to live on a Dutch naval base because of her criticism of the Islamic influence in Holland. The female minister of the interior of the Netherlands has declared war on the burka in Holland, saying, in effect, "The tea party with Islam is over. Dutch values will be the default values in Holland. If you don't like it, shove off." The men, at least the public men, in Europe, seem content to let themselves slide into dhimmitude. It may have something to do with the fact that European men, for all their macho posturing, are rather wimpy -- in effect, akin to gigilos feeling that their manliness comes from delving the span instead of putting up their dukes and fighting for what they believe in. "The Yanks will take care of that, cherie." It may have something to do with soccer, the ultimate Eurotrash sport.

But be that as it may, another woman, from Russia this time, has leveled a blast at Islamofascism and its creeping into Russia: Union of Councils for Soviet Jews: Window on Eurasia: Russian Novelist Does 'N . I'm not a big fan of the Russian Orthodox Church for several reasons that need not be outlined here. But the Russian Orthodox Church and those remaining religious Jews in Russia are probably the bulwarks against the imposition of sharia law in parts of Russia.

Mark Steyn has an interesting article about the reluctance of the mainstream news media to acknowledging the fact that the terrorism in Chechnya is based on Islam: Media utters nonsense, won't call enemy out . One can only assume that NPR is afraid of getting a nasty phone call from Ibraham Hopper for calling a rat a rat.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the lovefest of Muslims and Christians goes on, with the Muslims being the more loving party: >>> /view.php?l=en&art=4359<<<. Actually, the amazing thing in this story is the use of the word "extremists." Most news organizations will not use the term "extremist" when referring to Mohammedans. It might hurt someone's feelings and we wouldn't want that.

And finally, in a non-jihad item, we see that two groups that are societal termites have managed to make bystanders suffer:- - Nazis stink. Neo-Nazis stink even more. Criminal gangs stink. Criminal gangs "protesting" neo-Nazis stink even more. It brings to mind Faulkner's comment to his wife the night before he accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature, "The human race stinks."

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