Saturday, July 30, 2005

Could It Be?

Occasionally someone will ask your faithful correspondent why he refers to Brigitte Bardot as "almost divine" since he has a marked distaste for the French and has shown no taste for blondes. The answer is simple. La Bardot is more of a concept than she is a real person. She represents a France that never existed in the same way that Penelope represents an Ithaca that never really existed. Any red blooded heterosexual man longs, along with Odysseus, to return to Penelope in the same way that La Bardot draws men who love women. Yours personally prefers women with raven black hair (as is evinced by the ever lovely Lady Nib), but La Bardot is the exception to the rule. She is the France that was French. She is the Marianne.

Now, several years after she was found guilty of "hate speech" for writing that she preferred the sound of church bells on a Sunday morning over the Islamic call to prayer everyday, or that she thinks French whores more honorable than the North African variety. the government of France has put out the word that Muslim clerics who preach anti-Western and anti-French values will be deported. If they had only listened to Marianne twenty years ago.

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