Sunday, April 17, 2005

Under Way

This is my first post on the Bloody Nib blog. Once I get this blog thing and composing business down the motto for this blog will be, "He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad." I don't know if the first part of the motto is true. I'll have to ask my dear mother about that. I'm sure she'll disagree. She's told my lady wife that I was born old and serious.
This blog will be about the Christian religion, politics, society, beer and occasionally tobacco.
My opinions are probably what Mark Twain called "Cornpone" opinions. In other words, one's opinions depends on where one buys one's cornpone.
I'm a machinist, an autodidact (which isn't worth much) and I'm fifty-two years old. I have been married for thirty-one years to a lovely wife with whom I attended high school and who has kept me out of more trouble than she realizes. I have a cocker spaniel who's a goofball and food vacuum and who is a source of constant amusement.

I'm a native Californian but consider myself an upper Southerner or lower Midwesterner since California has become an annex of New York City. I like the Anaheim Angels and the St. Louis Cardinals.
I'm a Primitive Baptist in religion, a conservative in politics, a drinker of ale as opposed to lager or pilsner, and I like to smoke English and Scottish blends in my pipe.
I'm just another guy confused by the modern world and I'm still wondering why I know who Paris Hilton is and why more people don't read Jane Austen.
These are the blogs I like to read:
The Belmont Club :
The Daily Demarche
Patterico's Pontifications
So there you have it. Just another blog to ignore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a thought here...but you probably know Nicky & Paris Hilton from association with their Aunt, Kim Richards.

Kim, as I am sure you recall, played Prudence Everett on the TV series "Nanny and the Professor."

Hope this helps you to sleep more soundly at night knowing that your brain and memories are not merely pawns of popular culture.
(Insert Ironic Laugh Here)