Saturday, April 30, 2005

Sabato Gigante

The Channel 62 Los Angeles, Mexico controversy goes on.. The governor of the Golden State has said that he finds the billboard unacceptable, but, considering the world of politics, that may be because he thinks that part of his constituency has been taken from him. All politicians, no matter how noble, are grasping and hate to lose territory and/or voters. We'll see what the Guv really thinks by his actions. Talk is cheap.

Mr. Civil Rights has pointed out that the Vice President of Liberman Broadcasting was interviewed this past week by Larry Elder of KABC 790 AM in Los Angeles. Your faithful correspondent didn't hear the interview, but Mr. Civil Rights says that Mr. Liberman came off as rather arrogant.

John Ziegler of KFI 640 AM in Los Angeles apparently also managed to snag an interview with Mr. Liberman. Again, I was unable to hear it, but there may be more information at Ziegler's website which is accessible from I haven't listened much to Ziegler lately because I got tired of hearing about a lack of a sex life and ignorable golf game.

Also, there's an online petition regarding the billboard at They want to get a million signatures by Memorial Day.

All I know is this. When I am in somebody else's else I conduct myself according to their rules. When someone is in my house I expect them to behave according to my rules. When someone is in my house without my permission they are a criminal.

Tomorrow is Sunday and will be a day dedicated to lighter topics.

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