Monday, April 25, 2005

What a Politician Won't Say

In a previous post about the English flag and the Royal Navy I made a mistake.

In the post I said that the Royal Navy ships in the Eastern Mediterranean had been ordered to not fly the flag on St. George's Day to avoid any possible offense to Turkey. That was wrong.

In actuality, the order was directed to the Royal Navy ships in Portsmouth, England. The reason is that several ships from the Turkish Navy are visiting Portsmouth.

There's such a thing as being a gracious host, but things can go too far.

In more flag related news, a group of Chinese-Americans and Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles' Chinatown have decided that it is a good idea to fly the Communist Chinese flag next to the American flag in Chinatown. Taiwan, meanwhile, is ignored. There's nothing like sticking one's thumb in the eye of a friend to appease a bully.

Perhaps one of the reasons I dislike irony in the entertainment industry is that there's so much of it in real life.

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