Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Oops! I Did It Again.

Once again, your faithful correspondent finds himself in the uncomfortable position of having to apologize for errors in previous posts. These mistakes were due to insufficient research, bad information or just plain dim-wittedness. The corrections are as follows:

1.) Television station KRCA Channel 62 is owned by Liberman Broadcasting of Burbank California; not Clear Channel as originally posted. Clear Channel is reported to being the owners of the billboards on which the Channel 62 ads appear.

2.) The covers of the books in the Library of America publications come in other colors than green. There are four or five other colors. Most of the LoA books I own have the green covers. And the green is, in my opinion, by far the most pleasing color.

Thanks to Dahhhy49 and Jim Jr. for the corrections

I would urge all readers to check out what is going on at Gates of Vienna. Baron Bodissey has an interesting two part view of "Unfree Speech in Sweden," featuring the observations by an American living in Sweden. And Dymphna looks at the problems of getting any consistent information about the execution of a woman in Afghanistan.

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