Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Great Dane

To be absolutely honest, Denmark is not often thought of here at Nib Manor. It's generally thought of, when thought of, as a country where people use an alphabet that utilizes odd superscripts, is the home of Lego, and produced a depressed prince with a mother fixation. There is also something about sardines. But perhaps that's Norway.

Having said that, your faithful correspondent has, for the past few years, held Denmark in higher regard than its Scandinavian and Germanic neighbors for the simple fact that the Danish population has held the idea of a United Europe in contempt. They know that they are Danes, not Europeans. If the average citizen of California thought of himself as merely an American instead of a Prunie or Yankee he would be identifying with a llama herder and Amazonian indian in the same way he identifies with a New Yorker, a Chicagoan, an Atlantan. or a Seattlite.

But to get to the point. A man in Denmark has been jailed for not serving Frenchmen and Germans at his pizza parlor because he sees the French and German position regarding the war in Iraq and the war on terrorism as bending the knee to Islamic terrorism. Aages is one of those rare Europeans who like the US and he has paid the price for being pro-American. Check out his website to get the full story:Aages Pizza And once you've checked out his website, please send him an e-mail to let you know how much you appreciate his sacrifice.

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